[Marxism] Fwd: What Would a Museum of Capitalism Look Like? | The New Yorker

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: 'Progressive' NYC official compares cancellation of Israel-sponsored event to neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The last time the US launched ‘fire and fury’ on North Korea, a third of the population died

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Marx’s Capital for the 21st century

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Looking for a list of Marxist film critics

2017-08-18 Thread Daniel Lindvall via Marxism
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At least Christopher Sharrett, Tony Williams and Carl Freedman, among the ones 
we regularly publish in ”my” journal, Film International, consider themselves 

Website: http://filmint.nu/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FilmInt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/FilmInt

> 18 aug. 2017 kl. 01:34 skrev Jeffrey Masko via Marxism 
> :
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> *
> Thanks for the reply and I don't know all that much about Harry Alan
> Potamkin but love the idea of someone who straddles the divide between a
> film critic doing film criticism and a film reviewer who gives opinions
> without acknowledging academic film theory.
> In that vein, I think Robin Wood was quite insightful and so was Peter
> Biskind, although I don't know if I'd term either Marxist. Doug Kellner and
> Fred Jameson are a couple of the bigger names that I would include as
> explicitly Marxist.
> The whole of the psycho-analytic Marxism of the members of Screen in the
> 70's and 80's such as Jean-Luc Comolli, Jean Paul Narboni, Laura Mulvey,
> and those who work(ed) with apparatus theory would be on my list. So would
> those using suture theory, but that is more academic and not mass market.
> More currently, Bill Nichols, Rick Berg, Steven Ross, Jane Gaines come to
> mind as well as those associated with the Union for Democratic
> Communications such as Steve Macek, Lee Artz, and Dana Cloud. Members of
> the Society for Cinema and Media Studies class caucus are mostly Marxist or
> at least Marxist sympathetic with Pat Keeton, Terri Ginsberg and all using
> Marxist theories to guide their work. None of this are mass market, but
> fairly accessible to those who are interested in film theory.
> ​I don't really know of any film reviewer who is using Marxist film
> theories in the way Dave Zirin uses Marxist theories to critique sport.
> Although there are those who ​
> ​may have sympathies or allegiance to Marxism​, actually using Marxist
> theories from those above or from Marxist literature is rare, to say the
> least. Henry Giroux is probably the closest I can think of right now...
> _
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/18/17 3:35 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:


1) Antifa's 'predecessors' are more significant than Chomsky thinks


"And in North America they were the Teamsters who formed a defense guard 
against the Silver Shirts in the 1930s..."


This is a complete crock of shit. Here is what the Trotskyists did. It 
had nothing in common with the kids in masks throwing bags of urine at 
the fascists in Charlottesville.

The United States in the 1930s became a battleground between industrial 
workers and the capitalist class over whether workers would be able to 
form industrial unions. There had been craft unions for decades, but 
only industrial unions could fight for all of the workers in a given 
plant or industry. This fight had powerful revolutionary implications 
since the captains of heavy industry required a poorly paid, docile 
work-force in order to maximize profits in the shattered capitalist 
economy. There were demonstrations, sit-down strikes and even gun-fights 
led by the Communist Party and other left groups to establish this basic 
democratic right.

Within this political context, fascist groups began to emerge. They drew 
their inspiration from Mussolini’s fascists or Hitler’s brown-shirts. In 
a time of severe social crisis, groups of petty-bourgeois and lumpen 
elements begin to coalesce around demagogic leaders. They employ 
“radical” sounding rhetoric but in practice seek out working- class 
organizations to intimidate and destroy. One such fascist group was the 
Silver Shirts of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

In chapter eleven of “Teamster Politics”, SWP leader Farrell Dobbs 
recounts “How the Silver Shirts Lost Their Shrine in Minneapolis”. It is 
the story of how Local 544 of the Teamsters union, led by Trotskyists, 
defended itself successfully from a fascist expedition into the city. 
Elements of the Twin Cities ruling-class, alarmed over the growth of 
industrial unionism in the city, called in Silver Shirt organizer Roy 
Zachary. Zachary hosted two closed door meetings on July 29 and August 2 
of 1938. Teamster “moles” discovered that Zachary intended to launch a 
vigilante attack against Local 544 headquarters. They also discovered 
that Zachary planned to work with one F.L. Taylor to set up an 
“Associated Council of Independent Unions”, a union-busting operation. 
Taylor had ties to a vigilante outfit called the “Minnesota Minute Men”.

