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I've omitted the first few paragraphs and am starting with an excellent
discussion of Democrats, liberals, foreign policy and military elites:

We see a constant parade of Washington pooh-bahs like James Comey, Andrew
McCabe and John Brennan on cable, sounding the alarm and presenting
themselves as the white hats to Trump’s black hat. Retired generals grimace
at the president’s impetuous, ego-driven foreign policy.

The left keens that the president is destroying our sacred institutions and
jeopardizing our national security. But for many Americans, the events of
the last week prove that Trump is right to be cynical about a rigged system
and deep-state elites.

The inspector general’s report about the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation
offered a hideous Dorian Gray portrait of the once-vaunted law enforcement
agency. As Charlie Savage wrote in The Times, the report uncovered “a
staggeringly dysfunctional and error-ridden process.” The F.B.I. run by
Comey and McCabe was sloppy, deceitful and cherry-picking — relying on
nonsense spread by Christopher Steele.

With the stunning and sad “Afghanistan Papers,” The Washington Post
revealed what we knew in our hearts: We have spent 18 years and a trillion
dollars in Afghanistan, with generals lying and hiding evidence that the
war was unwinnable, just as the generals did in Vietnam. As one general
conceded, they did not understand Afghanistan and didn’t have “the foggiest
notion” of what they were doing.

Even as President Barack Obama escalated the war, poured in more billions
and promised to crack down on corruption, The Post said, the United States
looked away and let its allies — the Afghan president, warlords, drug
traffickers and defense contractors — wallow in fraud, corruption and dark

Then there’s “The Report,” streaming on Amazon, the heroic saga of Daniel
Jones, played by Adam Driver. Jones is working for Dianne Feinstein on the
Senate Intelligence Committee and spends years compiling a report
documenting the C.I.A.’s use of waterboarding and other forms of torture in
secret prisons, a barbaric, un-American and ineffective system designed by
two creepy psychologists who were paid about $81 million by the C.I.A.

The movie is not kind to Barack Obama and Denis McDonough, suggesting that
they protected the C.I.A. and tried to bury grisly details from the report
to fend off criticism that Obama was weak on terrorism. It is also a harsh
portrayal of Brennan, MSNBC’s Voice-of-Morality, who, as C.I.A. director,
fought the Senate inquiry so hard that his operatives even clandestinely
hacked into the computer network of committee staff members to figure out
how they were getting their information.

If this weren’t enough institutional perfidy for one week, we had the
Boeing hearing in Congress: An F.A.A. analysis done after the first deadly
crash off the coast of Indonesia showed that the agency knew that if it did
not act, the Boeing 737 Max was likely to crash 115 times in the 45 years
it was expected to fly, theoretically killing more than 2,900 people. But
that wasn’t enough to immediately ground it. The government is supposed to
protect us from the greedy capitalists, not the other way around.

Unfortunately, this climate of confusion and cynicism allows Trump to
prosper. He did not come to Washington to clean up the tainted system; he
came to bathe in it.

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