Re: [Marxism] Exaggerating the threat posed by fascist groups

2017-08-28 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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In Australia, the "threat" of the far right as represented by Pauline
Hanson's One Nation performs, I would argue, the function of the Bad Cop to
the Good Cop.  We are meant to soil our pants at the thought of a
groundswell to One Nation and so we miss, for instance, the clear and
present danger that both political parties are committed to neoliberal
economics (though Labor are showing small signs of movement here).

During the term of the Federal Labor government (1983-1996), the bad cop
was the so-called New Right which we were all supposed to be terrified of
while the Federal Labor Party put in place the key elements of the
neoliberal program. The Trade Union movement went along with the Labor
government and not surprisingly has gone into precipitous decline.



On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> One last thing: I am not downplaying the threat of right-wing politics and
> racism in America. Donald Trump is the president, after all. But I tend to
> think that the biggest threats from the right come from the Republican
> Party, not the Klan and the Dominionists and the neo-Nazis and whatever
> Richard Spencer’s thing is called. (Even Spencer’s hometown hates him.) And
> when we fixate on the outright fascists, the people who have “organized
> street forces,” we are missing the more significant threat, which comes
> from the halls of state capitol buildings. You can (and should) care about
> both threats, of course, but it’s important to keep them in proportion, to
> weight each in accordance with its power and consequences. And it’s not
> that Berlet and Wilson are necessarily wrong that the white supremacists
> are rising, it’s that they are not trustworthy guides, because they don’t
> respond to the tough questions or show an instinct for self-criticism. And
> that’s why I think it’s perfectly fair for us to say that the state of the
> far right is unknowable. It’s unknowable because those who study it don’t
> seem committed to evaluating it cautiously.
> erical-journalists
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Political censorship - YouTube closes YPG account

2017-08-28 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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It is much bigger than that. YouTube is systematically deleting the
vast history of the Syrian war documented in 1000s of videos. The
videos include footage of massacres, executions, victims of airstrikes
as well as battles, politics & daily life in a war little covered by
the outside world. There is value for law enforcement, intel agencies,
human rights investigators, journalists & historians.

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 4:18 PM, Chris Slee via Marxism
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> YouTube closes YPG account:
> The American video-sharing website YouTube on 23 August shut down the 
> People’s Defense Units (YPG)’s YouTube account for violation of the site’s 
> guidelines. On August 7, the channel of Fırat News Agency (ANF) was also 
> suspended by YouTube.
> The site did not give a specific reason for the violation of its rules and 
> regulations, only sending a message saying the account had been suspended, to 
> the account’s admin.
> YPG released a statement on their website on the closing of their YouTube 
> account, which is as follows;
> “The action is an attack on free speech, but also the YPG and its struggle 
> for democracy in Rojava-Northern Syria. It also deals a blow to the YPG’s 
> battle against Daesh (ISIS) on the ground in Raqqa and on social media.
> The YPG has not uploaded any explicit footage or videos of war, instead 
> focusing on the rescue of civilians and the heroic struggle of its fighters 
> and the fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Women’s Defense 
> Units (YPJ).
> Meanwhile YouTube continues allowing Daesh terrorists to upload atrocities 
> and propaganda to their accounts. Atrocities committed by the Turkish army 
> and its affiliates are also freely distributed on the American website.
> The YPG Press Office believes the attack is a political decision and part of 
> a concentrated effort by certain quarters to limit the success of the YPG 
> against fascist, reactionary groups.
> The YPG, through its long fight against Daesh (ISIS), is struggling for the 
> freedom and safety of humans across the world. YouTube’s closure of our 
> website is a direct attack on this fight."
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why I attack anyone who shares RT – Kester Ratcliff – Medium

2017-08-28 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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"I think the better rule is to simply ignore anything RT publishes that is
related to Russia. However there will be times where, for whatever reason,
they cover other things and provide perspective that you won't get in other
broadcast news."

Trouble is, it now goes well beyond what RT says related to Russia.
Look at what it is saying related to the US: that Antifa are
"terrorists" and how dare they attack the democratic rights of Putin's
and Trump's white supremacist allies. With all due respect to the
valid arguments about Antifa's tactics taking place, RT comes from an
entirely different place, to say the least.

