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Once called, "The most dangerous man in America to American youth" by J. Edgar 
Hoover, Mortimer Daniel Rubin, known as Danny, died Tuesday, December 1, at the 
age of 84. Danny joined the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) during the McCarthy 
Era, moved by the idea of a political system based on social, racial and 
economic justice and equality. In that movement, to which he devoted the rest 
of his life, he met and married his life partner, Dorothy Cohan. The pair moved 
from Philadelphia to Brooklyn in 1960, where their children Rose and Joseph 
were born. Danny was a defendant in one of the McCarren Act cases that 
ultimately led to that law being struck down by the Supreme Court in the mid 
1960s. Over the years, Danny took part in electoral campaigns at all levels, as 
well as every major social campaign from the Civil Rights Movement to opposing 
Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards project. He also served in many roles in the 
CPUSA, including as national organizational secretary and then national ed
 ucation secretary. He was active even this year. Danny loved Beethoven, 
chocolate, a good meal and The New York Times. He took pride in having met the 
great Paul Robeson twice. He was a gentle and affectionate father and 
grandfather who always had a hug and a kiss and a few choice words of advice. 
He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; children, Rose and Joe; daughter-in-law, 
Dolores; and grandchildren, Hector, Jason, Jesse and Selena.

Published in The New York Times on Dec. 6, 2015 


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