[Marxism] Jacobin Accused of Reneging on Wage Deal in British Takeover of Tribune Magazine – Payday Report

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Fuck Bhaskar Sunkara and the horse he rode in on.

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[Marxism] July 22; Oklahoma City | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Within ten minutes or so of the press screening for “July 22”, a 
narrative film about Anders Behring Breivik’s mass murder of young 
social democrats on the island of Utoya seven years ago on that very 
date, the narrative style was so unique and so effective that I was sure 
that this powerful film was made by the same man who made “United 93”. 
Like “United 93”, which told the story of the 9/11 hijacking  on the one 
plane that failed to hit its target, “July 22” is an understated, 
documentary-like account of an incident that lends itself to melodrama. 
Paul Greengrass, the British director and screenwriter for both films, 
does not make movies that deliver cheap thrills. Instead, you will get a 
more intense experience for the simple reason that it is more lifelike.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2018/09/26/july-22-oklahoma-city/
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Re: [Marxism] Three strikes and you're out (we can hope)

2018-09-26 Thread Steven L. Robinson via Marxism
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The allegations regarding the quaaludes and the drugging of drinks are, in some 
respects, the biggest bombshell of the entire scandal. Because such behavior is 
premeditated it goes beyond mere youthful indiscretion - no matter how reckless 
or culpable.  

If believed, these allegations are sufficient evidence of moral turpitude as 
would justify Kavanaugh's disbarment as a practicing lawyer, if a licensing 
authority would do that it is not clear that he would be able to continue 
serving as a Circuit Court or Supreme Court justice.

Hopefully Avenatti has other declarations in his pocket corroborating the one 
he has already submitted.


> On September 26, 2018 at 9:21 AM John Reimann via Marxism 
>  wrote:

> Attorney Michael Avenatti on Wednesday tweeted a sworn affidavit from a
> woman who alleges she was a victim of a gang rape at a party in the early
> 1980s at which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was present, and that
> she witnessed efforts by Mr. Kavanaugh to “cause girls to become
> inebriated” so they could be assaulted.
> The woman, Julie Swetnick, alleged that in 1982, she was a victim of a gang
> rape at a party at which Mr. Kavanaugh and a high school friend, Mark
> Judge, were present. She says she told at least two other people about the
> incident shortly after it occurred. She said she believed she was drugged
> “using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.”

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[Marxism] More on the Russian media

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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RT.com:The brand new party, Alternative for Germany, almost got into 
Parliament with 4.7 percent of the vote – was this a surprise to you?

Manuel Ochsenreiter: When we talk about the AFD, we have to see that we 
are really talking about here with the oppositional party. I told you 
before that for the big projects, like the Euro rescue project, Merkel 
can rely on a vast majority in the Parliament. The AFD is a Euro-skeptic 
party; it would be a new party. We know from polls that in Germany 
almost 20-30 percent of the people would support a Euro-skeptic party, 
so it’s not a surprise they almost had 5 percent. For a lot of people 
it’s a pity that they didn’t get into the Parliament. But of course, 
also for Germany, it is a way of democracy also to give a voice to those 
people who oppose Angela Merkel’s politics towards the European Union 
and against the rescue project of the Euro currency.


RT Host Manuel Ochsenreiter Exposed as Neo-Nazi Editor 

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[Marxism] The Russian media

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The introductions of far-right commentators in the Russian media were 
sometimes overtly impudent. This was the case, for example, of Jobbik's 
Marton Gyongyosi who, in 2012. urged the Hungarian government to draw up 
lists of Jews who posed a “national security risk”. In an introduction 
to the interview with him in Komsomol’skaya Pravda the female journalist 
described Gyongyosi as an “elegant, handsome 37-year old man” a “way-up 
and sophisticated ... ardent patriot of Hungary” who “could not care 
less” that “he had been called an anti-Semite and a neo-Nazi”. The 
journalist of Komsomol’skaya Pravda, which earlier reported on 
anti-Semitic activities of Jobbik, apparently needed this whitewashing 
and distracting introduction to play down Gyongyosi's anti-Semitism and 
lend credibility to his words that the EU was a colony of the United 
States and that the CIA, the US State Department, George Soros and 
European politicians had allegedly orchestrated the Ukrainian protests.