Local 544 took serious measures to defend itself. It formed a union 
defense guard in August 1938 open to any active union member. Many of 
the people who joined had military experience, including Ray Rainbolt 
the elected commander of the guard. Rank-and-filers were former 
sharpshooters, machine gunners and tank operators in the US Army. The 
guard also included one former German officer with WWI experience. While 
the guard itself did not purchase arms except for target practice, 
nearly every member had hunting rifles at home that they could use in 
the circumstance of a Silver Shirt attack.

Events reached a climax when Silver Shirt leader William Dudley Pelley 
came to speak at a rally in the wealthy section of Minneapolis.

Ray Rainbolt organized a large contingent of defense guard members to 
pay a visit to Calhoun Hall where Pelley was to make his appearance. The 
powerful sight of disciplined but determined unionists persuaded the 
audience to go home and Pelley to cancel his speech.

This was the type of conflict taking place in 1938. A capitalist class 
bent on taming workers; fascist groups with a documented violent, 
anti-labor record; industrial workers in motion: these were the primary 
actors in that period. It was characteristic of the type of class 
conflict that characterized the entire 1930s. It is useful to keep this 
in mind when we speak about McCarthyism.


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Re: [Marxism] ‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right

2017-08-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] ACLU will no longer defend hate groups that protest with firearms

2017-08-18 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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What is not well known is that the ACLU that has defended the Klan/Nazis before

never demands or solicits money from the fascists for defending their "rights".

Yet the ACLU always requests funds for defending progressives.

The modern day ACLU due to the influence of money, has long ago strayed from

its origins as a legal defense group for the left/labor forces challenging the 

and these fascist groups.

When I approached the ACLU in 1969 to send a legal observer to the early

Gay Liberation Front (GLF) protests in New York City - the ACLU response was:

that this is not a civil liberties issue but a criminal issue - since they then

refused to support homosexuals.  (The Los Angeles ACLU was much better

and actively supported Gay and Lesbian peoples rights).

In 1969, a lawyer would be disbarred if learned they were Gay/Lesbian

and why I and others tried to get the ACLU for help.  The ACLU was not

the only ones who would not assist the GLF right to picket/protest. I was

also turned away by the National Lawyers Guild leader - Corlis Lamont,

a wealthy homophobic Stalinist (whose father was chairman of J. P. Morgan's)

who made it clear they would not help "sexual deviates" (fagots).  The only

legal advisor we had for help was a Lesbian law student who had not yet

passed the bar exam.  She could not attend the picketing for fear of being

discovered a Lesbian.  It was that reality in 1969, that the ACLU showed

their disgraceful refusal to aid the queers. Now they actively solicit funds

from the queers and want to claim they have always been defenders.

The shameful defense efforts of the ACLU in Skokie in providing free legal

support for the Nazis to march through the mainly Jewish neighborhood

of Skokie IL, caused many progressives to drop their financial support of

the ACLU.   The ACLU is squirming to improve their image for fund raising.

Besides their recent defense (again) of the Nazis to assemble in Charlottesville

they also were a week earlier receiving negative feedback for their support

of fascists who were demanding violence against Gays.  Using the "they

will not support Nazis carrying guns", is a way to evade they were supporting

the fascists who often carried out violence (and not just at their public 

As many on this List know, the ACLU was formed around WWI and the attacks

on radicals opposed to that war.  However, the CPUSA had to form the Labor

Defense Council in 1922, to defend their leading members arrested in a U. S.