By the way, that is what many of us mean by the term "Alt-Left", about
which there has been some confusion, after Trump seized the term to to
refer to the anti-fascists. On the contrary, "Alt-Left" has not been
popularly used that way, but rather to the kind of left that would
hang on to reactionary rags like RT and promote red-brown convergence,
probably agree with Trump that both sides were equally bad in
Charlottesville. On that: I was very disappointed with the article by
Chris Hedges posted here a a couple of days ago - in contrast to many
of the excellent discussion pieces criticising Antifa tactics (the
piece posted by Louis from Leighton Woodhosue stands out), Hedges'
piece, from the title to the content, was moral equivalence, all the
way through. I wondered if it was just because he is a liberal, even a
very good one. But even liberals are criticising Trump's moral
equivalence on this (whereas Hedges echoed Trump). So I wonder if it
is relatedto Hedges' unfortunate association with RT.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 12:14 PM, A.R. G via Marxism
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> Hmmm, not sure about his approach. Obviously RT is Russia-centered
> propaganda but the author seems to contrast it unfavorably to BBC. If that
> is the measure then most mainstream and probably most "alternative" media
> would not be able to measure up.
> I think the better rule is to simply ignore anything RT publishes that is
> related to Russia. However there will be times where, for whatever reason,
> they cover other things and provide perspective that you won't get in other
> broadcast news.
> --
> - Amith
> _
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[Marxism] Exaggerating the threat posed by fascist groups

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One last thing: I am not downplaying the threat of right-wing politics 
and racism in America. Donald Trump is the president, after all. But I 
tend to think that the biggest threats from the right come from the 
Republican Party, not the Klan and the Dominionists and the neo-Nazis 
and whatever Richard Spencer’s thing is called. (Even Spencer’s hometown 
hates him.) And when we fixate on the outright fascists, the people who 
have “organized street forces,” we are missing the more significant 
threat, which comes from the halls of state capitol buildings. You can 
(and should) care about both threats, of course, but it’s important to 
keep them in proportion, to weight each in accordance with its power and 
consequences. And it’s not that Berlet and Wilson are necessarily wrong 
that the white supremacists are rising, it’s that they are not 
trustworthy guides, because they don’t respond to the tough questions or 
show an instinct for self-criticism. And that’s why I think it’s 
perfectly fair for us to say that the state of the far right is 
unknowable. It’s unknowable because those who study it don’t seem 
committed to evaluating it cautiously.
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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: The Ugly Side of Antifa - Leighton Woodhouse

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Worse than the fucking Weathermen.
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[Marxism] Fwd: U. of Houston professor Robert Buzzanco speaks about Hurricane Harvey | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] the forgotten Chinese-American family that challenged Jim Crow - and lost

2017-08-28 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 166, Issue 39

2017-08-28 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I actually do agree that fascists should be shut down, and I think that is
a general view among more serious workers. I saw, for example, that one of
the fascists who was supposed to speak in Charlotesville was from the SF
Bay Area. He was   union electrician. Apparently before workers arrived at
the site he worked at, somebody had posted leaflets all around with his
name and picture. He was greeted on the job by some black workers who made
it clear that he would be in danger if he continued working there. He quit.

On the other hand, there are the Trump supporters, not all (or even most)
of whom are fascists. They are on many jobs and in the unions. As far as I
know, there is no thought to chasing them off, even if it were possible.

As far as the left in general: I think their problem is that they content
themselves with repeating general slogans and attacks on racism,
capitalism, what have you, and nothing further. Any actual discussion and
debate about ideas is as foreign as talking about skiing to dwellers in the
tropics. So, when confronted with the Trumpsters their response is to
either ignore them or, if they can, to run them off or worse.