Anton Shekhovtsov, “Russia and The Western Far Right: Tango Noir”

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[Marxism] Three strikes and you're out (we can hope)

2018-09-26 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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From the WSJ online:

Attorney Michael Avenatti on Wednesday tweeted a sworn affidavit from a
woman who alleges she was a victim of a gang rape at a party in the early
1980s at which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was present, and that
she witnessed efforts by Mr. Kavanaugh to “cause girls to become
inebriated” so they could be assaulted.

The woman, Julie Swetnick, alleged that in 1982, she was a victim of a gang
rape at a party at which Mr. Kavanaugh and a high school friend, Mark
Judge, were present. She says she told at least two other people about the
incident shortly after it occurred. She said she believed she was drugged
“using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.”

Ms. Swetnick doesn’t specify whether Judge Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge engaged
in her alleged rape or if they were in the room, but said they were
“present” when she was victimized.

A spokesman for Judge Kavanaugh didn’t immediately respond to a request for

Judge Kavanaugh has strongly denied allegations of misconduct from two
other women, and has broadly said he has never engaged in sexual misconduct.

Mr. Judge’s lawyer said in an email that she hadn’t yet seen the

The Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday that its lawyers were “in the
process” of reviewing the declaration, which it said Mr. Avenatti had
provided to the committee Wednesday morning.

Ms. Swetnick alleged that in 1981-82, she became aware of efforts by Mr.
Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge to “ ‘spike’ the ‘punch’ ” at house parties she
attended with drugs “and/or grain alcohol” and subsequently “target” women.

The new allegations come one day before a landmark Senate hearing

Judge Kavanaugh and another woman who has accused him of sexual assault,
which he denies. The woman, Christine Blasey Ford, also said that Mr. Judge
was present for her alleged sexual assault, which she said occurred when
she and Judge Kavanaugh were in high school.

   - As Blockbuster Hearing Looms, Focus Is on a Few Key Senators

   - The Often-Rocky Climb to the Supreme Court

   - A Look at Rachel Mitchell, the Republicans’ Chosen Questioner

Ms. Swetnick said she graduated from Gaithersburg High School in
Gaithersburg, Md., and that she holds active clearances at the Treasury
Department, U.S. Mint and Internal Revenue Service. She said in her
affidavit that she would be willing to testify to the information contained
in her affidavit.

Mr. Avenatti in recent days has repeatedly called for a Federal Bureau of
Investigation probe into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. In an
interview late Tuesday, he said it was an “absolute outrage” that the
Senate is scheduled to vote

Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination on Friday.

Mr. Avenatti has been in contact with the Senate Judiciary Committee, which
on Tuesday said it hadn’t received evidence from the lawyer to support
claims Mr. Avenatti previously made on Twitter that he had a client making
allegations of gang rape that involved Judge Kavanaugh.

In emails with Mike Davis, chief counsel for nominations for the Senate
Judiciary Committee, Mr. Avenatti called for Mr. Judge to testify before
the committee.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] bellingcat - Skripal Suspect Boshirov Identified as GRU Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga - bellingcat

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Study on Death in Civil War in South Sudan

2018-09-26 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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About 400,000 have died between 2013 and 2018

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] Peking University

2018-09-26 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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  The link provided by Red Arnie ran into a pay wall, so here is the whole

