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American evangelicals meet ‘Christian Russia’

The WCF [World Christian Foundation] first appeared in Russia in mid-1990s, but it was not until the late 2000s when the group increased its cooperation with Russia. In 2012, Konstantin Malofeev co-founded what later became the Charitable Foundation of St. Basil the Great with a budget of $42 million—an official partner of the WCF.

Last year was especially important for the cooperation between the WCF and its partners in Russia. Malofeev took part in WCF VII in Sydney, where he ardently promoted the idea of Russia being a bastion of traditional Christian values opposing the decadent West.

“Now Christian Russia can help liberate the West from the new liberal anti-Christian totalitarianism of political correctness, gender ideology, mass-media censorship and neo-Marxist dogma,” Malofeev said.

The WCF was clearly convinced by Malofeev’s offer. “The Russians might be the Christian saviors to the world; at the U.N. they really are the ones standing up for these traditional values of family and faith,” Lawrence Jacobs, WCF’s vice president, said.

On June 13, Yelena Mizulina—a Russian politician and a major adherent of the hard right agenda in Russia—chaired the Committee for Family, Women and Children Issues in the Russian parliament, to which she invited a number of Western “experts” to endorse social conservative policies in Russia.

Among them were François Legrier, president of the right-wing Catholic Movement of Families; Hugues Revel, president of Catholics in Campaign; Brian Brown, president of the U.S.-based anti-gay organization National Organization for Marriage which is a partner of the WCF; and Aymeric Chauprade, the foreign adviser to the French far right National Front’s leader, Marine Le Pen.

Officially, they discussed laws that would prevent gay couples from adopting Russian orphans. However, the presence of several Russian foreign affairs officials—including parliamentary foreign affairs committee chief Aleksey Pushkov—revealed that the committee was not simply a matter of internal politics.

Some speeches of the participants corroborated this. Legrier attacked the “individualistic and freedom-loving philosophy of Enlightenment that was allegedly trying to free a man from any law that was alien to him.”

Chauprade condemned the U.S. and NATO that, in his view, were conspiring against Russia and European sovereignty, undermining “the foundations of civilization, individual dignity, family and sovereign nation,” as well as “terrorizing the European ruling class while being financially supported by the globalist and American business circles.”

full: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/the-kremlin-builds-an-unholy-alliance-with-americas-christian-right-5de35250066b
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