[Marxism] Haaretz: World powers see Assad as bulwark against Islamic State

2014-08-22 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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World powers see Assad as bulwark against Islamic State

Diplomatic map starting to break Syrian president’s way.


By Zvi Bar'el |   Aug. 22, 2014 | 2:28 AM

After three years of war and the deaths of more than 170,000 people, 
Syrian President Bashar Assad is starting to sense a change not just on 
the Syrian front but in the international arena as well. Last week U.S. 
President Barack Obama referred to the liquidation of chemical weapons 
stockpiles as an important achievement, adding that “we are pressuring 
Assad to desist from committing atrocities against Syria’s population.” 
This formulation is interesting, in that it doesn’t include a demand for 
regime change.

Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement was more pointed, indicating 
that Washington “would continue to provide political and financial 
support to aid the moderate opposition, helping those Syrians who opt 
for peace and oppose extremists.” The United States committed to 
supplying high-quality weapons to the Free Syrian Army, but these 
promises remained on paper, since there is no definition yet for what 
constitutes a “moderate” opposition.

The strategic change is reflected in the United States and Europe now 
being more worried about the expansion of the Islamic State than the 
continued rule of Assad. Assad is increasingly perceived as a vital 
component in the struggle against the Islamic State. This conceptual 
change was discussed in recent talks between Saudi Arabia, Russia, 
Egypt, the United States and Israel. The Saudi and Russian foreign 
ministers exchanged visits recently, and Saudi Arabia may now be ready 
to consider a reform in Syria which will allow Assad to remain in power.

This amounts to a sea change in Saudi strategy, and some analysts 
suggest that such an agreement will include the installation of its 
protégé Saad al-Hariri as Lebanon’s president. This would allow Saudi 
Arabia an elegant exit from the Syrian quagmire.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi also discussed Syria in his 
meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Sissi never demanded the 
removal of Assad who, in turn, has never criticized Egypt’s treatment of 
Hamas during the fighting in Gaza. Iran was among the first to support 
Egypt’s proposal for a cease-fire. Sissi may therefore join the Saudis 
in agreeing to Assad’s remaining in power.

This is bad news for the Syrian opposition, whose American support is 
also shaky. This new axis is also aimed at neutralizing Qatar in the 
Syrian arena, where it enjoys great influence over Islamist militias.

This may be what lies behind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent 
description of a “new political horizon.” He apparently was not 
referring to the Palestinian issue but to the new informal alliance of 
Arab states which are concerned about the Islamic State, viewing Assad 
as a potential ally in a campaign against it. He could be figuring that 
harsh expressions against Hamas by Arab leaders, Israel’s diplomatic and 
military cooperation with Egypt, the new strategic outline presented by 
Saudi Arabia, threats to Jordan and Israeli concerns about militias 
overrunning Syria may form a basis for regional cooperation.

Checkpoint economy

“Hand over everything in your pockets!” ordered the armed guard manning 
the checkpoint outside the Syrian city of Idlib. The young student 
trying to get through gave the equivalent of eight dollars to the guard, 
who belonged to the jihadist group Nusra Front. The student didn’t 
complain, telling the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar that his uncle had 
paid eighty dollars a few days earlier.

Such payments have become routine for Syrians. Everyone collects money 
at checkpoints, including the Syrian army, the Free Syrian Army 
militias, Nusra Front and the Islamic State.

The most pleasant are the Syrian army, say some residents. “They usually 
only inspect your papers and inquire why you’re not mobilized, looking 
at documents exempting you from military service, if you have them,” 
said one citizen, adding that soldiers usually take the least money. The 
problem is that anyone traveling from Damascus to Idlib needs to pass 
through several checkpoints belonging to different groups, requiring 
sufficient cash in order to reach one’s destination safely.