Chinese politics & policy Add to myFT Peking University threatens to close
down Marxism society Students continue to back workers in dispute over
trade union rights President Xi Jinping visits the Marxist literature
centre at Peking University in May to commemorate the 200th anniversary of
Karl Marx’s birth © Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock Share on Twitter (opens new
window) Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new
window) Save Save to myFT Yuan Yang and Xinning Liu in Beijing SEPTEMBER
23, 2018 Print this page33 China’s most prestigious university has
threatened to shut down its student Marxist society amid a continuing
police crackdown on students who support workers in a dispute over trade
union organisation. Under China’s Communist party, Marxism has been part of
the compulsory university curriculum for decades. But universities are now
under pressure to embrace “Xi Jinping thought” as the president strengthens
his ideological control over the nation. The government is also inspecting
primary and secondary school textbooks to remove foreign content. Peking
University’s Marxist Society was not able to re-register for the new
academic year because it did not have the backing required from teachers,
the society said. “Everyone can see what the Peking University Marxist
Society has done over the past few years to speak out for marginalised
groups on campus,” it added. The threat to close the society follows a
summer of student and worker unrest in the Chinese manufacturing hub of
Shenzhen. Students from Peking and other elite Chinese universities were
detained for supporting workers trying to organise a trade union at a Jasic
Technology factory. While workers’ protests have become more common in
China, the support of a small yet growing student movement has made the
Jasic protests politically sensitive. Zhan Zhenzhen, a member of the
Marxist Society at Peking University, was among those arrested in Shenzhen
last month. In July, police detained about 30 workers in the biggest such
arrest since 2015. In August, police wearing riot gear stormed a student
dormitory and took away about 40 students who had been supporting the
workers, according to witnesses. Recommended Jamil Anderlini China is at
risk of becoming a colonialist power Mr Zhan and the Marxist Society
initiated an investigation into working conditions for low-paid workers at
Peking University this year. The group said its focus was labour rights,
and it gained media attention in 2015 when it published an earlier working
conditions report. The Marxist Society said it had approached teachers in
the university’s department of Marxism for support with registration but
had been refused, with no explanation. A teacher from another department
had volunteered to register the society but said his offer was rejected by
the university’s Student Society Committee. The university’s Marxism
department did not respond immediately to a request for comment. The
Student Society Committee declined to comment. Mr Xi visited Peking
University this year to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s
birth. “Peking University is the first place to spread and study Marxism in
China. It makes a great contribution to the spread of Marxism and the
foundation of China’s Communist Party,” he said at the time. Be alerted on
Chinese politics & policy Enable alerts Copyright The Financial Times
Limited 2018. All rights reserved. Latest on Chinese politics & policy
Chinese politics & policy Pakistani men demand release of wives in China
Chinese business & finance China state groups gobble up private companies
Special Report China’s Belt & Road Initiative Special Report FT Wealth
Chilling warnings from Antarctica Belt and Road Initiative Kenyan railway
highlights sharper focus on affordability Belt and Road Initiative India on
edge over influx of Chinese cash to neighbours Belt and Road Initiative
Malaysian rethink on projects risks contagion in the region Interview Belt
and Road Initiative ‘We say, if you want to get rich, build roads first’
COMMENTS (33) Sign in + Follow Submit Comment Please keep comments
respectful. By commenting, you agree to abide by our community guidelines
and these terms and conditions. We encourage you to report inappropriate
comments. Newest | Oldest | Most recommended Yu-Tai Chia 2 days ago Under a
communist government proletariat is supposed to dictate the political
power. What this story tells us is that the People's Republic of China is
not a proletariat dictatorship. What President Xi wants is an empire and he
is the emperor 

[Marxism] Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 26, 2018
Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92
By Sam Roberts

Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she 
became an assassin and saboteur.

It was 1940, Germany had invaded the Netherlands, and she and her 
sister, Truus, who was two years older, had been recruited by the local 
Dutch resistance commander, in the city of Haarlem.

“Only later did he tell us what we’d actually have to do: Sabotage 
bridges and railway lines,” Truus Menger-Oversteegen recalled in a 2014 
book, “Under Fire: Women and World War II.” “We told him we’d like to do 

Then the commander added, “ ‘And learn to shoot — to shoot Nazis,’ ” she 

“I remember my sister saying, ‘Well, that’s something I’ve never done 
before!’ ”

The sisters, along with a lapsed law student, Hannie Schaft, became a 
singular female underground squad, part of a cell of seven, that killed 
collaborators and occupying troops.

The three staged drive-by shootings from their bicycles; seductively 
lured German soldiers from bars to nearby woods, where they would 
execute them; and sheltered fleeing Jews, political dissidents, gay 
people and others who were being hunted by the invaders.

Freddie Dekker-Oversteegen, the last surviving member of the trio, died 
on Sept. 5, the day before her 93rd birthday, at a nursing home in 
Driehuis in the Netherlands, about five miles from where she was born.