On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 11:00 AM, 

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> Today's Topics:
>1. Re:  Fwd: Trump?s Antifa Moment: Police Repression,
>   Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left (Mark Lause)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 12:34:38 -0400
> From: Mark Lause 
> To: Jeffrey Masko 
> Cc: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump?s Antifa Moment: Police Repression,
> Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> There's a lot conflated here, Jeffrey.
> Saying that nobody should trust people who show up with masks at
> demonstrations to encourage violence isn't the same as saying that people
> should not engage in self-defense.
> You say that you're "not supporting any confrontations with the right or
> the State, but certainly it's fair for citizens to protect themselves." I
> have no problem with that at all.
> The violence or lack of violence isn't really the question.
> At this point, what encourages the most people to turn out is essential.
> Sometimes, assuring people that they will not be subject to right-wing
> attacks does that.  Sometimes, showing up carry the fight over into the
> offensive minimizes the number of people who will involve themselves in a
> street fight.
> A lot of contemporary demonstrations are fundamentally more problematic
> than they were decades ago, because the organizers just don't take on the
> responsibility of marshaling them sufficiently to keep the focus on what
> the people turning out want focus to be--as is their democratic right.
> Occupy here essentially let itself be taken over by a bunch of crazies
> changing all sorts of silly shit right-wring slogans.
> I suspect that if the same people showed up today, there's be nothing to
> keep them from mischaracterizing the nature of the march.
> Frankly, if people show up in masks trying to change the character of the
> demonstration, they should be invited to cross the street and have a
> demonstration of their own.
> Right?
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Jeffrey Masko 
> wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > I sent this to you alone, because I cannot deal with any mass of
> responses
> > right now and I respect your opinion and work as a scholar and I am
> asking
> > these questions sincerely.
> >
> > I think we all get why antifa members who black bloc may not be utilzing
> > the best tactics for the moment and that the motivations behind many
> > members vandalizing property and f

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Antifa Moment: Police Repression, Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left

2017-08-28 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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There's a lot conflated here, Jeffrey.

Saying that nobody should trust people who show up with masks at
demonstrations to encourage violence isn't the same as saying that people
should not engage in self-defense.

You say that you're "not supporting any confrontations with the right or
the State, but certainly it's fair for citizens to protect themselves." I
have no problem with that at all.

The violence or lack of violence isn't really the question.

At this point, what encourages the most people to turn out is essential.
Sometimes, assuring people that they will not be subject to right-wing
attacks does that.  Sometimes, showing up carry the fight over into the
offensive minimizes the number of people who will involve themselves in a
street fight.

A lot of contemporary demonstrations are fundamentally more problematic
than they were decades ago, because the organizers just don't take on the
responsibility of marshaling them sufficiently to keep the focus on what
the people turning out want focus to be--as is their democratic right.
Occupy here essentially let itself be taken over by a bunch of crazies
changing all sorts of silly shit right-wring slogans.

I suspect that if the same people showed up today, there's be nothing to
keep them from mischaracterizing the nature of the march.

Frankly, if people show up in masks trying to change the character of the
demonstration, they should be invited to cross the street and have a
demonstration of their own.


On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Jeffrey Masko 

> Hi Mark,
> I sent this to you alone, because I cannot deal with any mass of responses
> right now and I respect your opinion and work as a scholar and I am asking
> these questions sincerely.
> I think we all get why antifa members who black bloc may not be utilzing
> the best tactics for the moment and that the motivations behind many
> members vandalizing property and fighting with the right is suspect and
> counterproductive. Yes, I think many, if not most are really kind of acting
> out in a juvenile manner and that talks more to the individuality mentioned
> in the article. So I don't support the kind of actions we normally see in
> demo's, although vandalizing property isn't a big issue for me.
> But I wonder why any type of physical reaction from the left is
> disregarded as ineffective in the U.S.? How can a so-called "muscular left"
> be built? And if it cannot be built, how can a truly revolutionary moment
> arrive? Finally, why is it that commentators can never envision a leftist
> group engaging in militant and sometimes "violent" tactics in the U.S., but
> can support it when it's not on U.S. soil?
> I am not supporting any confrontations with the right or the State, but
> certainly it's fair for citizens to protect themselves? Especially in rural
> areas where radical leftists are being targeted by Neo-nazi's, KKK members
> and others by physical attacks and doxing? Is armed revolutionary tactics
> and strategies only available to those in the global south or in places far
> from western industrial nations? If not, how do we begin with being labeled
> useful idiots (as the antifa people are commonly called by those with far
> more cultural capital).
> I think the tactics of the IWW and other militant unions was successful in
> part (so much that they needed to be routed by the government and big
> business), so where do we look now to work outside of established protest
> repertoire and party rituals? Some activists, especially working class
> people not drawn into middle class socialist parties, are not going to
> follow middle class leaders and pundits like Chris Hedges and never will.
> What do we tell those not resigned to anti-violence and pacifist tactics? I
> think of folks I know who have served time in prison and sons and daughters
> of Black Panthers who are still involved in the struggle, not white middle
> class kids radicalized at Cal Berkeley.
> ​I may post this when I have more time to respond to others, but I don't
> want to post and "ghost" now. I have a lot of class prep and two article
> deadlines to deal with this week. But I'm still not sure I want to get
> anything going as the list is obviously very against antifa types and I
> think generalize about them a bit too much, but I do agree that they are
> usually pretty young, either in age or political sophistication. ​
> ​soli-
> jeffrey​
> --
> J.A. Masko
> College of Communications
> Penn State University
> State College, Pa 16801
>   "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
> becoming disillusioned."
>Antonio Gramsci.