Citizens of Syria now require several maps. One is for finding out who 
rules what areas, while a more detailed map shows which militia controls 
which quarter or village. A third map describes bypass roads and routes 
for crossing into Turkey or Lebanon. These maps change daily. Thus, for 
example, militias from the Free Syrian Army just reached a truce with 
Kurdish militias in the northern city of Al-Hasakah, f

[Marxism] Venezuela unveils 'Hugo Chavez' shelter for Gazan children

2014-08-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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The Venezuelan government has released images of the “Hugo Chavez” shelter,
where incoming Palestinian child refugees of the Israeli assault of the
Gaza Strip will be housed.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: "Quand la peur change de camp": Fathers of ISIS

2014-08-22 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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ISIS stands for Islamic State
of Iraq and al Sham. I tend not read "authorities" on ISIS that can't even
get the name right.
On Aug 22, 2014 11:04 AM, "Louis Proyect via Marxism" <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The organization abbreviated as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is
> not new in the region, nor is it a newfound expression of the crises
> afflicting Arab societies at a moment of profound transformations,
> initiated by 2011 revolutions.
> To the contrary, ISIS is the offspring of more than one father, and the
> product of more than one longstanding and widespread sickness. The
> organization’s explosive growth today is in fact the result of previously
> existing, worsening conflicts that were caused by the different fathers.
> full: http://vendredis-arabes.blogspot.fr/2014/08/fathers-of-isis.html
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/clayclai%
> 40gmail.com

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[Marxism] Israeli F-16 attacks Venezuela's humanitarian delegation to Gaza

2014-08-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Venezuelan ambassador to Egypt, Juan Antonio Hernandez, said on August 20
that an Israeli aircraft attacked the Venezuelan humanitarian delegation in
Rafah along the border post between Egypt and Palestine.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] 'No justice, no peace' – racist violence fuels anger

2014-08-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Barry Sheppard

“Hands up! Don't shoot!”

This slogan was taken up by community protesters right after the murder of
18-year-old African American Michael Brown by police in the St Louis suburb
of Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Oakland activist: How we blockaded the Israeli ship

2014-08-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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In an action that has reverberated around the world and inspired
pro-Palestinian activists, five days of pickets by activists prevented a
ship from the Israeli shipping company Zim Piraeus from unloading almost
any of its cargo at the port of Oakland.

Below is the account of a participant in the blockade, Oakland-based
 waterfront unionist and activist *Peter Turner*.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] South Africa eyewitness: New liberation forces debate post-apartheid future | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-08-22 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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By *Federico Fuentes*, Johannesburg

August 23, 2014 -- Around 30 guests from across the globe and 120 shop 
stewards from the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) 
met August 7-10, 2014, in Johannesburg to discuss the prospects and 
challenges of building a new, left political alternative to the ruling 
African National Congress (ANC), the party of deceased national hero 
Nelson Mandela.

This call by the country's largest trade union, with more than 400,000 
members, has caused reverberations throughout the working class as a 
whole, and has led some in the media to describe the process as "likely 
to lead to the birth of a workers' party that will eventually challenge 
[the ANC] for power".

NUMSA's challenge to the established status quo has also highlighted the 
many dangers and challenges it faces, perhaps most graphically 
illustrated by the murder of three of its shop stewards on the eve of 
the symposium.

That NUMSA's call has received so much attention can be explained by the 
reality of South African society, 20 years after the fall of apartheid.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/4015

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[Marxism] Amnesty for Anslinger's Lawbreakers

2014-08-22 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Quantum Gravity Expert Says “Philosophical Superficiality” Has Harmed Physics | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Horgan: You have written about the Greek thinker Anaximander. Who was 
he, and why do you find him interesting?

Rovelli: He is the guy who understood that the Earth is a stone that 
floats in the middle of the Sky without falling down. He understood that 
the Sky is not just above out head: it is also under our feet. It 
surrounds us in every direction.   He is the only one in the history of 
our planet who understood this, and convinced everybody else that this 
is the case. In fact, he has done much more than this, but this is his 
greatest achievement.  I find him immensely interesting because he 
represents one of the main steps in the development of scientific 
thinking.  He is a giant.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Chancellor Phyllis Wise Explains the Firing of Steven Salaita | The Academe Blog

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(By John K. Wilson, a co-editor of the American Association of 
University Professors’ Academe Blog.)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chancellor Phyllis Wise has 
written an open letter to the campus (copied below) explaining her 
decision not to allow the hiring of Steven Salaita. The letter is an 
appalling attack on academic freedom and a rejection of the basic values 
that a university must stand for.

