[Marxism] Melbourne socialist councillor 'a real community leader'

2016-09-18 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Community activists, residents and supporters came together to launch Sue
Bolton's campaign for re-election to the City of Moreland Council in
Melbourne's northern suburbs on September 10.
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Re: [Marxism] WaPo: Sanders, who launched career on protest votes, dismisses Gary Johnson and Jill Stein as protest votes

2016-09-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The description of Sanders as "one of the most electorally successful
non-major party candidates in United States political history" is amusing.

What he did as a "non-major party candidate" was pretty marginal because he
never took on the task of building a rival party.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The uncontrolled demolition of the Truther brain | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-09-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Over the past five years I have monitored various pro-Assad websites in 
order to keep track of the amen corner’s latest talking points. At 
various times I have read Global Research, World Socialist Website and 
Moon of Alabama towards that end but never simultaneously since that 
would overload my circulatory and nervous systems to dangerous levels.

About three months ago I began monitoring a new website after one of my 
FB friends, who disagrees with me on Syria but like so many people is 
quite good on other questions, posted a link to an article on something 
called Off-Guardian that is focused on exposing the Guardian newspaper. 
As you might expect, they serve up articles crossposted from RT.com and 
other media associated with the “axis of resistance”. Given the 
generally fact-free environment of Off-Guardian, I am surprised nobody 
has started something called Off-Off-Guardian.


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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Griffin on Mitchell, 'Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War'

2016-09-18 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message --
From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 11:07 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-War]: Griffin on Mitchell, 'Jimmy Carter in
Africa: Race and the Cold War'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Nancy Mitchell.  Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War.  Cold
War International History Project Series. Stanford  Stanford
University Press, 2016.  880 pp.  $45.00 (cloth), ISBN

Reviewed by Benjamin Griffin (United States Military Academy)
Published on H-War (September, 2016)
Commissioned by Margaret Sankey

Nancy Mitchell's Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race in the Cold War is a
phenomenal addition to the scholarship of the Cold War. Drawing
heavily on archival research conducted in the United States, Britain,
and South Africa and on documents from Cuba and Zimbabwe, the book
presents an in-depth and engaging international history of President
Jimmy Carter's foreign policy. Mitchell does a commendable job of
providing context, ensuring that the book is readily accessible
regardless of a reader's expertise. It is an essential and enjoyable
read for any historian interested in the late Cold War or modern

The book provides a much-needed, exhaustive examination of US policy
in Africa. Mitchell moves the account easily between the Horn of
Africa and southern Africa, providing an in-depth study of the areas
where the United States most actively engaged. What is most
remarkable about this book is the ease with which it captures the
very different dynamics at work in the two regions. Mitchell deftly
demonstrates how local actors in Ethiopia and Somalia sought to play
the Americans and Soviets against one another to achieve their own
aims. The objectives and issues at stake closely resembled those of
other Cold War struggles in the developing world. _Jimmy Carter in
Africa_ effectively builds on the work of Odd Arne Westad's_ Global
Cold War_ (2005). It shows that the major actors had varying degrees
of desire and commitment, resulting in an inconsistent and ultimately
detrimental policy toward the region.

Rhodesia proved more complicated. Noting that "the domestic politics
of race" infused the issue, Mitchell shows the difficulty of both the
Ford and Carter administrations in developing a viable strategy to
bring about majority rule (p. 8). Mitchell expands on the themes of
Thomas Borstelmann's _Cold War and the Color Line _(2001), by showing
how racial tensions caused the spheres of international and domestic
policy to merge. Rhodesia becomes a central issue in the fight
between the executive and legislative branches, restricting the
options of the Carter administration. _Jimmy Carter in Africa_
furthers this narrative through its treatment of Andy Young, Carter's
controversial ambassador to the United Nations. Mitchell portrays
Young in a nuanced fashion. Though largely sympathetic to him, the
author takes care to note how his candidness with the press
complicated Carter's efforts in Rhodesia by drawing congressional and
public ire.

_Jimmy Carter in Africa _takes aim at several common interpretations
of the Carter administration. Mitchell paints Carter as a "dedicated
Cold Warrior" throughout his presidency, who consistently followed an
orthodox version of containment in Africa. While agreeing that
Carter's demeanor contributed to misperceptions, Mitchell argues that
the president was an "inept idealist." The book is largely successful
in showing that Carter's twin desires for "racial justice" in
Rhodesia and his "deep Cold War instincts" were more compatible than
they are often portrayed (p. 8). Mitchell also compellingly places
Carter back at the center of his own administration, showing him to
be a driving force behind his foreign policy. The internal turmoil
between Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's national security advisor, and
Cyrus R. Vance, his secretary of state, that marks many accounts of
Carter's policy process is absent in the book. At times Mitchell
advances these revisions to Carter's image too far; however, the book
still offers a welcome and fresh perspective on how the
administration operated.