Her death was announced by Jeroen Pliester, the chairman of the National 
Hannie Schaft Foundation, which the Oversteegen sisters started in 1996.

Ms. Schaft was captured, tortured and executed by the Nazis on April 17, 
1945, 18 days before the liberation of the Netherlands. She was 24. 
After the war Ms. Schaft — the martyred “girl with the red hair,” as she 
had been called by the Nazis — was hailed as a national heroine.

Truus Oversteegen, the leader of the three, went on to marry a fellow 
resistance fighter, become a painter and sculptor of works that were 
largely inspired by the war, write a memoir titled “Not Then, Not Now, 
Not Ever” and lecture about her experiences. She died in 2016.

Freddie Oversteegen said she had felt sidelined after the war, in part 
because she had been a member of a Communist youth group; the Dutch 
government was soundly anti-Soviet.

Of the three young women, she was the most reserved, even though she was 
the first of them to fatally shoot a German soldier. (He had been lured 
from a bar into the woods.) Asked in 2016 by the online magazine Vice 
Netherlands how she had later dealt with her participating in wartime 
brutality, she replied, “By getting married and having babies.”

She also said that until she and Truus were profiled in a 2016 
television documentary in the Netherlands titled “Two Sisters in the 
Resistance,” she had been envious of her sister. By then, Truus had 
become a well-known author.

“I have always been a little jealous of her because she got so much 
attention after the war,” she said of Truus. “But then I’d just think, 
‘I was in the resistance as well.’ ”

In 2014, both sisters were awarded the Mobilization War Cross by Mark 
Rutte, the Dutch prime minister.

Ms. Oversteegen married Jan Dekker, an engineer for the Dutch steel 
producer Koninklijke Hoogovens. She is survived by their three children, 
four grandchildren and a stepbrother from her mother’s second marriage.

Freddie Nanda Oversteegen was born on Sept. 6, 1925, in Schoten, a 
village in the province of North Holland, to Jacob Oversteegen and 
Trijntje van der Molen. (Schoten is now part of Haarlem.)

Her parents were members of International Red Aid, a social service 
group organized by the Communist International. Freddie and her sister 
joined the Dutch Youth Federation, another Communist affiliate, and made 
dolls for children caught up in the Spanish Civil War.

After their parents divorced, amicably (Jacob sang a farewell serenade 
in French), the girls moved with their mother into a small North Holland 
apartment, where the sisters shared a bunk. As early as the mid-1930s, 
the family took in Jews fleeing from Germany.

After the Germans invaded, Jews were hidden elsewhere because the 
Oversteegens feared that their Communist leanings might invite exposure. 
Many were discovered nevertheless.

“They were all deported and murdered,” Ms. Oversteegen was quoted as 
telling the anthropologist Ellis Jonker in “Under Fire: Women and World 
War II.” “We never heard from them again. It still moves me dreadfully, 
whenever I talk about it.”

The sisters worked as nurses in Enschede, on the German border in 
eastern Holland, w

[Marxism] Turkey’s strongman rule imperils gains from economic boom

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Interesting article that explains Erdogan's continuing popularity that 
might evaporate after the economic crisis deepens.)

Washington Post, Sept. 26, 2018
Turkey’s strongman rule imperils gains from economic boom
By David J. Lynch

ISTANBUL — Inside the Ozdilek Park mall, Dogukan Altin arrives for his 
shift at a men’s clothing store. Today is a national holiday and almost 
everyone has the day off. But almost no one has come to Ozdilek.

“It’s generally just empty. There’s too many malls,” says Altin, 34, 
sporting a close-cropped beard along with a dark tie and white shirt. 
“Because there’s three malls right next to each other, none of them make 
any money.”

Next door, a pair of empty storefronts frame the entrance to the Metro 
City mall. The stale air inside bears the scent of retail death. Only 
the Kanyon mall, where leafy green vines line an open-air courtyard and 
affluent shoppers throng upscale cafes, seems alive.

The redundant shopping centers, on a main street in the Levent business 
district, symbolize Turkey’s deeply unbalanced economy.

