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Murray was a gentleman critic of the old school. Others were less polite. Styron came under attack at public panels and events. Dissenting reviews and commentaries were collected in a book, William Styron’s Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond. The contributors had tallied up the many liberties he had taken. Nat Turner’s sermons rang false to scholars who had studied church rhetoric from the era. The doubts and indecision Styron imputes to Turner had no factual basis. And why would Turner lust after a young white woman when there was evidence he was married? Styron himself, despite the support he would receive from important writers and academics, would later summarize the verdict against him. He’d written “one long hysterical polemic from beginning to end: I’m a racist, a distorter of history, a defamer of black people, a traducer of the heroic image of ‘our’ Nat Turner.”

full: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2016/08/the-literary-battle-for-nat-turners-legacy
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