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As it happens, the avatar of this perverse dialectic is the executive producer of Suicide Squad, Steven Mnuchin, a former investment banker who now captains Trump’s fundraising efforts. Mnuchin, scion of a Goldman Sachs fortune, has an impressive resume as a financial-industry bottom feeder, pocketing the proceeds of his mother’s account with Bernie Madoff’s notorious Ponzi fund just prior to its collapse, and exploiting the 2008 financial crisis to transform the teetering California mortgage lender OneWest into a foreclosure mill—victimizing predominately nonwhite owners of distressed homes and clearing a cool $3 billion in federally subsidized profits between 2009 and 2014. He also, naturally enough, was a donor to Hillary Clinton’s senate campaigns—as was Trump himself. Who better, in other words, to market a cinematic fable about the virtual equivalency of evil, and to make the market’s own species of social violence seem blandly alluring?

full: http://thebaffler.com/blog/kriss-ho-hum-squad
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