government police raid of their underground convention in Bridgman MI

and while Roger Baldwin was one of those who agreed to be part of the

Provisional National Committee of the LDC, the later ACLU did not follow

Baldwin its co-founder in defending the CPUSA.  The LDC would soon

become the base for the founding of the International Labor Defense (ILD)

in 1925 which was led by James P. Cannon (before the CPUSA expelled him

as a supporter of Leon Trotsky).  The CPUSA was the main force that formed

the National Lawyers Guild in 1937, mainly because the American Bar

Association (ABA) favors the wealthy capitalists interests against the exploited

and oppressed.  The reason for the forming of People of Color, LGBT, labor

legal defense groups, is because of the failures of the ACLU and the ABA

to defend the oppressed and exploited.   The ACLU has made their decisions

on whom to defend based on their funders and potential funders response

and too often their awful Class politics awareness identifying with the state.

From:  on behalf of Dennis Brasky via Marxism 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 8:42 AM
To: causecollec...@msn.com
Subject: [Marxism] ACLU will no longer defend hate groups that protest with 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run - The New York Times

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] ACLU will no longer defend hate groups that protest with firearms

2017-08-18 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] WikiLeaks Turned Down Leaks on Russian Government During U.S. Presidential Campaign

2017-08-18 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Are Nazis as American as Apple Pie? by James Q. Whitman - Project Syndicate

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] ‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right

2017-08-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I always thought the more contemporary manifestations of antifa originated
among left-wing supporters of football clubs, in no small part as a
response to right wing football hooliganism, but what do I know?

Greg McDonald
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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 166, Issue 21

2017-08-18 Thread Walter Daum via Marxism

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In the 1960's the CP bookshop on East 13th Street in NYC, pictured in 
the article, had been renamed after Thomas Jefferson. Probably a product 
of the Popular Front period, and interesting in the light of today's 

On 8/18/2017 9:18 AM, marxism-requ...@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:39:20 -0400
From: Dennis Brasky 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: [Marxism] The forgotten world of Communist Party bookstores

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Constituent Assembly: Venezuelan Thermidor?

2017-08-18 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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i'd like to reply in more depth -- but while there are many problems not
just in general but clearly with the "official" and government response to
the economic problems and serious political crisis, i would just say there
are a lot more voices than the government spokespeople, the amplified
voices of the hard right and sometimes outright fascists on the streets or
even those on aporrea, which runs a wide range of views but is very far
from the be all and end all of left and revolutionary perspectives.

I would also say the government, and the movement as a whole, faces an
opposition that is desperate to take power not just as soon as possible but
not through elections, and this explains the sustained nature of the
violent protests and actual terrorist attacks (there are separate accounts
of who is responsible for what deaths than the one Joaquin mentions that paint
a different picture , but we
can leave aside the question of exactly whose killed who and say that
burning someone alive because you suspect they are Chavista, or just as
likely because they are poor and black, is terror, as is improvise
explosive devices that rip through a national guard contingent -- largely
drawn from the poorer sectors -- violent attacks on maternity hospitals and
military bases all amount to terrorist campaigns. Of course not everyone
who joins a protest is involved in or necessarily supports all these
things, but neither are they isolated).

This campaign of violence and terror has reached a bit of a dead end, and
partly because the constituent assembly elections went ahead despite
pledges to stop them, while no sector of the military has responded to more
than four months of these protests and appeals to bring the government
down, nor has any serious section of other institutions still loyal to the
process or at least constitution, broken, with pretty much the sole
exception of the attorney-general..

The opposition would prefer to come to power outside of having to face an
electoral test (even if they are clearly a reasonably chance to win
elections) because they want a period of time without having to rely on any
mandate in which they can smash up the social gains of the revolution. An
example of what they want is in neighbouring Brazil, where the unelected
coup president temer has an approval rating far, far worse than Maduro's
and his regime is ramming through harsh neoliberal and ant-worker measures
that go further than what the military dictatorship got away with. Compare
this to Argentine, where Macri came to power through electoral means and
has had a tougher time actually getting through his hard-right agenda.

