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"The combination of enthusiasms and irrational initiatives, along with
Mao's increasing dismissal of criticism of himself, his policies, and
theories, pro­duced a tragic situation in China by 1959. Provincial and
local authorities, eager to be on the right side of history and of Mao,
reported crazily inflated statistics intended to demonstrate the massive
gains made in steel and grain production. Based upon these falsified
numbers, it remained unclear for some time that crops were rotting in the
field for lack of labor to harvest them. Women and children working
sixteen-hour days were insufficient for what would have been the largest
harvest in Chinese history. It was clear the steel produced in backyard
furnaces was unusable in any form, and yet no one dared to call a halt to
such projects. ...

"Peasants [in the countryside] soon ... began to die of starvation. Local
leaders were too afraid to inform central authorities of the extent of
distress. After all, they had reported bumper crops and endless abundance.
Those few who tried to make the problems known were accused of 'bourgeois'
thinking or 'rightism.' Most ducked their heads, hoping to survive
physically and politically. ...

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