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If there is a unifying thread that defines the Kristeva dossier, it concerns what she apparently perceived as a surfeit of pro-Israel sentiment among French intellectuals and media luminaries. In 1970, in one of her initial intelligence briefings, Kristeva allegedly told her Bulgarian handlers that French radio and television were crawling with "Zionists"; persons who were "quite adept at conveying their pro-Israeli views." "It’s the same," she continued, "with weeklies and dailies that pride themselves on taking ‘progressive’ positions." As an example of such tendencies, Kristeva lambasted Le Nouvel Observateur for misleadingly portraying the Israeli general Moshe Dayan as "a man of peace." To conclude her report, she denounced the influential French Communist writer and former Surrealist, Louis Aragon, for refusing to support the brutal, August 1968 Soviet invasion of Prague.

Time and again, in scrutinizing Kristeva’s dossier, it is hard to determine whether she was acting sincerely, or instead, merely telling her Bulgarian spymasters what she thought they wanted to hear.

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