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(A predictably snide article but one that reflects the recognition that the GP is becoming more important.)

NY Times, August 7 2016
Green Party Sees Opportunity Amid Wide Voter Discontent

HOUSTON — Minutes before she addressed a boisterous crowd at the Green Party convention here on Saturday, Jill Stein sat in a mirror-walled room backstage, gazing at her reflection with a look of dumbstruck bliss.

“Can you say that again?” Ms. Stein asked.

“You’re at 6 percent in a new poll,” her press director, Meleiza Figueroa, repeated. “Sixteen percent with voters under 30.”

Most presidential candidates would blanch at such a figure this late in the race, but Ms. Stein, 66, is unlike most candidates. As the nominee of the Green Party, she offers an unswervingly progressive platform that includes abolishing student debt, establishing a right to a living-wage job and cutting military spending by at least 50 percent.

With one more nod of disbelief at the poll numbers, she returned to editing her speech and picking at a plastic container of berries. “Wow,” whispered Ms. Stein, a physician-turned-activist. “That’s fantastic.”

During a campaign noted for historic levels of discontent with both major-party candidates, the Greens are projecting a restored sense of vitality and righteousness. Ms. Stein insists she sees a viable path to victory that involves disillusioned Democrats and students burdened by mountainous debt.

Even though that forecast appears more than a tad overzealous, the Greens are having a minor-party moment, with Ms. Stein drawing around 4 or 5 percent in other polls. When she ran in 2012, she won less than half of 1 percent of the vote.

Buoying the Greens’ popularity is a recent wave of progressive movements, most notably the insurgent campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. Since Mr. Sanders’s defeat in the Democratic primaries, Ms. Stein has made no secret of pursuing his voters. During the Democratic National Convention, she courted throngs of “Bernie-or-Bust” adherents in and outside the arena in Philadelphia.

And at the Green convention here at the University of Houston, Ms. Stein did not wait long to appeal to her new followers. “I want to recognize the people coming out of the Bernie Sanders campaign who helped launch a national movement and refused to let that movement die in the Democratic Party,” said Ms. Stein, who formally accepted her party’s nomination alongside her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, on Saturday. The crowd, in turn, chanted, “Jill, not Hill!”

Among the newly converted faithful were Blake Weaver and Lisa Malanij, former Sanders supporters who sought refuge in the Green Party after what both described as a “heartbreaking and disenchanting” Democratic primary race.

“They basically orchestrated a coup of the party,” said Mr. Weaver, 30. “And here I was thinking the Democrats were the good guys.”

“I loved Bernie, but after he dropped out, there was this vacuum,” said Ms. Malanij, 30. “Now I’m trying to figure out what to do with all this energy.”

But surveys suggest the vast majority of Sanders supporters, as many as nine in 10, intend to vote for Hillary Clinton. And many of those who continue to rebuff her “were not truly Democrats to begin with,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Polling Institute at Monmouth University. “These were third-party voters who got pulled to the Democrats by Bernie,” Mr. Murray said. “Now they’re drifting back Green.”

The Green Party’s modern heyday — or low point, depending on the perspective — came in 2000, when its candidate, Ralph Nader, received 2.7 percent of the vote, the most the party has achieved in a national race. He also drew the ire of many Democrats after George W. Bush defeated Al Gore by a mere 537 votes in the decisive state of Florida. There, Mr. Nader tallied more than 97,000 votes, most of which, presumably, would have otherwise gone to Mr. Gore.

Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, has even championed the Green Party “because I figure anyone voting for Stein is going to be for Hillary,” he said recently in Toledo, Ohio.

For the Greens, the spoiler concept is sensitive territory. “We don’t want to be a threat; we want to be a force for good,” said Julie George-Carlson, 58, a longtime Green activist who is running for secretary of state of Missouri. To this day, Ms. George-Carlson said, neighbors accost her in the grocery store, blaming her for Mr. Bush’s victory in 2000. Still, she has no regrets.

“I vote for my favorite candidate,” she said. “How dare anyone tell me to do otherwise.”

But the fear is there.

“Jill’s the candidate I believe in, but I live in Ohio,” said Ms. Malanij, who has been chastised online for her advocacy of Ms. Stein. “So if things are close in the end, I’d have to consider Hillary.”

Magnifying Ms. Malanij’s ambivalence were aspects of the Green convention itself. “It’s kind of small and disorganized and, honestly, just weird,” she said. “I’ll put it this way: It’s not exactly the D.N.C.”

To be sure, the weekend featured some eccentricities. On Friday evening, dozens of Greens clapped and danced (with varying degrees of skill) to a talent show that featured no shortage of slam poetry and earnest acoustic guitar. Yvonne Neubert, a supporter from Nashville wearing a tie-dyed shirt, got the crowd going with a self-written song about marijuana reform: “I’m Green Party and I’m cannabis proud,” sang Ms. Neubert, 52. “I wear my pot leaf on my sleeve and my head’s above the cloud.”

Later, Grey Space, an artist from Portland, Ore., sporting a braided silver beard and all-black attire, read a series of verses with lines like “truth trumps troops” and “we are gonna Banksy the big banks, see?” (Mr. Space declined to provide his age, saying he was conceived in 1969, but feels like his soul is “much older.”)

On Saturday, Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, called in via Skype to discuss the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails, among other topics, but the discussion was hampered by technical difficulties.

For some, the most disturbing peculiarity of Ms. Stein’s campaign came when she questioned the process by which vaccines were approved in remarks on Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” and to The Washington Post. Her language echoed some of the arguments of the anti-vaccination movement, but Ms. Stein also called vaccines “invaluable” and did not oppose their use. She called the furor over her remarks “the ‘birther’ discussion of 2016.”

Ms. Stein is unlikely to be invited to the presidential debates, which require candidates to draw at least 15 percent in national polls. The Libertarian Party’s nominee, Gary Johnson, is attracting more support than Ms. Stein, though he, too, would need a lift to make the stage.

Given the daunting odds against Ms. Stein winning the presidency, the Green Party’s biggest practical objective this election may be securing enough support to guarantee greater ballot access in future races.

But for many Green devotees, the party can triumph, even in defeat, as a gadfly to the left. “We’re making progress,” Ms. Stein said in an interview, “whether we win office or simply win the day by pushing forward a new agenda.”

Soon she waded into a cheering crowd, both hands in peace signs, eager to convince any doubters that either scenario remains possible.

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