In judging Carter's policy toward Zimbabwe, Mitchell declines to
moderate her sense that the policy was a "Cold War victory" in light
of the later "murderous thuggery" of President Robert Mugabe (p.
679). This lets the Carter administration off too easily. While
Mitchell's sense that it is not fair to judge a policy entirely by
its outcome is accurate, it does not mean that results should be
entirely absent from its study. Questions about why the
administration did not understand Mugabe's true nature are both fair
and important. Similarly,

[Marxism] RESOLUTION of the Roundtable of trade union and left-wing activists in Odesa (Ukraine)

2016-09-18 Thread Zakhyst Pratsi via Marxism
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RESOLUTION of the Roundtable of trade union and left - wing activists in Odesa, 
10 September 2016     5 November 2015 the Parliament of Ukraine has adopted in 
the first reading the draft of new Labour Code . As it became clear later , 
parliament speaker of that time Mr . Volodymyr Groisman has fooled MPs 
insisting that adoption of the Labour Code is EU demand for visa - free regime 
for the citizens of Ukraine .   Ukrainian trade union and left-wing activists 
immediately correctly declared this draft of new Labour Code as predator and 
anti-worker one. Also we adopted the decision that independent trade unions 
should immediately take part in the work of the Working group of Parliament 
committee on the issues of social policy employment and pension provision for 
making impossible sharp worsening of the freedoms and rights of workers and 
trade unions via adoption of this draft of new Labour Code.   Unfortunately, 
real picture was completely different and very unpleasant. The job of the 
Working group was absolutely hidden and opaque for Ukrainian society and 
independent trade unions, where the representatives of employers and 
sub-controlled to oligarchic influences “official” Federation of Trade Unions 
of Ukraine (FTUU) in fact, betrayed the interests of wide layers of Ukrainian 
workers.     Because of extreme cloudiness of the Labour Code preparation for 
the second reading Ukrainian society still doesn’t know, which propositions 
from the trade unions were taken into account by the profile committee headed 
by Mrs. Liudmyla Denysova. At the present time we have the information that the 
most blatant and shameful norms of the Labour Code weren’t change and are being 
prepared for the voting in the second reading. Even its brief list is very 
impressive:   Article 86 of the draft allows the possibility of outrageous mass 
firing of the employees under the employer’s wish without any possibilities of 
their defense свавільних масових скорочень працівників по волі роботодавця без 
жодних варіантів їх захисту. Article 92 of the draft lets employers to fire 
workers, which serve financial and material values “because of losing the 
confidence”, even if it’s not connected with the job.     Article 92 of the 
draft lets employers to fire the worker, employed in the educational area for 
making “immoral deed”, even if this deed took place not at the work. It’s clear 
that “morality” and “immorality” will be decided exclusively by employer.   
Article 158 of the draft allows attraction of some categories of the workers to 
the job in holiday and festive days without their agreement.    The same 
Article 158 of the draft deprives the employees of the double-paying for job on 
holidays.   Article 65 of the draft lets the employers to move the workers to 
other workplace (even to other city) without their agreement. Article 30 of the 
draft lets the employers to conduct the video and audio surveillance over the 
workers during the whole working day, roughly ignoring the basic human right 
for private life.    Article 108 of the draft deprives single mothers of 
presently existing defense and lets the employers to roughly fire them because 
of any reason.   Article 291 of the draft lets attract women with children to 
night works, the works on holiday and festive days and attract them to overtime 
works, depriving   women with children from the guarantees of defense acting at 
the present time.   Article 58 of the draft sets the fact that labour contract 
is provided to the employee during 7 days since beginning of the work, i.e. it 
provokes the employers to using “fraud” schemes, where the employees will work 
6 days for free and then will not be adopted for the work because “they’re not 
good enough for this job”.      One of the most blatant points is the norm of 
Article 12 of the draft, where all legislation volume of labour regulation, 
which falls outside the limits of the Labour Code, is transferred to so-called 
“employer normative acts”, which are adopted exclusively by the employer and 
should not be coordinated with trade unions.   Generally trade unions rights 
are considerably limited in this draft; and it could lead to immediate 
destruction of whole trade union movement in Ukraine because of impossibility 
of court and trade union defense from illegal firing. In particular, it’ll be 
possible to fire the employee without preliminary agreement of trade union 
committee.   As many as 52 article of the Labour Code draft determine the 
coordination of particular employer’s action with “trade union committee”, in 

[Marxism] WaPo: Sanders, who launched career on protest votes, dismisses Gary Johnson and Jill Stein as protest votes

2016-09-18 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This is worth looking at for the embedded youtube video alone. Too bad that 
Bernie Sanders no longer exists...

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