Wise argues, “What we cannot and will not tolerate at the University of 
Illinois are personal and disrespectful words or actions that demean and 
abuse either viewpoints themselves or those who express them.” Of 
course, this standard is ridiculous: individuals should be free to say 
personal and “disrespectful” things about others (for example, everyone 
should be free to say that Wise’s argument here is both stupid and evil, 
without facing punishment from the respect police). Respect is not a 
fundamental value of any university, and being “disrespectful” is not an 
academic crime. But it’s notable that Salaita really didn’t say anything 
personal about anyone. So here Wise greatly expands the concept, 
declaring that not only persons but “viewpoints themselves” must be 
protected from any disrespectful words. I am puzzled as to exactly how a 
free university could possibly operate when no one is allowed to be 
disrespectful toward any viewpoint. Presumably, Wise will quickly act to 
fire anyone who has ever disrespected or demeaned Nazism, terrorism, 
racism, sexism, and homophobia. Since all “viewpoints” are protected, 
then biology professors must be fired for disrespecting creationism as 
false, along with any other professor who is found to believe or know 


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[Marxism] Fwd: Another murder of a Black man in St. Louis–how Abraham Lincoln responded | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread waistline via Marxism
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We are screwed and I am scared. Not scared in the sense of my personal well 
being. I suffer from congestive heart failure back in 2008, got a pace 
maker-defibrillator and subject to croak any moment. The discernible tremble 
that is source of my fear is the path of the social and political revolution, 
the development of a mass uprising and believing the American people can always 
be pulled from the brink of disastrous thinking and support of the ruling 

I am not sure how to characterize the American state. It is perhaps easier to 
describe different sides and aspects of the American state during different 
periods of history. I don’t particularly care for the word fascism, but we 
(revolutionaries from an era and epoch gone by) seem to be stuck with the word. 

On a side note I am the proud owner of your “The Antebellum Crisis & America’s 
First Bohemians” and “Race and Radicalism in the Union Army” and find both 
works to be a master stroke, reading with the touch of a mystery filled novel. 

Finally, I have just read the Introduction, first three chapters, chapter 10 
and all the footnotes of Michael Heinrich’s “An Introduction to the Three 
Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital. Then I just downloaded and read his “Crisis 
Theory, the Law of the Tendency of the Profit Rate to Fall, and Marx’s Studies 
in the 1870s” from Monthly Review. 

I found the last paragraph in Chapter 10 disturbing. Referencing Marx Capital 
Vol. 1 Chapter Thirty-Two: Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation, 

Professor Heinrich writes in part,

“In the passage excerpted above, Marx drew conclusions amount to a sort of 
historical determinism that are not justified by his categorical depiction. To 
that extent, the passage is more an expression of hope than analysis; 
revolutionary enthusiasm triumphed over the cool scholar. However, the 
depiction of the capitalist mode of production itself is not dependent upon 
these questionable conclusions. Capital (meaning the book ed.) still offers the 
best contribution to understanding the capitalist mode of production. But how 
and whether this mode of production will reach its end cannot be determined in 
advance. There are no certainties here, merely a struggle with a conclusion 
that is up for grabs.” 

“But how and whether this mode of production will reach its end cannot be 
determined in advance. There are no certainties here, merely a struggle with a 
conclusion that is up for grabs.”

Did not Marx and Engels collaborate and write out for all to see, the general 
law of social revolution or stated better, the law system that governs the rise 
and decay of all modes of production in the 1859 “Contribution to a Critique of 
political Economy”? 

No one within Marxism of my - our – generation, question the ultimate and 
historical decay of the bourgeois mode of commodity production must take place, 
because production and distribution of the social product in a historically 
evolved mode of production is governed by a law system that says “changes in 
the building blocks of the technology regime and the environment of human 
development” causes a leap from one mode of production to the next. What has 
been questioned and debated is identifying the dynamic of causality defining 
the moment and specific properties compelling a leap (transition) from one mode 
of production to the next. 

Computers or the semi-conductor as architecture and motive force at the 
foundation of the building blocks of means of production is to industrial 
society what industrial society and the steam engine (and the technology regime 
implied in the steam engine) was to the society of manufacture. 

Further proof we have entered a new epoch of social revolution is the universal 
reevaluation and updating of Marx’s law systems outlining the general behavior 
of mode of production and the basic components driving growth, development and 
qualitative transition. The form of dialectics, pardon, materialist dialectics 
change with changes in our understanding of the movement of matter. 

What has this got to do with Ferguson and the murder of Michael Brown? 

