Re: [Marxism] Turkey accuses US Coalition members of supporting HTS in Syria

2019-02-05 Thread mkaradjis via Marxism
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I doubt that Erdogan means funding of civil society, which has largely been
allied to, if critical of, the local FSA and anti-HTS forces. More likely
it is just Erdoganist conspiracist talk.

Radio Fresh is still running, despite Trump's cut-off of US aid, as they
received some funding from another source. However, thsi runs out in March,
and they don't know what happens then. here is a recent podcast 'Good
Morning Kafranbel', with a great review of thee radio's history :

On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 11:06 PM Chris Slee via Marxism <> wrote:

> When Turkish foreign minister Cavusoglu complains about "some  Western
> countries" giving money to HTS, he may be referring to the funding of civil
> society organisations in HTS-controlled territory. Trump said he would end
> such funding, but perhaps some other governments are continuing to give
> some aid.
> I don't know if Radio Fresh is still broadcasting, but if it is, I suspect
> it would be critical of Turkey.  If so, Turkey would want to silence it by
> cutting off its funding.
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Re: [Marxism] How To Think Clearly About Anti-Semitism Controversies In The Labour Party | Current Affairs

2019-02-05 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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The running theme with most of these "critical thinking" pieces about
Labour anti-Semitism is that, whether they repeat the canard that Corbyn,
Livingstone, or others are anti-Semitic, the problem is them. Corbyn
shouldn't have spoken at this event or that event, that Livingstone
apparently should never speak at all, etc. etc.

And it's a complete crock of shit. The writer makes it appear that
anti-Semitism actually is pervasive in British society (it isn't) and that
Pal activists should be more careful about where they speak or what they
say, lest they somehow validate the creeping anti-Semitism. But not a
single one of the quotes from Livingstone actually evinces any
anti-Semitism (and in fact many are standard if not prerequisite views on
the Left), and there is no indication that any of the "anti-Semitism" at
the various events Corbyn spoke at were anything more than the kind of
standard angry rhetoric one hears at Leftist events or the kind of
chauvinist rhetoric one hears in every sensitive race-related topic. For
the author, who appears to be struggling with his own position in this
affair given how contradictory his views are, somehow the jeers about
anti-Semitism are fundamentally different and even things like being at the
same conference as elected Palestinian leaders like Khaled Meshaal are
things to do reluctantly.

In some ways these pieces are even worse than the standard garbage being
slung at Corbyn, because they appear to come from a place of support
despite having the same practical effect, which is to force Leftists and
Pal activists to aggressively police themselves and their own organizations
and create the same dangerous chilling effect using the spectre of

Amith R. Gupta

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[Marxism] Two Trends in the American Socialist Movement: Why We Should Throw Kautsky Out With the Bathwater | Socialist Revolution

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Davos set are cosying up to the far right – and scared of the left | Cas Mudde | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By John Bellamy Foster.
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[Marxism] France’s Yellow Vest Movement Comes of Age | The Nation

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How To Think Clearly About Anti-Semitism Controversies In The Labour Party | Current Affairs

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The dark night of the soulless bourgeoisie | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Hardly a week goes by without some billionaire sounding as if he was a 
French aristocrat whose name has been encoded into the scarf that Madame 
Defarge is knitting in Charles Dickens’s “A Tale of Two Cities”. It as 
if the election of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez means that the guillotine 
blade is being sharpened just for them.

The first and most visible of these panic-stricken plutocrats was Howard 
Schultz who decided to run as an independent in 2020 because the 
Democrats were too far to the left. One of them is Elizabeth Warren who 
once asked him for a campaign contribution. He refused, telling MSNBC 
that “she believes in programs that will lead to a level of socialism in 
America.” Warren is on record as opposing socialism, whatever that means 
to her. Her preference is for a “capitalism with serious rules”. If you 
Google “Starbucks” and “false advertising”, you get 192,000 hits. Judges 
keep ruling in Schultz’s favor when civil suits are brought against his 
corporation. One of these judges, who cleared Starbucks of skimping on 
ingredients, also cleared the cops of using excessive violence against 
student protesters in 2011 at U. Cal, Berkeley. Imagine that. So the 
idea seems to be that it is not so much socialism he is worried about 
but an end to “capitalism with rules that favor the rich”, which has 
been its modus operandi for the past 500 years or so.

