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The link below is to an excerpt from an article by Tony Wood in the latest N+1 as part of a Ukraine supplement that breaks with the Putinite consensus. Wood tries to untangle all the conflicting elements of Euromaidan using a class analysis.

N+1 is a magazine that I have subscribed to for a couple of years along with Jacobin and Salvage. The 3 would generally be regarded as the voice of the new emerging Marxist intelligentsia but what distinguishes Salvage and N+1 from Jacobin is its willingness to challenge the shibboleths of the crypto-Stalinists who have grown so shameless that they probably would make Gus Hall blanch if he was still alive.

Does the name Tony Wood ring a bell? It should. Wood was the author of a landmark article in the Nov-Dec 2004 NLR titled "The Case for Chechnya" that took up the cause of an oppressed people who were Russia's trial run for Syria. It was around that time that I began rethinking a lot of the assumptions I had made on account of the war in Yugoslavia. When people, including many Marxism list subscribers, began to say the same kind of crap you hear routinely from Mike Whitney or Pepe Escobar today, I said "whoa, what's going on here." Wood is first rate. Kudos to N+1 for lining him up for the supplement. Maybe this example will begin to sink in through the thick skulls of the Jacobin editorial board.

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