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(From the website of the Trump-endorsed Republican opponent to Paul Ryan in the 2016 House of Representatives Wisconsin primary.

(Team Nehlen) – At a secretive retreat of billionaire conservative donors sponsored by Charles and David Koch at the super-luxurious Broadmoor Resort in Colorado on Monday, House Speaker Paul Ryan again pushed for multi-national free trade deals, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, that Donald Trump opposes.

At the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce gathering of some 400 donors who give at least $100,000 a year to Koch-affiliated organizations, Ryan reportedly raised the trade issue while taking yet another veiled swipe at the GOP’s presidential nominee…

“We’ve got to win some of these fights in Washington on behalf of the free-market system. We have our work cut out for us. … We have a different kind of (presidential) nominee now. It’s unique. … We’re having a hard time with our party these days.”

He was given a standing ovation.

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