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With the Ukrainian economy in freefall and its people already subject to harsh 
austerity measures, the pro-Western government is waiting until next month’s 
parliamentary elections are behind it before embarking on a further round of 
savage cuts to secure another IMF loan. 

According to the Wall Street Journal (below), the government needs more than 
double the $17 billion promised it by the IMF last April. A limited debt 
default is also being contemplated in consideration that you can only squeeze 
living standards so far before provoking a popular revolt. But the brunt of any 
restructuring will be borne by the IMF and Western governments and their 
taxpayers rather than private creditors. As the report notes, the April IMF 
bailout “has bought time for the private sector to make an exit”.

It is the Greek template which is being applied in Ukraine, a far cry from the 
vision of European integration imagined by the many who massed in Maidan last 

*       *       *
Ukrainian Elections May Ease Way Toward Bailout Overhaul
By Ian Talley
Wall Street Journal
September 17 2014

Don’t be surprised if the International Monetary Fund overhauls its Ukraine 
bailout after national elections in late October, including coordinating a 
restructuring of the country’s debt.

The new parliament would ostensibly be able to enact another round of 
politically tough economic policies that would help it get a better grip on 
state finances. Those efforts would in turn help secure the additional 
financing the country likely needs, including a potential write-down of the 
value of its growing debt.

“This program is simply untenable,” says Anders Åslund, a senior fellow at the 
Peterson Institute for International Economics and a former adviser to the 
Ukrainian government. “The IMF program goes straight towards default.”

The IMF was recently forced to “recalibrate” the Ukraine bailout in its first 
review of the emergency loan. Still, the fund officially says the program is 
roughly on track, is fully financed and debt levels won’t overwhelm the 
government’s ability to pay off its obligations.

Many analysts disagree.

Whether, like Mr. Åslund, they think the program is too soft, or like former 
U.S. State Department official Josh Cohen, they think the program is overly 
harsh, there’s growing agreement the IMF strategy won’t work as currently 

The IMF view that Ukraine’s debt is still sustainable “should be viewed with a 
huge pinch of salt,” said Timothy Ash, head of emerging markets research at 
Standard Bank in London. He points to “huge revisions” in the country’s debt 
levels and major uncertainties around Ukraine’s security and economic outlooks.

The civil war with Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine has taken a 
heavy toll on the economy. With the bulk of manufacturing located in 
conflict-ridden areas, the crisis has fueled a stronger contraction in growth 
than the IMF originally forecast. War expenses are mounting, tax revenues have 
plummeted and a gas price dispute with Ukraine’s main supplier, Russia, 

Even under a rosier outlook that many economists say is unrealistic, the IMF 
says Kiev’s debt is expected to breach its “high risk” threshold next year. 
According to one of the IMF’s worst-case scenarios, a major shock to Ukraine’s 
growth outlook and its state finances—such as from a prolonged war and 
gas-price dispute—could balloon the country’s debt obligations to almost 134% 
of gross domestic product for years to come. That’s nearly twice the “high 
risk” level:

Fund officials couldn’t say if such a scenario would overwhelm Kiev’s ability 
to pay its debts and force it into default. The IMF did say that more financing 
could be needed if the crisis wasn’t resolved in the coming months, more than 
double the $17 billion the fund has already promised Ukraine under the 
emergency bailout.

Mr. Ash said that under this scenario debt restructuring is impossible to 
avoid: “It is inconceivable that burden sharing would not be part of the 
ultimate resolution.”

Messrs. Ash, Cohen and Åslund all say a debt restructuring is needed to fix the 
program now, however.

“It is still remarkable that a debt re-profiling was not already undertaken, 
helping resolve some of the problems at the source and giving the Maydan 
administration some breathing space at the outset,” Mr. Ash said.

The Institute of International Finance, an industry group representing the 
world’s largest private banks and other financial firms, warned as much even 
before the IMF signed off on the bailout deal.

Mr. Åslund suggests “an amicable restructuring” after the elections in October. 
The fund should use its 1991 program with Poland as a template: “They wrote off 
half the debt in return for a very strong stabilization and reform program,” he 

For now, however, the IMF bailout has bought time for the private sector to 
make an exit.

“The share of public debt held by non-residents is high, but this is shifting 
from private to official creditors reducing somewhat the implied risks,” fund 
staff said in their bailout review.
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