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And so, if you want to see Russia as sub-imperialist rather than imperialist, then that fits with Bond’s view of the relationship between the two; US imperialism has sub-contracted Russia (and Iran, already the US ally in Iraq) to carry out the dirty work of being the global vanguard of bloody counterrevolution in Syria.

But the reason SA comrades have not been able to come to terms with this analysis is because it has junked the analysis of the Syrian situation in terms of revolution and counterrevolution (in the broad sense of the terms). That is most unfortunate, because once you junk the basis of what is going on, in favour of superficial analyses of “multi-sided civil war” and “sectarian conflict,” spiced by lots of references to “jihadis”, then you really do end up clueless in trying to analyse the role of Russia, the US or anyone else.

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