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Ivan Ovsyannikov, Russian Socialist Movement (RSD):

The companies engaged in this business are the very same “domestic
producers” whose profits are the cause of the comedy with the produce
crematoria on the border. To assure yourself this is the case all you need
to know is that the man who encouraged Putin’s decree, agriculture
ministerAlexander Tkachev, is a major latifundista. (Some label him one of
the largest landowners in Europe.) Relatives of the former governor of
Krasnodar Krai own 450,000 hectares of farmland. When they speak of
defending Russia’s economic interests, they are talking about defending the
sharks of Russian agrobusiness from foreign competition, not about the
welfare of consumers, the plight of the poor or the salaries of farm
workers. How import substitution has affected the condition of farm workers
can be seen from the Timashevskaya Poultry Farm (the largest poultry
producer in the Samara Region), where an attempt by workers to organize an
independent trade union has met fierce resistance from the farm’s
prosperous owner.

Of course, the destruction of produce appears cynical given that seven
percent of Russians suffer from chronic malnutrition, an even greater
number of people have been forced by the crisis to save on food, and there
are three to five million homeless people, of whom over fifty thousand are
children. However, the reaction of public, who have demanded the
confiscated produce be given to orphanages or sent as humanitarian aid to
Donbass, is insufficient, despite its moral validity. To deal with the
social consequences of the crisis, what we need are not random acts of
charity but consistent policies of redistributing incomes, defending jobs,
and providing assistance to the poor. We must introduce progressive
taxation, provide citizens with social benefits on which they can live,
index pensions and wages, and regulate the labor market and prices of
essential goods. In other words, we have to reject neoliberal policies that
deliberately lead to the destruction of the welfare state. The issue of
social welfare should not be an appendix to Internet discussions of the
plight of Spanish ham and parmesan, but the central point in the agenda of
all opposition forces claiming popular support.

Meanwhile, as bloggers crack jokes about the cheese Auschwitz at the
Russian Customs Service, the government is preparing a draft budget for
2016–2018. It provides for measures such as raising the retirement age,
reduction of the number of free tuition spots in universities, higher taxes
and charges on ordinary citizens, a freeze on social benefit payments, and
a refusal to index pensions, benefits, and teachers’ salaries. The specter
of austerity has risen in Russia. Against this truly ominous threat, the
games at customs appear to be nothing more than a red herring.

Read the full post here:


George Losev, Petersburg leftist activist:

The EU and US have imposed sanctions against a number of Putin’s friends
and several major Russian companies. The sanctions basically boil down to
the fact that these people and companies cannot borrow money from

In response, the Russian authorities have announced that these sanctions
are against the whole of Russia. The Russian authorities have been seeking
to make it possible for Putin’s friends and major Russian companies to
borrow from foreigners once again.

In addition, the Russian authorities have imposed retaliatory sanctions.
They have banned the import of produce from several countries. Not from
specific individuals and companies, but from whole countries. Of course,
even just six months before the sanctions were introduced, no one knew
anything about them and was not preparing for anything of the sort. This
has led to yet another hike in food prices and has primarily hurt the
working class.

And yet the official propaganda of the Russian Federation declares that
this produce is dangerous (!), and that all countries destroy contraband
(!!), and the murderer and mafioso [Russian agriculture minister Alexander]
Tkachevhas been doing the rounds on TV, explaining that the problem should
be solved once and for all.

That is the picture. Total capitalist whack jobs who have privatized the
state and have been using it for their own personal interests are
plundering the working class and the poor and pushing the country towards
war with the whole world.

And yet half the folks on my Facebook feed, including leftists, have
started moaning, Oh, enough of this destroying produce already, oh, shame
on them, shame.

But what do you want to see? What issues are more important?

See the full post here:
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