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Letter from Paris - France's 'war on terror' and the backlash

Nick Riemer in France writes about the terrorist attacks and the ruling class's warmongering response in Australian socialist magazine Solidarity. Among other things he says:

'The opportunism of France’s political leadership will be paid for in more tragic and avoidable blood-baths, whether in France or in Raqqa. As a worshipper at a northern Paris mosque told Libération, “If we consider ourselves as at war, then the terrorists will have won their battle”. The three mainstream parties have no interest in that lesson: ordinary people’s interests do not figure in their calculations. A new French war on terror won’t bring peace; it will only reinforce the power of the political establishment.

'Everyone else’s interests can only be safeguarded by a progressive and democratic movement from below. The radical, anti-capitalist left has a heavy responsibility, both in France and outside it.'

To read the whole article click here. http://enpassant.com.au/2015/11/16/letter-from-paris-frances-war-on-terror-and-the-backlash/

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