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Antifa Moment: Police Repression, Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left

2017-08-28 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Hi Mark,

I sent this to you alone, because I cannot deal with any mass of responses
right now and I respect your opinion and work as a scholar and I am asking
these questions sincerely.

I think we all get why antifa members who black bloc may not be utilzing
the best tactics for the moment and that the motivations behind many
members vandalizing property and fighting with the right is suspect and
counterproductive. Yes, I think many, if not most are really kind of acting
out in a juvenile manner and that talks more to the individuality mentioned
in the article. So I don't support the kind of actions we normally see in
demo's, although vandalizing property isn't a big issue for me.

But I wonder why any type of physical reaction from the left is disregarded
as ineffective in the U.S.? How can a so-called "muscular left" be built?
And if it cannot be built, how can a truly revolutionary moment arrive?
Finally, why is it that commentators can never envision a leftist group
engaging in militant and sometimes "violent" tactics in the U.S., but can
support it when it's not on U.S. soil?

I am not supporting any confrontations with the right or the State, but
certainly it's fair for citizens to protect themselves? Especially in rural
areas where radical leftists are being targeted by Neo-nazi's, KKK members
and others by physical attacks and doxing? Is armed revolutionary tactics
and strategies only available to those in the global south or in places far
from western industrial nations? If not, how do we begin with being labeled
useful idiots (as the antifa people are commonly called by those with far
more cultural capital).

I think the tactics of the IWW and other militant unions was successful in
part (so much that they needed to be routed by the government and big
business), so where do we look now to work outside of established protest
repertoire and party rituals? Some activists, especially working class
people not drawn into middle class socialist parties, are not going to
follow middle class leaders and pundits like Chris Hedges and never will.
What do we tell those not resigned to anti-violence and pacifist tactics? I
think of folks I know who have served time in prison and sons and daughters
of Black Panthers who are still involved in the struggle, not white middle
class kids radicalized at Cal Berkeley.

​I may post this when I have more time to respond to others, but I don't
want to post and "ghost" now. I have a lot of class prep and two article
deadlines to deal with this week. But I'm still not sure I want to get
anything going as the list is obviously very against antifa types and I
think generalize about them a bit too much, but I do agree that they are
usually pretty young, either in age or political sophistication. ​




J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it? | Technology | The Guardian

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: In Houston, Anxiety and Frantic Rescues as Floodwaters Rise - The New York Times

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Elsewhere, ghostly scenes underscored the destruction in a place long 
seen as one of the nation’s most dynamic generators of growth and 
prosperity. Near the Galleria, Houston’s famous shopping mall, a stretch 
of South Rice Avenue had more than two feet of water in some places.

Gloria Maria Quintanilla appeared as a speck on the horizon, wading 
through waist-high waters in the middle of the road with a sack thrust 
over one shoulder and an umbrella perched on the other. Ms. Quintanilla, 
60, seemed to epitomize Houston’s work ethic, its resolve and its shock.

“I worked at the hotel up there,” she said when a reporter approached. 
As she walked, she explained that she was an immigrant from El Salvador, 
here since 1982. She makes $10 an hour washing and ironing sheets and 
towels at the Doubletree.

