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Unlike other Northern lawyers who joined the struggle in the South, he
stayed, and won a landmark case.

By Katharine Q. Seelye
April 23, 2020

In 1966, on a swampy strip of land south of New Orleans, a young black man
named Gary Duncan was defusing a potential fight between white and black
teenagers outside a newly integrated school when he touched an arm of one
of the white boys, who recoiled. The police later arrested Mr. Duncan on a
charge of battery. His request for a jury trial was denied, and he was
sentenced to 60 days in prison and fined $150.

Mr. Duncan and his mother asked a young, white civil rights lawyer, Richard
Sobol, to represent him, which he did. Mr. Sobol fought the case all the
way to the United States Supreme Court. In a landmark 1968 decision, the
court ruled for Mr. Duncan and established the right to a jury trial in
state criminal cases.

The ruling was a major victory for the civil rights movement and for Mr.
Sobol, who was 29 at the time and just beginning his legal career.

Over the next half-century, he would file scores of challenges involving
racial and sexual discrimination in employment, education, voting and
housing. He became one of the nation’s busiest and most successful — if
unsung — champions of civil rights.

Mr. Sobol died on March 24 at his home in Sebastopol, Calif. He was 82. His
wife, Anne Sobol, also a lawyer who sometimes practiced with him, said the
cause was aspiration pneumonia.

Mr. Sobol took on a wide range of civil rights cases, often at great
personal risk and under threat of violence. In the Duncan case, he was
thrown in jail on bogus charges. His release was an important victory for
civil rights lawyers across the South.

In his litigation, he made particularly effective use of the new Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and its Title VII, which prohibited racial
discrimination in employment.

In a major lawsuit against a paper mill in Bogalusa, La. — one of the first
class-action suits involving Title VII — he successfully argued that the
use of tests in hiring and the use of seniority in promotions violated the
Civil Rights Act.

“He was a natural,” Ms. Sobol said in an interview. “He practiced law on a
whole different level from most of us.”

Mr. Sobol often said that his greatest defeat was his failure to convince
the Supreme Court in 1972 that juries should be required to reach unanimous
decisions. The court revisited the issue recently and, in a triumph that he
did not live to see, ruled on Monday that jury decisions involving serious
crimes had to be unanimous.

Mr. Sobol practiced primarily in Louisiana and Washington, D.C. But he
preferred working in the trenches in Louisiana than on antitrust cases for
the white shoe firm in Washington that employed him. In a description of
his early career — which he wrote as a chapter for “Voices of Civil Rights
Lawyers” (2017), edited by Kent Spriggs — he said that most of his work in
Washington “never came to anything, certainly not to anything one could be
proud of.”

By contrast, he wrote, within 10 days of arriving in Louisiana in 1965, he
won a school desegregation case that allowed black children to attend white
schools. “I saw the impact one lawyer, familiar with federal litigation
practice, could have,” he wrote.

He stayed in Louisiana longer than he had initially planned. And across the
decades he made a difference in scores of cases, big and small.

“He devoted his life to seeing that justice was done,” George Cooper, a
retired professor from Columbia Law School, who met Mr. Sobol in the early
1960s and worked on cases with him, said in a phone interview.

“He was one of the legions of young lawyers who went South in the 1960s to
help with the civil rights movement,” Mr. Cooper said. “But unlike so many
others, he stayed on the ground and saw it through. In the process, he won
notable cases but also gave a whole segment of the population a chance for
justice that they might not have had otherwise.”

While prominent in legal circles, Mr. Sobol was less known to the general
public. That may change with a forthcoming documentary film, “A Crime on
the Bayou,” by Nancy Buirski, and a new book, “Deep Delta Justice,” by
Matthew Van Meter, both scheduled for release soon.

Richard Barry Sobol was born on May 29, 1937, in Manhattan to Alfred and
Anne (Alberg) Sobol. His father was a lawyer, and his mother was a high
school math teacher and a homemaker.

Richard attended the Bronx High School of Science before enrolling at Union
College in Schenectady, N.Y., from which he graduated in 1958. He graduated
from Columbia Law School in 1961.

His early marriage to Barbara Simonovitz ended in divorce. He married Anne
Pardee Buxton in 1975.

In addition to his wife, Mr. Sobol is survived by his daughter, Joanna
Sobol McCallum. His son, Zachary, died in 1986. His sister, Marion Freed,
died in 2011.

After law school, Mr. Sobol joined the powerhouse Washington law firm of
Arnold, Fortas and Porter, but found the work unsatisfying.

In the summer of 1965, he used his vacation time to do a stint with the
Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee. The committee sent Northern
lawyers to the South for a few weeks at a time to defend the thousands of
civil rights activists who were being arrested in connection with
demonstrations, marches, voter registration efforts and sit-ins.

Mr. Sobol was sent to New Orleans, where he instantly saw that his work
made a difference.

“Whether I did it and did it quickly and successfully,” he wrote in “Voices
of Civil Rights Lawyers,” “meant the difference between jail or not jail;
integrated or segregated education; fair or discriminatory employment
practices; the right to demonstrate or the denial of that right; access to
public accommodations or the denial of access; the right to vote or tricks
to nullify that right; and so on.”

During that summer, he realized that the struggle needed lawyers who could
stay for extended periods to handle the increasingly complex litigation
that the advancement of equal rights required.

His stint turned into a longtime commitment to Louisiana, where he lived
off and on over the ensuing decades. He moved back to Washington in 1969 to
work with Marian Wright Edelman and her Washington Research Project, which
became the Children’s Defense Fund. He also founded a civil rights firm in
Washington with Michael Trister. While there, he continued to handle
employment discrimination cases in Louisiana. He moved back to New Orleans
in 1991 and stayed until 2013.

“Richard wasn’t a traditional type of lawyer,” David Dennis, who met Mr.
Sobol in the 1960s while he was working with the Congress of Racial
Equality (CORE), said in a phone interview. “Some of these white lawyers
came down and made it seem like they were making a great sacrifice. Not
him. This was his life.”

Gary Duncan, the black man in the Supreme Court case, who is now 72, said
in a phone interview that despite all of his activities, Mr. Sobol remained
a friend.

“He was going all over the state of Louisiana,” Mr. Duncan said. “He was
put in jail, and they threatened him with his life. But that never did stop
him. And he never said he didn’t have time for me.”

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