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Thorughts on Trump Take 2.

Seymour* ‏@*leninology* <https://twitter.com/leninology>

1] I am always wary of underestimating Trump: lest we miss the danger. But
his reaction to the protests/inauguration coverage is *insane

2] He spends his first full day in power taking on powerful media outlets
over an injury to his narcissism, bullshitting on checkable facts.

3] And *then* he gets his fucking *press secretary* to take it up for him,
with *further* bullshitting. He will not survive like this

The very brilliant Irish Marxist (spot the redundancy) has tweeted the
above.on Donald Trump. The thought that he will not last long is very
cheering indeed.  But Trump is a very strange fish indeed. That of course
is at least part of his appeal. I want to suggest in this brief post that
Trump can only be understood *within* the paradigm of identity
politics.  Received
wisdom has it that Trump won because of the identity politics that his
opponent played on. See Soave (2016); Lilla (2016); Goldberg (2016); (Michaels
et al. 2016); and  (Illing 2016) for a discussion of the issue. I argue
that Trump is not outside identity politics. He offers an identity along
side a critique of the impact of neoliberalism.

 Long ago I wrote a piece on Political Correctness for the Monthly Review
Press (MacLennan 1997). There I argued that in every age there were
restrictions around the use of language, that is, there was always a regime
of political correctness in place.  I also used Raymond Williams’ notion of
residual, dominant and emergent to discuss how one form of political
correctness makes way for another.  The dominant form is not named.  It
considers itself to be commons sense, like the water the fish swim in and
know nothing about. The residual and especially the emergent are named.

Transferring this observation to the field of identity, the dominant, but
under threat and heading for residual, form of identity that Trump peddles
is that of the white working class male who  owns lots of guns, used to
have a job but the Mexicans got it etc.  In other words Trump peddled the
myth of autochthony (look it up!).

Trump placed this identity at the heart of his propaganda and every other
identity was deviant and a threat. Some commentators have used the term
‘nativist’ to describe the identity that Trump has merchandised and they
contrast it with ‘cosmopolitan’.  Clinton pushed neo-liberal progressivism
and the neo-liberal part brought her undone.  For what is clear in both the
Brexit and the Trump victory we are seeing the crisis of the neo-liberal
paradigm being played out.

So what happens now?  So far Trump is offering the politics of recognition
and identity. He promises to break with neo-liberalism. Whether he can or
will, is very unclear at the moment. Some of his advisors want him to spend
trillions. If he did, that would probably create a lot of jobs. If he fails
to deliver on his promises to bring the jobs back, then Identity politics
will not save him, though he will continue to play them, probably with
increasing desperation.

Goldberg, M. 2016. "Democratic Politics Have to Be “Identity Politics”."

Illing, S. 2016. This professor set off a war of words over “identity
politics.” We debated him. *Vox*.

Lilla, M. 2016. "The End of Identity Liberalism." *New York Times*, 18th
November, Sunday Review.

MacLennan, G. 1997. "Political Correctness (and Courtesy) in Australia

"  *The Monthly Review* 48 (11):33-43.

Michaels, W. B., C. W. Mills, L. Hirshman, and C. Murphy. 2016. "What is
the Left without Identity Politics?" *The Nation*, 16th December.

Soave, R. 2016. "Title." *Hit & Run*, 9th November.
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