Actually, Heinrich’s Chapter 1, “Capitalism and Marxism” avoids definitions and 
leave the reader wondering what is capitalism and Marxism. Personally, I would 
call capitalism the bourgeois mode of commodity production and then quote 
Engels explaining when the word capitalism became popular. Then, after quoting 
Engels, I would define Marxism as the “science of society” because that is what 
Engels called it in his “Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German 
Philosophy, Part 2: Materialism.” 
Read it for yourself (not you personally): 
“Secondly, Feu

[Marxism] Michael Specter teaches at Bard

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Wouldn't you just know it? Bard College hired GMO hustler Michael 
Specter as a Visiting Professor of Environmental and Urban Studies.


I suppose that makes sense given that Stewart Resnick is on the board of 
trustees, the agribusiness billionaire who has diverted water from the 
commoners in Fiji and California to improve his bottom line and buy more 
politicians. When a college hires a big-time promoter of GMO to lecture 
on the environment, you just chalk that up as Leon Botstein's Wizard of 
Oz con artistry.

Specter's latest article in the New Yorker is filled with howling 
journalistic double-dealing, like pooh-poohing claims about the problem 
of peasant suicides in India by saying that they are no worse than in 
France. As I pointed out in my CounterPunch article, France is a 
disaster for farmers as well. Every 2 days a French farmer kills himself 
because of worsening economic conditions. Who's next to be hired for 
Bard's environmental studies? Bjorn Lomberg to give a class on global 


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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Louis wrote:  "Just a reminder. I am assuming that Manuel meant this as a reply 
to the list. Generally when you 'repl', the addresses will include the original 
poster (like me) and the list. But sometimes the list address is dropped. So 
always double-check before you hit 'send'. "

No, I actually did mean to send just to you, Louis (note, I am sending to you 
and to the list here with adherence to the list's posting requirements to the 
best of my understanding); didn't see the need to post to everyone. But thanks 
for the information regardless. As is usually the case, many different writers 
or activists like Shiva are not "anointed" with correct Marxism and still write 
important and informative things that anyone interested in revolutionary change 
ought to consider. Thanks for the great contribution. Michael Specter  is often 
viewed as annoying but "correct". I've always been wary of his often caustic 
approach that also seemed a bit self-serving. I appreciated the time you took 
to analyze his seemingly credible "evidence" for what it actually is.
> Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:04:39 -0400
> From: l...@panix.com
> To: mtom...@hotmail.com; marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells 
> the Facts, Names the Names
> On 8/22/14 10:41 AM, Manuel Barrera wrote:
> > Good article, Louis, but what exactly are Vandaya Shiva's credentials?
> > I'm very glad to see this takedown of Specter, on journalistic and
> > scientific merits. Couldn't happen to a more petulant brat.
> > thanks
> Just a reminder. I am assuming that Manuel meant this as a reply to the 
> list. Generally when you "reply", the addresses will include the 
> original poster (like me) and the list. But sometimes the list address 
> is dropped. So always double-check before you hit "send". (The list 
> address is marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu.
> Vandana Shiva is a somewhat controversial figure. You can find all sorts 
> of attacks on her as being a Luddite, etc. on Wikipedia 
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva). Back in 1996 I wrote her 
> off as a postmodernist icon because people like Alan Sokal and Meera 
> Nanda (an Indian scientist who backed the Narmada Dam) considered her 
> stress on "local knowledge" to be superstitious. After a couple of years 
> I figured out that Sokal and Nanda's grounding in Marxism was rather 
> weak even if Shiva had her own problems.
> I think her main value is as an activist and a critic of industrial 
> farming, not as a scientist per se. What she shares with Marxism is an 
> understanding that industrial farming is not the answer to the food 
> crisis. Where she differs is on the solution. Basically she has no 
> conception that as long as there is capitalism, industrial farming wil 
> prevail. She is a latter-day Gandhi when latter-day Bhagat Singh's and 
> M.N. Roy's are needed.

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[Marxism] Fwd: "Quand la peur change de camp": Fathers of ISIS

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The organization abbreviated as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) 
is not new in the region, nor is it a newfound expression of the crises 
afflicting Arab societies at a moment of profound transformations, 
initiated by 2011 revolutions.