Michael Bloomberg, who has personal wealth in excess of 47 billion 
dollars (15 times as much as Schultz), is also considering running for 
President in 2020 but as a Democrat, unlike Schultz. But like Schultz, 
Elizabeth Warren keeps him up at night cowering under his blanket. With 
regard to her wealth tax, he told reporters: “We need a healthy economy, 
and we shouldn’t be embarrassed about our system. If you want to look at 
a system that’s non-capitalistic, just take a look at what was once, 
perhaps, the wealthiest country in the world, and today people are 
starving to death. It’s called Venezuela.”

I doubt that Bloomberg ever read Karl Marx but anybody who has concluded 
that there was socialism in Venezuela must have been reading Jacobin 
rather than V. 1 of Capital.


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[Marxism] A note from Eric Davin

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Eric co-wrote the article about the Labor Party movement with Staughton 
Lynd in Berlin, New Hampshire that I cited in my post on Vito Marcantonio.)

Thanks for the mention of our article, “Picket Line & Ballot Box,” about 
the Berlin, NH, Farmer-Labor Party. You can find a more extended 
discussion of the labor party movement by me (entire long chapter) in 
Staughton Lynd, Ed., “We Are All Leaders.” Many libraries have it. Used 
copies available everywhere. The above article is now available as a 
booklet on Barnes & Noble & Amazon. Urge people to get copies. Cheap:
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Re: [Marxism] FREE Haymarket Ebook: Socialist Strategy and Electoral Politics

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/5/19 11:24 AM, A.R. G wrote:

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Amith R. Gupta

Try starting from here:

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Re: [Marxism] FREE Haymarket Ebook: Socialist Strategy and Electoral Politics

2019-02-05 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Amith R. Gupta

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[Marxism] FREE Haymarket Ebook: Socialist Strategy and Electoral Politics

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Scientists Single Out a Suspect in Starfish Carnage: Warming Oceans

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Feb. 5, 2019
Scientists Single Out a Suspect in Starfish Carnage: Warming Oceans
By Kendra Pierre-Louis

In 2013, starfish — including the morning sun star, the richly hued 
ochre star and the sunflower star, whose limbs can span four feet across 
— started dying by the millions along the Pacific Coast from Mexico to 

They were succumbing to a wasting disease. It began with white lesions 
on their limbs, the dissolution of the surrounding flesh, a loss of 
limbs and finally death. Understanding, let alone solving, the problem 
would take research.

One day, shortly after the epidemic began, Drew Harvell, a professor of 
ecology and evolutionary biology at Cornell University who had been 
sounding the alarm about the disease, received a curious letter.

“I received a $400 check in the mail from a group of schoolchildren from 
Arkansas,” Dr. Harvell said. “These kids were so upset about the idea of 
starfish disappearing from the oceans that they went out and they did 
this fund-raiser and raised 400 bucks for us to help in our research. I 
never asked them to do this. They just did it.”

Dr. Harvell matched it with her own money, and a donor kicked in quite a 
bit more. “That was what funded some of our early surveys,” she said. 
“These kids, who none of them had been to the Pacific Ocean, but they 
just needed to know those stars were there.”

One of the ultimate results of the children’s donation, a paper that 
sheds some light on the decline of the starfish, also known as sea 
stars, was published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances. The main 
suspect: our warming oceans.

In 2013, parts of the Pacific Ocean became unusually warm as part of a 
broader marine heat wave, nicknamed the Blob, that would last through 
2015 and that was very likely exacerbated by human-caused global 
warming. But while the ocean warmed, it didn’t warm evenly, making it 
hard to tell if the heat wave was contributing to the starfish deaths.

