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"The scale of what happened in Aleppo is unprecedented in the Syrian
conflict", COI chairman Paulo Pinheiro told reporters in Geneva.

The Syrian air force and its Russian ally "conducted daily air strikes"
on Aleppo, an iconic city that was once the country's economic capital
but has now been reduced to rubble, the COI said.

There is conclusive evidence that Syrian aircraft dropped "toxic
industrial chemicals, including chlorine", the inquiry found. However,
no information indicates the Russians used chemical weapons, it added. 

The bombardments saw hospitals, markets and residential buildings
repeatedly hit.

In a major new finding, investigators also said there was proof that
Damascus was responsible for September 19 air strikes in Aleppo province
that deliberately targeted a humanitarian convoy, killing at least 10
aid workers. 

  Tristan Sloughter
  "I am not a crackpot" - Abe Simpson
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