To the contrary, ISIS is the offspring of more than one father, and the 
product of more than one longstanding and widespread sickness. The 
organization’s explosive growth today is in fact the result of 
previously existing, worsening conflicts that were caused by the 
different fathers.

full: http://vendredis-arabes.blogspot.fr/2014/08/fathers-of-isis.html

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[Marxism] Fwd: Sweet Poison » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: the roots of ferguson - bookforum.com / omnivore

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Multiple links...


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/22/14 10:41 AM, Manuel Barrera wrote:

Good article, Louis, but what exactly are Vandaya Shiva's credentials?
I'm very glad to see this takedown of Specter, on journalistic and
scientific merits. Couldn't happen to a more petulant brat.

Just a reminder. I am assuming that Manuel meant this as a reply to the 
list. Generally when you "reply", the addresses will include the 
original poster (like me) and the list. But sometimes the list address 
is dropped. So always double-check before you hit "send". (The list 
address is marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu.

Vandana Shiva is a somewhat controversial figure. You can find all sorts 
of attacks on her as being a Luddite, etc. on Wikipedia 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva). Back in 1996 I wrote her 
off as a postmodernist icon because people like Alan Sokal and Meera 
Nanda (an Indian scientist who backed the Narmada Dam) considered her 
stress on "local knowledge" to be superstitious. After a couple of years 
I figured out that Sokal and Nanda's grounding in Marxism was rather 
weak even if Shiva had her own problems.

I think her main value is as an activist and a critic of industrial 
farming, not as a scientist per se. What she shares with Marxism is an 
understanding that industrial farming is not the answer to the food 
crisis. Where she differs is on the solution. Basically she has no 
conception that as long as there is capitalism, industrial farming wil 
prevail. She is a latter-day Gandhi when latter-day Bhagat Singh's and 
M.N. Roy's are needed.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

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On Aug 22, 2014, at 9:14 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Perhaps nothing symbolizes the decline of the New Yorker magazine  
more than the hatchet job on Vandana Shiva that appears in the  
latest issue...

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/08/22/gunning-for-vandana- 

Excellent article, Louis!

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[Marxism] Professional wrestlers

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Woke up around 1am last night and listened to some radio before going 
back to sleep. Leonard Lopate, one of the few reasons to listen to NPR, 
was interviewing Daniel O'Sullivan about the exploitation of pro 
wrestlers based on an article he wrote for Jacobin. I haven't read the 
article yet but surely will after listening to the interview. I was a 
huge pro wrestling fan when I was about 11 or 12 years old and may try 
to find the time to write about the difference between the "sport" when 
I was young and what exists today under Vince McMahon's monopoly rule 
but in the meantime urge you to read the article or listen to the 
interview (it is the last on the show):


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[Marxism] Fwd: Gunning for Vandana Shiva » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Perhaps nothing symbolizes the decline of the New Yorker magazine more 
than the hatchet job on Vandana Shiva that appears in the latest issue. 
Written by Michael Specter, the author of “Denialism: How Irrational 
Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress”, the article is a meretricious 
defense of genetically modified organisms (GMO) relying on one dodgy 
source after another. This is the same magazine whose reputation was at 
its apex when Rachel Carson’s groundbreaking articles on DDT appeared in 
1962. If DDT was once a symbol of the destructive power of chemicals on 
the environment, GMO amounts to one of the biggest threats to food 
production today. It threatens to enrich powerful multinational 
corporations while turning farmers into indentured servants through the 
use of patented seeds. Furthermore, it threatens to unleash potentially 
calamitous results in farmlands through unintended mutations.

Specter represents himself as a defender of science against irrational 
thinking. Since many activists regard Vandana Shiva as grounded in 
science, it is essential that he discredit her. For example, he mentions 
a book jacket that refers to her as “one of India’s leading physicists”. 
But when he asked her if she ever worked as a physicist, she invited him 
to “search for the answer on Google”. He asserts that he found nothing 
and furthermore that no such position was listed in her biography. Not 
that I would ever take an inflated publicity blurb that seriously to 
begin with (having read one too many of those for Slavoj Žižek), I 
wondered what being a physicist would have to do with GMO in the first 
place. Is a degree in particle physics necessary for understanding the 
transformation of vast portions of the Gulf of Mexico into a dead zone 
because of fertilizer-enriched algae?

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/08/22/gunning-for-vandana-shiva/

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