In the study, which was led jointly by Cornell and the University of 
California, Davis, Dr. Harvell and her colleagues compiled data from 
citizen-scientists and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration.  Then, they compared changes in the sunflower star 
population with changes in ocean temperature during the outbreak.

While the disease affected 20 species of starfish, the researchers 
focused on the sunflower star because it was especially hard hit and 
because there was good historical data on its population before the 

According to Rebecca Vega Thurber, an associate professor of 
environmental microbiology at Oregon State University, who was not 
involved in the study, “What’s really exciting about this paper is the 
really strong correspondence between this temperature anomaly that 
occurred during that year when the sea stars started dying.”

Everywhere the warming went, the sunflower stars sickened and died.

The study showed a correlation between warming temperatures and the 
spread of the disease, not a direct cause. But it corroborates a 
hypothesis that was initially questioned because the virus that 
researchers think is responsible also shows up in healthy sea stars.

“That trigger, in the case of this paper, seems to be temperature,” Dr. 
Vega Thurber said.

Dr. Vega Thurber pointed out that the presence of a particular pathogen 
does not necessarily mean a disease will develop.

For example, if you’ve had chickenpox you are carrying the virus that 
causes shingles. Roughly a third of carriers will develop the disease, 
but two-thirds won’t. It takes something to prompt its emergence.

Heat has also been implicated as a trigger in the spread of a fungus 
that is wiping out frog and toad populations around the globe, as well 
as in coral diseases. In fact, when corals bleach or lose their 
symbiotic algae because of warming oceans, it’s typically disease that 
ultimately kills them.

There are things we can do to help marine life, Dr. Harvell said. We can 
replant seagrass beds and protect mangroves, for instance. But, 
ultimately, we need to stop climate change, she said. The world’s oceans 
have absorbed more than 90 percent of the atmospheric heat humans have 
caused by releasing greenhouse gases.

While some affected sea stars have begun to return to American waters on 
the West Coast, the sunflower star has not returned off the lower 48 states.

But last summer, on the south coast of Alaska, researchers saw a glimmer 
of hope: the reappearance of sunflower stars, which had disappeared from 
Prince William Sound during the outbreak.

“We don’t know where exactly they came from,” said Brenda 

[Marxism] A School Board Says No to Big Oil, and Alarms Sound in Business-Friendly Louisiana

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Feb. 5, 2019
A School Board Says No to Big Oil, and Alarms Sound in Business-Friendly 

By Richard Fausset

BATON ROUGE, La. — It was a squabble over $2.9 million in property-tax 
breaks — small change for Exxon Mobil, a company that measures its 
earnings by the billions.

But when the East Baton Rouge Parish school board rejected the energy 
giant’s rather routine request last month, the “no” vote went off like a 
bomb in a state where obeisance to the oil, gas and chemical industries 
is the norm.

The local chamber of commerce took out a full-page newspaper ad, warning 
of a rise of “radicalism.” The head of the Louisiana Association of 
Business and Industry wrote that “the anti-business crowd has had their 
fun,” but needed to “cool their jets.”

And now, somewhat surprisingly, business-friendly Louisiana finds that 
it is the latest flash point in a roiling, community-by-community debate 
that pits liberals and local activists against defenders of the lavish 
tax incentives offered to woo big business.

It has been a David vs. Goliath story in the Louisiana capital, where a 
grass-roots coalition of black and white churches, activists and 
ordinary citizens have successfully clamored to democratize a system 
that used to dole out billions in property-tax breaks without giving the 
local school boards, city councils and other government entities that 
depend on those taxes any say in the matter.