And that is just Brazil, with far milder social reforms under the PT, and
dramatically less popular empowerment. In Venezuela, not only are they
desperate for a far deeper series of counter-reforms, but need to smash a
deeply organised mass movement, that whatever weakening it is has suffered
in recent years is still a force to contend with,. It isn't alarmist to
raise the spectre of 1973 in Chile, but whether it reaches such a scale,
there is no doubt the right coming to power, *especially* outside of
elections, it will involve a deepening of the terror already underway
(where it is at high levels already in the country side, see this detailed
and disturbing eyewitness account in Green let Weekly "The War for Power in
Venezuela's Countryside
The fact that in the two days they held power during the coup in 2002, when
they combined overturning all of the progressive laws including the new
constitution with killing 60 chavistas and hunted down and tortured many
more, is indication enough.

Then no doubt, once the worst of the counter-reforms are implemented and
repression against popular sectors achieved its aims, then you could have
elections, the country will be "ready" and up will jump representatives of
the friendlier face of the opposition and the elite, critical of the
"excesses" of recent times, wanting to "heal the nation" and "bring us back
together", end the excesses of the neoliberalism and terror the preceding
"government of national unity" has implemented *and* of course the
"excesses" of the Chavistas beforehand. Before then, they don;t WANT to
have to rely on any electoral mandate, it will only act as a handbrake on
their plans.

All this is not just "yes of course" level of ticking a box and saying
you;ve noted it, it is essential to the situation and the difficulties of
finding a way forward when the opposition won't talk and won't play the
constitutional gam

[Marxism] Fwd: Trump on Barcelona: Recalls US War on Spain, Brutal Occupation of Filipino Muslims | Informed Comment

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Carlos Mariategui book now available

2017-08-18 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] ‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, August 18 2017
‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right

OAKLAND, Calif. — Last weekend, when a 27-year-old bike messenger showed 
up at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., he came ready 
for battle. He joined a human chain that stretched in front of 
Emancipation Park and linked his arms with others, blocking waves of 
white supremacists — some of them in full Nazi regalia — from entering.

“As soon as they got close,” said the young man, who declined to give 
his real name and goes by Frank Sabaté after the famous Spanish 
anarchist, “they started swinging clubs, fists, shields. I’m not 
embarrassed to say that we were not shy in defending ourselves.”

Sabaté is an adherent of a controversial force on the left known as 
antifa. The term, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist,” describes 
the loose affiliation of radical activists who have surfaced in recent 
months at events around the country and have openly scuffled with white 
supremacists, right-wing extremists and, in some cases, ordinary 
supporters of President Trump. Energized in part by Mr. Trump’s 
election, they have sparred with their conservative opponents at 
political rallies and college campus speaking engagements, arguing that 
one crucial way to combat the far right is to confront its supporters on 
the streets.

Unlike most of the counterdemonstrators in Charlottesville and 
elsewhere, members of antifa have shown no qualms about using their 
fists, sticks or canisters of pepper spray to meet an array of 
right-wing antagonists whom they call a fascist threat to American 
democracy. As explained this week by a dozen adherents of the movement, 
the ascendant new right in the country requires a physical response.

“People are starting to understand that neo-Nazis don’t care if you’re 
quiet, you’re peaceful,” said Emily Rose Nauert, a 20-year-old antifa 
member who became a symbol of the movement in April when a white 
nationalist leader punched her in the face during a melee near the 
University of California, Berkeley.

“You need violence in order to protect nonviolence,” Ms. Nauert added. 
“That’s what’s very obviously necessary right now. It’s full-on war, 

Others on the left disagree, saying antifa’s methods harm the fight 
against right-wing extremism and have allowed Mr. Trump to argue that 
the two sides are equivalent. These critics point to the power of 
peaceful disobedience during the civil rights era, when mass marches and 
lunch-counter protests in the South slowly eroded the legal enshrinement 
of discrimination.

“We’re against violence, just straight up,” said Heidi Beirich, director 
of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, which tracks 
hate groups. “If you want to protest racists and anti-Semites, it needs 
to be peacefully and hopefully somewhere away from where those guys are 

Antifa adherents — some armed with sticks and masked in bandannas — 
played a visible role in the running street battles in Charlottesville, 
but it is impossible to know how many people count themselves as members 
of the movement. Its followers acknowledge it is secretive, without 
official leaders and organized into autonomous local cells. It is also 
only one in a constellation of activist movements that have come 
together in the past several months to the fight the far right.

