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Date: Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 11:32 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-LatAm]: Cohen on Schulze, 'Are We Not Foreigners
Here? Indigenous Nationalism in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands'
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Jeffrey M. Schulze.  Are We Not Foreigners Here? Indigenous
Nationalism in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.  Chapel Hill  University
of North Carolina Press, 2018.  258 pp.  $32.95 (paper), ISBN
978-1-4696-3711-2; $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4696-3710-5.

Reviewed by Theodore Cohen (Lindenwood University)
Published on H-LatAm (February, 2019)
Commissioned by Casey M. Lurtz

Jeffrey M. Schulze's _Are We Not Foreigners Here? Indigenous
Nationalism in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands _rethinks the almost
two-thousand-mile border between the United States and Mexico by
foregrounding indigenous nationalisms rather than the US and Mexican
nation-states. In particular, it focuses on three indigenous
communities--the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham--that have their
own unique experiences with border crossing after the
Mexican-American War and the 1853 Gadsden Purchase. The Yaquis of
Sonora crossed a relatively porous border during the dictatorship of
Porfirio Díaz (1876-1910) to resist the liberal policies that
privatized their communal lands. While the Yaqui traveled northward
into Arizona, the Kickapoos fragmented when they migrated southward
from the Great Lakes region to Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and finally
Coahuila, Mexico, in the 1830s. Rather than crossing the border, the
Tohono O'odham, originally of Sonora, Mexico, point to the
complexities of indigenous community formation when, after 1853, the
border bisected their lands, leaving some of them to navigate Mexican
laws and others, US Indian policies.

_Are We Not Foreigners Here?_ traces the survival strategies members
of the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham nations employed to
maintain community ties across the US-Mexico border in the twentieth
century. Schulze effectively moves beyond the chronicles of
indigenous resistance and the local-state negotiations that have been
a pillar of Mexican historiography since the early 1990s. From a
transnational perspective, he casts the histories of these three
indigenous groups as "challenging, subverting, capitalizing upon, or
just plain ignoring any geopolitical border that sought to contain,
neutralize, and ultimately extinguish their _own_ nationalistic
aspirations" (p. 3). Ultimately, he argues that there was no single
preordained outcome for their strategies to maintain community ties
across the border. While the Yaqui and Kickapoo adapted to changing
historical realities, the Tohono O'odham were less adept at
maintaining a coherent national identity in this transnational

Divided into six chapters, plus an introduction and epilogue, _Are We
Not Foreigners Here? _treats the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham
as case studies, with each tribe having one chapter dedicated to it.
The first two chapters provide background information on all three
tribes, their experiences with Indian removal and reservations in the
United States as well as nineteenth-century liberalism in Mexico, and
a comparison of US and Mexican indigenous policies in the twentieth
century. Similarly, the sixth chapter examines the legal processes by
which the US and Mexican governments came to recognize the Yaqui,
Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham by the beginning of the twenty-first
century. Schulze claims that, for the Yaqui, border policies
increasingly limited migration and thereby set the stage for two
centers of Yaqui culture to emerge, one in Sonora and the other in
Arizona. More mobile than the Yaqui, the Kickapoo maintained seasonal
migration patterns that sustained their cultural unity and
established Eagle Pass, Texas, as a center for tribal cohesiveness.
At the other extreme, the Tohono O'odham, who had been given the
right to cross the border at will after the Mexican-American War,
slowly found more and more of its peoples choosing to remain in
Arizona, a process that divided the Tohono O'odham community in two.
These histories of indigenous nationalism, Schulze concludes, left
each tribe with a legal conundrum by the end of the twentieth
century. Although the US and Mexican governments recognized them as
indigenous, citizenship rights for peoples with such longstanding
histories of border crossing left the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono
O'odham with nebulous rights to federal recognition, a legal process
that itself risked costing them the little transnational mobility
they still possessed.

To reach these conclusions, Schulze weaves US and Mexican federal
indigenous policies and borderlands history together through a
creative mix of comparative and transnational methods. Even though
the border looms over the lives of the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono
O'odham communities, it is not the focus of his research. Instead,
_Are We Not Foreigners Here? _evokes Rebecca J. Scott's _Degrees of
Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after Slavery _(2005). Delving into the
politics of race, labor, and freedom in post-emancipation societies,
Scott explores how the local histories of sugar production
"overlapped and intersected, making comparison a matter of daily
experience."[1] Schulze's examples are similarly rooted in local
conditions that beg for comparative as well as transnational
analyses. As he argues, local, regional, and national politics and
economics in the United States and Mexico "forced these Indians to
'go transnational'" (p. 22).

_Are We Not Foreigners Here? _is not a standard transnational history
of race in the Americas. Instead of highlighting the intellectual
exchanges, institutional circuits, and cultural flows between two or
more countries, Schulze gives primacy to the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and
Tohono O'odham nations, much like how Pekka Hämäläinen centers the
Comanche as a political, economic, and cultural empire on par with
nearby colonial and national states in _The Comanche Empire_ (2008).
"Reorienting one's perspective within these _indigenous_ nations,"
Schulze contends, "then, allows one to approach these three groups'
histories as might a historian of foreign policy or international
diplomacy" (p. 7). Because his methodology has stronger antecedents
in nineteenth-century Indian policy in the United States than in
Mexico, where calls for _mestizaje_ and indigenous integration have
dominated the historical record, it challenges historians of
indigeneity in Mexico to rethink the state-centric parameters that
often have gone unquestioned in the historiography of Mexico since

However, the grassroots histories of the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono
O'odham peoples occasionally get lost in_ Are We Not Foreigners
Here?_ Newspaper articles from the United States as well as
ethnographic accounts, especially by anthropologist Edward Spicer,
obscure the stories Schulze wants to tell. The voices of Yaqui,
Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham peoples tend to get second billing.
Similarly, the Mexican side of these transnational histories--from
the generational shifts in Mexican _indigenismo_ to the regional
political and cultural debates in Sonora and Coahuila--could have
been developed more effectively. More thorough use of Mexican
archives and the well-established historiography on postrevolutionary
indigenous integration would have enlivened the political and
intellectual narratives in _Are We Not Foreigners Here?_[2]

Nonetheless, _Are We Not Foreigners Here?_ provides a history of
indigenous nationalisms in the long twentieth century that encourages
scholars of Mexico, the borderlands, and the southwest US to consider
indigenous communities, not border debates between the US and Mexico,
as the point of departure for borderlands history. Schulze's
jargon-free histories of the Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham as
well as his clear organizational structure also should make _Are We
Not Foreigners Here? _accessible to undergraduates.


[1]. Rebecca J. Scott, _Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after
Slavery _(Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2005), 2.

[2]. For some exemplary recent studies of Mexican _indigenismo_ in
the twentieth century, see Rick A. López, _Crafting Mexico:
Intellectuals, Artisans, and the State after the Revolution _(Durham,
NC: Duke University Press, 2010); Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt, _The
Science and Politics of Race in Mexico and the United States,
1910-1950_ (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press,
2018); and Stephen E. Lewis, _Rethinking Mexican _Indigenismo_: The
INI's Coordinating Center in Highland Chiapas and the Fate of a
Utopian Project_ (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2018).

Citation: Theodore Cohen. Review of Schulze, Jeffrey M., _Are We Not
Foreigners Here? Indigenous Nationalism in the U.S.-Mexico
Borderlands_. H-LatAm, H-Net Reviews. February, 2019.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=53324

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Andrew Stewart
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