She had started the journey from home more than an hour before.

“It was my day to work, and I’m a very responsible person,” she said, 
speaking in Spanish. “I had no idea it was going to be like this.”

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Antifa Moment: Police Repression, Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left

2017-08-28 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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As anyone with the least movement experience knows, if you have people
showing up for demonstrations  trying to incite violence, some of them are
likely on the government payroll.

And, if a demonstrations organizers permit people to show up to incite
violence wearing masks, they might as well be issuing engraved invitations
to the local Red Squads.

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[Marxism] The future of coal

2017-08-28 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Coal has no future, says US railroad boss

CSX will not buy locomotives to haul the fuel despite Trump pledge to revive 

A coal country dispute over an alleged Trump promise unmet

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[Marxism] Fwd: In U Miami announcement on Cuba, some see an outsized role for outside groups

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Antifa Moment: Police Repression, Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Antifa’s revolution against the American police state and the 
reactionary right was over before it even began. The group has no mass 
support base, and its significance is primarily symbolic, as a 
representation of militant opposition to fascism, police, and 
capitalism.  Anyone who believes Antifa protesters will prevail against 
well-armed white nationalists, hyper-militarized militia groups, and the 
police state, is sorely mistaken. President Obama did little during his 
presidency to reign in an increasingly violent and aggressive right-wing 
militia movement, as the incidents involving Cliven and Ammon Bundy made 
all too clear.  And Trump has long courted the reactionary right by 
legitimating their protests and their concerns, while refusing to send a 
consistent message that hate groups and their violence will not be 
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[Marxism] Fwd: How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’ - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Chris Hedges vamps down on the adventurists but not with complete 
clarity, I'm afraid. He cites Sophia Burns, a former editor of the North 
Star website who was brought aboard by Curtis Hanson, another former 
editor, who is a die-hard punch a Nazi in the face guy. Thankfully, the 
current editorial board is made up of mass action oriented comrades.)

The focus on street violence diverts activists from the far less 
glamorous building of relationships and alternative institutions and 
community organizing that alone will make effective resistance possible. 
We will defeat the corporate state only when we take back and empower 
our communities, as is happening with Cooperation Jackson, a grass-roots 
cooperative movement in Jackson, Miss. As long as acts of resistance are 
forms of personal catharsis, the corporate state is secure. Indeed, the 
corporate state welcomes this violence because violence is a language it 
can speak with a proficiency and ruthlessness that none of these groups 
can match.

“Politics isn’t made of individuals,” Sophia Burns writes in “Catharsis 
Is Counter-Revolutionary.” “It’s made of classes. Political change 
doesn’t come from feeling individually validated. It comes from 
collective action and organization within the working class. That means 
creating new institutions that meet our needs and defend against 
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[Marxism] Fwd: Houston wasn’t built to withstand a storm like Harvey.

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Devil’s Pact: Putin, the Alt-Right, and the Long Shadow of History

2017-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/28/17 3:54 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:
  That's all fine as far as it goes, but when I read a sentence such as 
this one I just stop reading.

"It also bears mentioning that the allies themselves did not 
territorially benefit from Czechoslovakia’s dismemberment, nor did they 
begin exporting war materiel to Germany, as the USSR did."

Yes. It is too bad that it had to devolve on someone with such 
questionable politics to tell the truth about the Non-Aggression Pact. 
If there were more people on the left making such points rather than 
being an echo chamber for Putin like Ben Norton, I would not have had to 
rely on this material. My only recommendation to comrades is to do their 
own research. I only began to understand the treachery of Stalin after 
doing background research on Andrzej Wajda and learning about Katyn.

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[Marxism] Myanmar: Solidarity with the Uprising of the Rohingya Muslims!

2017-08-28 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Devil’s Pact: Putin, the Alt-Right, and the Long Shadow of History

2017-08-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 That's all fine as far as it goes, but when I read a sentence such as this
one I just stop reading.

"It also bears mentioning that the allies themselves did not territorially
benefit from Czechoslovakia’s dismemberment, nor did they begin exporting
war materiel to Germany, as the USSR did."
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