Driven by a range of political passions — including anticapitalism, 
environmentalism, and gay and indigenous rights — the diverse collection 
of anarchists, communists and socialists has found common cause in 
opposing right-wing extremists and white supremacists. In the fight 
against the far right, antifa has allied itself at times with local 
clergy, members of the Black Lives Matter movement and grass-roots 
social-justice activists. It has also supported niche groups like Black 
Bloc fighters, who scrapped with right-wing forces in Berkeley this 
year, and By Any Means Necessary, a coalition formed more than two 
decades ago to protest California’s ban on affirmative action for 

George Ciccariello-Maher, a professor at Drexel University in 
Philadelphia who counts himself as both an antifa follower and a scholar 
of the movement, said it did not have a single origin story. The group 
has antecedents in Europe, especially Germany and Italy, where its early 
followers traded shots with Nazis in the 1930s and fought against Benito 
Mussolini’s Blackshirts. Its more recent history has roots in the 
straight-edge punk rock music scene, the anti-globalization protests o

[Marxism] Fwd: The Fetishization of Violence: Reflections on Charlottesville, WWII and Activism

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Recently, I posted an article written by Louis Proyect entitled, “Antifa 
and the Perils of Adventurism,” on social media and received some 
limited backlash, but also some interesting reflections. Unfortunately, 
it’s clear that many people in the U.S., including seasoned activists 
and organizers, are having a very difficult time processing recent 
events in a way that’s not overly emotional or irrational in nature.

One person wrote, “Bottom line: Either you’re with Antifa or you’re with 
the Fascists!” This lack of nuance is symbolic of a Left that doesn’t 
look in the mirror, a Left that refuses to ask serious questions about 
its movements, organizations and members, and a Left that lacks 
discipline, vision and strategy. Remember, vision should dictate 
strategy, which in turn dictates tactics. Today, many leftists in the 
U.S. have the equation backward: they focus on tactics first, fail to 
discuss strategy, and a lack a long-term vision.

Existing anti-Fascist groups such as Antifa and the more militant 
organization Redneck Revolt, have filled a vacuum at protests, but their 
tactics are sloppy and their strategy and vision is non-existent. The 
overwhelming majority of Antifa activists are white, male, middle-class 
and disconnected from the ongoing day-to-day efforts of organizers and 
activists. To be fair, some do all of the above, but that’s a rare breed.

Proyect’s point about ‘adventurism’ is well understood: I’ve encountered 
many ‘adventurists’ over the years, especially during the Occupy Wall 
Street protests. I also experienced similar phenomena at antiwar 
protests during the Bush Era. In Charlottesville, the evidence is clear 
that leftwing protesters weren’t prepared for the Right’s violence, nor 
were they prepared to provide security for their marches.


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[Marxism] Fwd: California Typewriter; The Shopkeeper | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-08-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Two documentaries have come my way that raise important questions about 
the digital revolution as well as providing much more entertainment than 
Dunkirk and Detroit put together, even if this might be a case of 
setting the bar too low.

“California Typewriter” is a beautiful homage to the antiquated machine 
that people my age used long before personal computers took over while 
“The Shopkeeper” is a nostalgic look at the recording industry in its 
prime and how streaming services like Spotify and Pandora threaten to 
pauperize performing artists to the point of making them as antiquated 
as a typewriter. The shopkeeper in question is Mark Hallman, the founder 
of the Congress House, the longest continually operating recording 
studio in Austin, Texas.

However, both films hold out the possibility of keeping such “relics” 
alive since as Camus once said, “Every act of rebellion expresses a 
nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being.”


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[Marxism] After neoliberalism, what next? | Jayati Ghosh | MR Online

2017-08-18 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Two Joint Statements on the China-India Conflict

2017-08-18 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Here are the links to a joint statement on the China-India conflict and 
another one about the role of these two powers in Zambia resp. Africa.



In the next days we will publish an extensive study on the background of 
the China-India conflict and its consequences.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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