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Nor am I saying that Donald Trump is incompetent at everything. He is, by
all accounts, a much better than average golfer (even if he may be — now
here’s a shocker — prone to cheating
which may explain why he prefers golfing to governing. He has been adept at
getting attractive foreign women to marry him, though not especially good
at making the marriages last. And he is clearly an absolutely world-class
bullshit artist, with a genuinely impressive ability to lie, prevaricate,
evade, mislead, stretch the truth, and dissemble. These skills clearly
served him well as a real estate developer, but they aren’t helping him
very much as president. Because once people decide you’re a bumbler, either
they take advantage of your ineptitude or they prefer to deal with those
who are more reliable. It gives me no joy to say this, but can you blame

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