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96,000 fucking articles in the left blogosphere about how the USA was trying to destroy Bashar al-Assad's government using jihadists as a proxy, predictions that fell apart faster than a two dollar suitcase.


To Mr. Assad’s partisans, the armed Syrian opposition that emerged after the suppression of political protests in 2011 now seems practically quaint and relatively surmountable, whether through military defeat or political agreement with fighters the government once called terrorists.

The Damascus businessman said that if the government did not turn its air force toward protecting civilians from ISIS — and stop what he called its own terrorist bombings of civilian neighborhoods — more people would believe “the regime really is ISIS.”

State news media have reported numerous new airstrikes on ISIS, and United Nations officials in Damascus say there have been more direct clashes between the group and Syrian forces. Syrian insurgents and civilians in Raqqa say only a few of the strikes have scored direct hits on ISIS there, though its headquarters is well known.

An ISIS fighter there who identified himself only as Khaled said recently over Internet messaging, “Most of the airstrikes have targeted civilians and not ISIS headquarters,” adding, “Thank God.”

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