[Marxism] It's a homecoming for artist Charles White at the Art Institute | Lauren Warnecke | Chicago Tribune

2018-06-16 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] In the Philippines, Dynamite Fishing Decimates Entire Ocean Food Chains - The New York Times

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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When I read an article like this, I despair of humanity's future. 
Interestingly enough, Gillo Pontecorvo, the director of "Battle of 
Algiers", was so appalled by the practice that his debut film "The Wide 
Blue Road" dealt with the same irrational practice. Yves Mondtand, a 
Communist and a Jew like Pontecorvo, played a dynamite fisherman like 
the ones in the Times article.

My review: http://www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/mydocs/culture/wide_blue_road.htm

Take a trial subscription to Fandor to see this great film:

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Re: [Marxism] truckers' strikes

2018-06-16 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jun 16, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> In the last month there have been nationwide truckers' strikes in Brazil,
> China, Iran and Argentina.
> Have I missed any?

It was reported a couple of weeks ago that truckers in India were threatening 
to strike from this coming Monday:



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[Marxism] Marxist World

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Foreign Affairs, July/August 2018 Issue
Marxist World
What Did You Expect From Capitalism?
By Robin Varghese

After nearly every economic downturn, voices appear suggesting that Marx 
was right to predict that the system would eventually destroy itself. 
Today, however, the problem is not a sudden crisis of capitalism but its 
normal workings, which in recent decades have revived pathologies that 
the developed world seemed to have left behind.

Since 1967, median household income in the United States, adjusted for 
inflation, has stagnated for the bottom 60 percent of the population, 
even as wealth and income for the richest Americans have soared. Changes 
in Europe, although less stark, point in the same direction. Corporate 
profits are at their highest levels since the 1960s, yet corporations 
are increasingly choosing to save those profits rather than invest them, 
further hurting productivity and wages. And recently, these changes have 
been accompanied by a hollowing out of democracy and its replacement 
with technocratic rule by globalized elites.

Mainstream theorists tend to see these developments as a puzzling 
departure from the promises of capitalism, but they would not have 
surprised Marx. He predicted that capitalism’s internal logic would over 
time lead to rising inequality, chronic unemployment and 
underemployment, stagnant wages, the dominance of large, powerful firms, 
and the creation of an entrenched elite whose power would act as a 
barrier to social progress. Eventually, the combined weight of these 
problems would spark a general crisis, ending in revolution.

Marx believed the revolution would come in the most advanced capitalist 
economies. Instead, it came in less developed ones, such as Russia and 
China, where communism ushered in authoritarian government and economic 
stagnation. During the middle of the twentieth century, meanwhile, the 
rich countries of Western Europe and the United States learned to 
manage, for a time, the instability and inequality that had 
characterized capitalism in Marx’s day. Together, these trends 
discredited Marx’s ideas in the eyes of many.

Yet despite the disasters of the Soviet Union and the countries that 
followed its model, Marx’s theory remains one of the most perceptive 
critiques of capitalism ever offered. Better than most, Marx understood 
the mechanisms that produce capitalism’s downsides and the problems that 
develop when governments do not actively combat them, as they have not 
for the past 40 years. As a result, Marxism, far from being outdated, is 
crucial for making sense of the world today.


The corpus of Marx’s work and the breadth of his concerns are vast, and 
many of his ideas on topics such as human development, ideology, and the 
state have been of perennial interest since he wrote them down. What 
makes Marx acutely relevant today is his economic theory, which he 
intended, as he wrote in Capital, “to lay bare the economic law of 
motion of modern society.” And although Marx, like the economist David 
Ricardo, relied on the flawed labor theory of value for some of his 
economic thinking, his remarkable insights remain.

Marx believed that under capitalism, the pressure on entrepreneurs to 
accumulate capital under conditions of market competition would lead to 
outcomes that are palpably familiar today. First, he argued that 
improvements in labor productivity created by technological innovation 
would largely be captured by the owners of capital. “Even when the real 
wages are rising,” he wrote, they “never rise proportionally to the 
productive power of labor.” Put simply, workers would always receive 
less than what they added to output, leading to inequality and relative 

Second, Marx predicted that competition among capitalists to reduce 
wages would compel them to introduce labor-saving technology. Over time, 
this technology would eliminate jobs, creating a permanently unemployed 
and underemployed portion of the population. Third, Marx thought that 
competition would lead to greater concentration in and among industries, 
as larger, more profitable firms drove smaller ones out of business. 
Since these larger firms would, by definition, be more competitive and 
technologically advanced, they would enjoy ever-increasing surpluses. 
Yet these surpluses would also be unequally distributed, compounding the 
first two dynamics.

Marx made plenty of mistakes, especially when it came to politics. 
Because he believed that the state was a tool of the capitalist class, 
he underestimated the power of collective efforts to reform capitalism. 
In the advanced ec

[Marxism] truckers' strikes

2018-06-16 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Andrew Pollack:

In the last month there have been nationwide truckers' strikes in Brazil,
China, Iran and Argentina.
Have I missed any?

Yes, you missed the truckers' strikes in Russia, which took place a bit

The truckers even formed their own union as a result, and in no time at all
it has become one of the most militant, progressive groups in the country,
ready to make common cause with almost any group fighting the Putin regime.


There is a whole chapter about the truckers in Victoria Lomasko's book
Other Russias, published by n+1 in the Us, and translated by yours truly.

It's a huge story that the western media missed almost entirely.
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[Marxism] truckers' strikes

2018-06-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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 In the last month there have been nationwide truckers' strikes in Brazil,
China, Iran and Argentina.
Have I missed any?
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[Marxism] Chinese truck drivers, activists warn of more protests over fuel, fines and cutthroat rates | South China Morning Post

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Interesting follow up to the earlier post about Brazilian truck drivers 
using Whatsapp. These actions, plus those that took place in Russia last 
year, demonstrate the strains within BRICS.

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[Marxism] Six cash-strapped NYC cabbies have now committed suicide in 8 months

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Video: Man asks black woman if she and her daughter bathed before getting in pool

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Low horizons and the legacy of defeat

2018-06-16 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Written nearly six years ago and with NZ in mind, but I think it has a
continuing wider relevance. . .

"Perhaps the biggest problem facing those of us who understand the need for
revolutionary social change in this country is the prevalence of low
horizons.  However much many people may grumble about the way things are,
very few are much interested in becoming actively involved in challenging
the system whose effects they dislike and even bewail.  This state of
affairs has existed for at least two decades.  The core organisations of
workers, the trade unions, are smaller and weaker and the far left is
politically essentially irrelevant and unable to affect, let alone effect,
developments. . ."

full at:
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[Marxism] The Brazilian Truckers’ Strike: How WhatsApp Is Changing the Rules of the Game

2018-06-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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