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*From** Debtor Nation: The History of America in Red Ink*

Borrowers unable to pay off the principal on their balloon mortgages faced
foreclosures. Foreclosures during the Depression resulted as much from the
drop in home owner's income as from the withdrawal of short­-term mortgage
funds from the market, making refinance impossible. By 1933 the mortgage
market was effectively dead, and with it the housing industry.

"Without mortgages, the housing industry collapsed. Housing invest­ment
fell from $68 billion in 1929 to $17.6 billion in 1932. By 1934, the
construction industry, as a whole, was one-tenth the size it had been in
the late 1920s.Wage earners from a third of the families on relief were
employed in construction. Indirectly, the collapse of the housing indus­try
hit other sectors of the economy as well. Construction also had tre­mendous
linkages to other sectors of the economy to a much greater ex­tent than
most industries. Ten percent of American factories manufactured building
materials for construction. Twenty percent of freight cars car­ried those
materials across the country. Unskilled labor carried mate­rial. Skilled
labor put it together. Metal and wood of all shapes and types were needed
for almost any project. Muscle and machine were needed alike. Clearly,
restoring the economy turned on restoring the construction industry. What
was less certain was how to bring about new construc­tion. New Deal
policymakers focused on the housing industry in their efforts to restart
the economy because it had fallen so hard and so fast. ...

"In 1932 and 1933, lenders foreclosed on half a million homes."

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