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Maduro: No es tiempo de traidores, es tiempo de lealtad practicada <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/maduro-tiempo-traidores-tiempo-lealtad-practicada_648718>

El presidente de la República llamó a la definición de posiciones políticas, diciendo que o se está “con la...

Policy <http://www.eluniversal.com/politica/>



   Maduro: It is not time for traitors, is time of loyalty practiced

The President of the Republic called for the definition of political positions, saying that either you are "to the motherland" or you are "with the betrayal of the fatherland". He also stressed that approved resources to ensure that every soldier has a rifle.


·It announced that it would issue a constitutional message to the national armed forces.

the Minister Godfather Lopez words of support given on behalf of the Bolivarian national armed forces

aspiring to "unite various avenues and highways of the great Caracas, with the people in peace".


President Nicolas Maduro said the leaders of the political opposition, and to all those who criticize his Government, which will not yield to their pressure

Mature: "it is not time of traitors, it time of treason, it time of faltering"

*Caracas.-*During the main event to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the national Bolivarian militia (MNB), the President of the Republic Nicolas Maduro called to stay loyal to the Bolivarian revolution and the ideals by the founder and leader of the chavista movement, the deceased President Hugo Chávez Frías.

*"Is not a time of traitors, is not a time of betrayal, is not a time of faltering. "That each who will define if we are with the motherland or are with the treason, if we are with the historic village of Bolivar or we are with those who kneel to imperial power factors", said, *accompanied by the Defense Minister, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino Lopez, of the general commander of the MNB, César Vega Gonzalez and a large group of members of his Cabinet , in addition to the first lady.

*"Is not a time of hesitation, it's revolution time. It is not time of treason, wakati practiced loyalty, loyalty of heart with the humble of the Earth,"added *immediately the first national President in the event that leads this Monday on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the MNB.

To this very day the directive of the National Assembly (AN) - opposition-majority, announced that it would issue a constitutional message to the national armed forces. <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/mud-para-marcha-del-abril-gente-mas-gente_648517>

The activity develops in the Miraflores Palace in Caracas.

*Thanks to the Minister of Defense*

*Minutes earlier thanked you "with humility, loyalty and commitment" Minister Godfather Lopez words of support given on behalf of the Bolivarian national armed forces <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/padrino-lopez-fan-ratifica-lealtad-presidente-nicolas-maduro_648717>(possibility). "Paid love with love, loyalty with loyalty pays, general in Chief" he told him.*

He said the leaders of the political opposition, and to all those who criticize his Government which will not yield to their pressure, "I have not bullied or me intimidarán ever. To those who live in the plot, the conspiracy know it".

*In defense of the revolution*

All the followers of the ruling party, but especially members of the militia authorized them to go out and defend the Bolivarian revolution if somehow the political opposition or "betrayal" came to power, such as in the reported facts from 11 to 13 April 2002.

*"If they come as the 11, we will leave as the 13. I agree and it should be. If someday you see or dawn with news that the betrayal and the far right have tried to impose some form of coup out as 13 to take total power of the Republic. Insurrection in all popular, military forces which has the homeland. Do not hesitate a second", released.*

However, he urged that "there is no more an April 11", but "an April 13 permanent, of loyalty, of union, of work, of harmony, of national harmony".

*A rifle for every militiaman*

It was reported that *to the Minister of Defense approved plans to expand this year the MNB to 500 thousand militiamen, ensuring that each one of them has "with all its equipment and guarantee the possibility a rifle for every militiaman, a rifle for every Member." Resources are approved".*

He noted that this military component must be integrated by farmers, University students, by working, oil, transport, education class.

In the same line of union of these two military forces, the head of State announced that from Monday a set of doctrine, military, military events, takes place in the possibility and the MNB.

It's "the day the defence of honour, morality and the military commitment of Venezuela. The day for the union of the possibility, in defense of the possibility", as named.

*"And that the spirit of April 13 will allow us to succeed by way of the Constitution and peace before any onslaught, or any attempt seeking to right or imperialism," he stressed, returning to make a call to the loyalty *of the supporters of the Bolivarian revolution.

He said that "whatever it is" the circumstance, will remain "a workman, as President, as Commander in Chief, of foot, always beside you, always facing the difficulties and bravely".

*"Red tide" Wednesday throughout Caracas*

He continued reporting that Tuesday the Government will keep doing more workshops across the country and *is expected to make "the most gigantic red tide that has been in the history of Venezuela", for Wednesday 19 April* aspiring to "unite various avenues and highways of the great Caracas, with the people in peace". <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/aissami-chavismo-desbordara-caracas-abril_648523>

"I have been told that they will join the Miraflores Palace, all avenues, across avenida Bolivar and all the avenues and highways to Plaza Venezuela and more beyond", he said, according to the organization that have planned for their manifestation.


ONU advirtió que entrega de armas a civiles causa más tensión en Venezuela <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/onu-advirtio-que-entrega-armas-civiles-causa-mas-tension-venezuela_648819>

El portavoz de la Oficina del alto comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Rupert Colville, indicó que en el contexto del...

   UN warned that you delivery of weapons to civilians cause more
   tension in Venezuela

The spokesman of the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for human rights, Rupert Colville, said that it is necessary in the context of the "conflict" in the country, the situation "will appease, which does not increase".

·pril 18, 2017 07:19 AM

Updated April 18, 2017 09:20 AM

     T*Geneva-*the Office of the High Commissioner for human rights
     United Nations warned Tuesday the national Government that the
     delivery of weapons to civilians will only exacerbate the tension
     and conflict in Venezuela.

"What is needed in this context of conflict is that tension defuses, not that increase, and few more guns on the street more possibilities that can be used", said spokesman of the Office, Rupert Colville, who added that "giving weapons to civilians involves much risk".

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, *announced yesterday that it has approved a plan to expand to 500 thousand members of the Bolivarian militia, armed with rifles,*** <http://www.eluniversal.com/noticias/politica/maduro-tiempo-traidores-tiempo-lealtad-practicada_648718>they will be displayed in all areas for the '' defense '' of the country, it reported EFE.

"A gun for every soldier," said the head of State radio and television.

The Chairman indicated that final, "large but indispensable", aims to "go to the Organization and training of a militia (...) million organized, trained and armed to defend the peace"to alleged attempts to the opposition of promoting an international intervention.

COLVILLE reminded the President that freedom of Assembly and demonstration is a universal human right and which therefore must be respected.

That said, he also referred to the protesters and told them that they should be "peaceful protest".

"We reiterate to the Government that there should be massive or indiscriminate arrests and that the Executive should do everything possible to appease the tension", he added.

COLVILLE requested the Government of ripe to carry out "an impartial investigation" of all acts of violence that have occurred in the context of the protests and especially "that have ended with the death of people".

"The situation is very volatile and any violent death must be investigated deeply and impartial," he reiterated, in reference to the six violent deaths in the context of civil unrest that the country is experiencing.



Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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