Under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, this country embarked on a 
building spree that remade its urban skylines and public infrastructure, 
often making life easier for average Turks. The booming economy, which 
relied heavily on borrowing from foreign banks, grew last year by a 
robust 7 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Now the frenzy is crashing to a halt as Turkish companies’ heavy foreign 
debts come due and the boom’s excesses surface. Erdogan’s increasingly 
authoritarian turn, which has led him to consolidate power on a 
nationalist platform and left him slow to take the measures needed to 
rein in a runaway economy, has investors on edge.

After months of delay and a 40 percent drop in the value of the Turkish 
lira, Erdogan two weeks ago finally permitted the central bank to raise 
interest rates. But he did so only after giving a public speech 
castigating the move, enveloping Turkey’s path out of the crisis in a 
fog of contradiction.

The belated rate increase virtually guarantees a recession — with 
unpredictable political fallout, economists say. In the months ahead, 
the president will face more tough decisions, including over a potential 
IMF bailout, that will test his ability to balance crowd-pleasing 
rhetoric and the economy’s need for bitter medicine.

The danger is that Erdogan’s slow-motion pragmatism may not move fast 
enough to prevent a Turkish meltdown.

“Authoritarian regimes run into trouble when the economy runs into 
trouble,” said Harvard University government professor Jeffry Frieden, 
author of “Global Capitalism.”

Like the Ottoman sultans he admires, Erdogan has made building on a 
grandiose scale a signature trait. Istanbul’s airport eventually will be 
the world’s largest, and the city’s gargantuan new mosque will hold more 
than 37,000 worshipers.

In recent years, $1 million condos sprouted in 19th-century buildings 
along the cobblestone streets of the Galata neighborhood, famed for its 
medieval tower. A new bridge spanned the Bosporus. And just down the 
road from Levent’s trio of shopping malls, a luxury skyscraper called 
Sapphire became until recently the country’s tallest building.

In a waterside park in the working-class neighborhood of Eyup, Saban 
Denizhan, 40, an interior designer, marveled at the transformation.

“Living standards have greatly improved. Used to be a time, we couldn’t 
even sit here because of the smell from the water,” he said, gesturing 
toward pleasure boats bobbing along the embankment. “Now, look, people 
are fishing.”

Nearby, a construction crew was laying the groundwork for a new metro 
stop that will allow residents to reach the state hospital without 
enduring the city’s notorious traffic.

Health-care services are another area where Erdogan has left his mark. 
Before he took office, Turks could fill prescriptions only at hospitals. 
Now, they take their state medical cards to any pharmacy. No longer must 
they line up at medical centers at 4 or 5 a.m. in hopes of eventually 
receiving care several hours later. Instead, they schedule appointments 
online or by phone.

“I’m pleased with the service they give me,” said Ahmet Colak, 69, 
taking a break from physical therapy for a bad shoulder. “It’s 100 
percent better than it used to be.”

Unending building boom

In the Erdogan era, millions of people have escaped poverty and economic 
output per person has nearly doubled, according to the IMF. But as the 
quality of life improved, Erdogan also planted the seeds of the current 

Rather than invest in factories — 

[Marxism] History Distorted: Sam Wineberg’s Critique of Howard Zinn

2018-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Mike Davis’s new book reviewed

2018-09-26 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] A cuatro años del crimen de Ayotzinapa: ni perdon ni olvido [de mi blog]

2018-09-26 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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"Ayotzinapa: Ni olvido ni perdón.
"Para los asesinos ¡paredón!

"Una vieja consigna de mi Cuba cuando era muy niño en 1959. Hoy eso de 
"¡paredón!" nos suena revanchista, incluso cruel e inhumano. Pero la 
rabia que siento cada vez que pienso en esas 43 vidas segadas debe ser 
la misma de quienes la coreaban en aquél entonces, sangre hirviendo 
frente a los cobardes asesinatos de miles de muchachos por la dictadura 
batistiana. Porque como dijera Fidel en otro momento, frente a 
semejantes crímenes, el dolor no se comparte, el dolor se multiplica y 
se convierte en decisión de lucha."

La entradan entera se encuentra aquí:


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