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> Neoliberal economic policy that shrinks/starves the public sector and
> refuses to allocate $$$$ to repair infrastructure so as to prepare it for
> being "rescued" by privatization, is responsible for this tragedy. Sadly,
> we can expect more, especially in the US with its dangerous and criminally
> in-need- of-repair bridges, tunnels, rail network and highways.
> clips from the article -
> Years before part of the structure dissolved in a lethal cascade of
> concrete and steel, it required constant repair work, and experts in
> Parliament, industry and academia raised alarms that it was deteriorating
> and possibly dangerous.
> Italy has suffered a series of bridge collapses in recent years — though
> none nearly as serious as Genoa’s — and many other spans are showing
> serious wear.
> Some Italian news organizations reported
> <https://www.ilfoglio.it/politica/2018/08/14/news/il-crollo-del-ponte-morandi-una-favoletta-la-frase-che-imbarazza-il-m5s-209970/>
>  that
> Five Star officials had previously mocked concerns about the condition of
> the bridge <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg4Y2k6vYRA>, which opened in
> 1967.
> …the company that operated the A10 highway, including the bridge, saying
> it charged heavy tolls on the many highways it manages, but did not invest
> enough in maintenance.
> *“When we pay a toll, we imagine that part of that money will be
> reinvested in the maintenance of bridges and roads. If instead of investing
> they divide up profits, that’s when bridges collapse.”*
> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/15/world/europe/italy-
> genoa-bridge-collapse.html
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