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*Open Letter to Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Legislators of MORENA*:

*- No to the signing of the new “Free Trade” agreement with the United

*- For the recovery of Mexico's national sovereignty,*

*- For the renationalization of Mexico's energy resources,*

*- For the repeal of the counter-reform of Mexico's public education

*- Respect the mandate of July 1!*

We, the undersigned, hereby express our opposition to the new “Free Trade”
agreement with the United States that has been signed by the current
government of Enrique Peña Nieto and Donald Trump.[1] We call on you to
reject this agreement and to push for its rejection by the Congress of the

The negotiations of this new U.S.-Mexico Trade Agreement were conducted in
near secrecy. Little is known by the population about the new terms of the
proposed agreement. But from the information that the media have leaked, it
very much appears that this new treaty is nothing more than the deepening
of the policies implemented over more than two decades under NAFTA.

We are concerned that this new treaty will serve to further open up our
economy for the sole benefit of the large U.S. transnational corporations,
with an even greater subordination of our government to the dictates of
U.S. foreign policy and its measures of internal security and migration.
These have already been expressed in the construction of the Wall of Shame
on the northern border, the militarization of our country, and the
separation of families.

NAFTA has only brought to our country the bankruptcy of our countryside,
the loss of our food sovereignty, the destruction of our national
productive capacity, the overexploitation of the labor force, and a sharp
increase in the cost of living. The implementation of the Energy
Counter-Reform law has also led to the loss of our energy sovereignty.

All the counter-reforms that have been imposed in recent decades by what
you, Mr. López Obrador, call the "mafia of power" are the direct result of
the demands for greater deregulation, liberalization, and privatization
contained in the NAFTA treaty. The "reforms" to the retirement systems and
pensions; the successive "reforms" to Articles 3, 27, and 123 of Mexico's
Constitution; and the labor and educational "reforms" are all the
by-products of this treaty. In fact, NAFTA became the true Constitution of
our country, one that was never debated or endorsed by the people, but was
imposed on them.

Donald Trump betted on reaching an agreement with the weakest negotiator  —
Mexico  — in order to blackmail the Canadian government with an established
treaty. The government of Peña Nieto and its negotiator, Luis Videgaray,
have lent themselves to this maneuver. For us, the undersigned, it is
worrisome that members of the new incoming administration have participated
in the trade talks and have endorsed what was negotiated.

Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, deputies and senators from MORENA:

Full: *https://tinyurl.com/ydhfnsah <https://tinyurl.com/ydhfnsah>*
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