The vote has also revived a vexing, and defining, Louisiana question 
about the deference a perennially impoverished state must show to big 

“We’ve allowed the oil and gas industry to hijack our democracy,” said 
Russel L. Honoré, a retired Army lieutenant general who earned acclaim 
for leading the military response to Hurricane Katrina, and who had 
urged the East Baton Rouge Parish school board to reject the exemptions. 
“The industry will brag about it all the time, how well we’re doing in 
terms of business development. Well, if we’re doing so well, why are we 
the second-poorest state?”

Complaints that state and local governments have given away the farm to 
big business have flared recently in other states as well, most sharply 
in New York City, where liberal politicians and union supporters have 
blasted the incentives of up to $3 billion that helped woo Amazon’s new 
corporate offices in Queens. In Virginia, a socialist state House 
member, Lee Carter, has called a $70 million grant package for the chip 
maker Micron “corrupt.”

But the tone is markedly different in Baton Rouge. Though the city is 
home to the state’s flagship university, it is more Bakersfield than 
Berkeley, defined strongly by the business and culture of the oil patch. 
Exxon Mobil’s vast old refinery on the North Side has employed 
generations of local workers. It is the area’s largest manufacturer and 
largest taxpayer.

Dawn Chanet Collins was among the school board members who voted against 
the tax break in a 5-4 vote in mid-January. Though she praised the oil 
giant for the donations and volunteer hours it showers on local schools, 
she said that giving the company exemptions for the already completed 
expansions of the refinery and a polymer plant simply did not make sense.

The school district is in a budget crisis, and it is looking for ways to 
cut roughly $30 million in future spending. Layoffs may be on the table. 
Teachers say that administrators have even been rationing paper.

“It would have been completely irresponsible for the board to say, ‘Go 
ahead, keep your money,’ when we have to fill a $30 million gap on our 
end,” Ms. Collins said.

For decades, industrial property-tax breaks in Louisiana were in the 
sole control of a little-noticed state board that approved them with no 
local input — a system unique in the nation, according to Greg LeRoy, 
executive director of Good Jobs First, a nonprofit group that tracks 
such incentives.

Gov. John Bel Edwards, a moderate Democrat, overhauled the process in 
2016 with an executive order that for the first time in 80 years gave 
local governments the right to decide whether their revenue would be 
sacrificed to aid industry.

A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with 
voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news 
cycle, telling you what you really need to know.

In the months before Mr. Edwards’s order, the state’s Industrial Tax 
Exemption Program, or ITEP, had been thrust into the public debate by 
the efforts of the grass-roots coalition, known as Together Baton Rouge. 
Before then, it had gone largely unnoticed by everyone except those who 

[Marxism] On Extinction’s Edge: Fall Fish Survey Finds Zero Delta Smelt

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The smelt is a small and very tasty fish that my dad used to sell in the 
early 60s. I haven't seen any for sale in decades.
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[Marxism] In Daraa, where ‘walls have ears,’ post-reconciliation communities marred by fear, mistrust - Syria Direct

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Brexit and the "white working class" | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] America's Other Big Plan for Nuclear Weapons (And It Has Nothing to Do with War or Russia) | The National Interest

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Project Chariot would have instantly created a new deepwater harbor on 
the remote rocky coast of Alaska on the Bering Strait. Several hydrogen 
bombs would be detonated to create a comma-shaped hole in the shore 
almost two-thousand-feet long and thirty-feet deep. The harbor was to 
serve a vast new oil and coal development some miles inland. From its 
inception Chariot proved controversial , both for its cavalier impact 
assessments and its staunchest advocate: Edward Teller, the “Father of 
the H-Bomb.” Local opposition by Inuit communities eventually killed the 
project along with the lack of interest in the mineral deposits. Inuit 
suspicions were confirmed decades later when a researcher found 
radioactive soil in the planned project area—debris from a secret 
effects test.


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[Marxism] Shooting a Revolution: Visual Media and Warfare in Syria by Donatella Della Ratta - / daily review

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Revolution in the head: how Eric Hobsbawm became a communist national treasure | Prospect Magazine

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Under Assault: Class and Gender in Bulgaria and Europe Today | Lefteast

2019-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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