Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Re: Venezuela: despite the crisis, Chavez's legacy endures (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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> Here is a photo essay from Venezuela in the Guardian newspaper. I suppose
> it's all lies.
> John Reimann
> Well we know that Juan Guaido doesn’t “provide hope”. We know that’s a lie.

One of the only times the working class should be about supporting even a
bourgeois government is when it is under attack by the forces of
imperialism. There is no third way here. That’s for the Moronistas.

But hey, I suppose you could volunteer to be a kidnapping victim. That
would be more useful than posting this sort of bullshit.

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[Marxism] [UCE] Re: Venezuela: despite the crisis, Chavez's legacy endures (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Here is a photo essay from Venezuela in the Guardian newspaper. I suppose
it's all lies.

John Reimann

On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 11:36 AM John Reimann <> wrote:

> First of all, as far as the relative "cheapness" of goods in Caracas: The
> way it's put tends to deceive since people will remember better that the
> goods are "cheap" than the qualifying comment. Completely aside from that,
> the practical meaning is this: These goods are cheap in dollars but sky
> high in bolivares.  Fuentes writes: "It is common to find street hawkers
> with debit and credit card machines, and many happy to accept US dollars to
> overcome this problem." The clear implication is that goods are easily
> affordable, and that is true... for those who have access to US dollars!
> But this "little detail" isn't mentioned by the author, so he leaves a
> false impression. Who has access to dollars is the bolibourgeoisie, another
> "little detail" not mentioned by Fuentes. In other words, the
> bolibourgeoisie isn't seriously hurt by the collapse in the value of the
> bolivar but the masses of Venezuelans are.
> I find it hard to believe that the author was not aware of the effect on
> the reader of leaving out of these key facts. Likewise, I find it peculiar
> that he completely fails to mention the several million Venezuelan refugees
> who have fled Venezuela.
> I am guessing that the reporter didn't just go to Venezuela on their own
> but that they were shown around, so the question is: "Who is it that showed
> them around?" That little detail is left out, but I would bet it wasn't the
> socialist opposition, for instance the Party for Socialism and Freedom
> there. In fact, I would bet it was people associated with the PSUV, that is
> to say, Maduro supporters. Were they told about the FAES (government
> militia types) having murdered people? Were they told about how the food
> supplements are given to the government supporters, not to the working
> class as a whole?
> A few days ago, I posted to this list an article from the Wall St. Journal
> describing the desperate situation for Venezuela's poor, as well as the
> repression the Maduro regime is carrying out against them. Chris Slee did
> not deny the possibility that the article was accurate. So he is now left
> in a difficult position, because that WSJ article and the Green Left Weekly
> article cannot both be accurate. They present radically different pictures
> of life in Venezuela. Given the subtle misrepresentations and the failure
> to mention key facts (e.g. the millions of Venezuelan economic refugees) as
> well as the descriptions from such left sources inside Venezuela as Simon
> Rodriguez ( -- at the moment not working, for whatever
> reason), I don't find the Green Left Weekly article credible.
> One simple question
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https: also on Facebook

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https: also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] Statement | Oppose the Coup of Trump and Guaidó: Workers Must Lead the Fight Against Imperialist Aggression and

2019-03-23 Thread jgreen--- via Marxism
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On 23 Mar 2019 at 14:15, Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism wrote:

> No Imperialist Intervention in Venezuela! Declaration of the
> revolutionary
> organizations of workers, women and youth from Latin America, Europe
> and
> the United States that make up the Fracción Trotskista-Cuarta
> Internacional
> (FT-CI) / Trotskyist Fraction-Fourth International (TF-FI).
> s-must-lead-the-fight-against-imperialist-aggression-and-the-misery-
> to-which-they-are-subjected

The title of the appeal is "Oppose the Coup of Trump and Guaidó: Workers Must 
Lead the Fight Against Imperialist Aggression and the Misery to Which They Are 
Subjected "

Read as a whole, this appeal opposes Trump, Guaido, and Maduro, which is 
correct, and it has some sharp denunciation of the present situation.

But it would be hard to use this appeal as a basis for what should be done, 
because it combines contradictory elements.On one hand, it presents itself as 
simply against the opposition from the right, so Maduro or the regime isn't 
mentioned in the title of the appeal. On the other hand, it talks of "the 
economic and social catastrophe, and the weariness of the masses with the 
anti-worker, anti-people and repressive economic policy of Maduro". But what 
should be done? It ends up proposing steps which would lead towards immediate 
workers' power, but through a movement that is based on simply being the most 
resolute in opposing the coup.
How does it reconcile these points? The more it tries, the more it gets into  
difficulties. It says it is not giving "any endorsement of or political support 
Maduro government", but doesn't characterizing the crisis overall simply as an 
attempt at a right-wing and imperialist coup imply at least some temporary 
support for the government? On the other hand, some of the struggles it 
would, if they could be carried out,  lead to immediate, irreconcilable clashes 
the Maduro government and its police. Moreover, the full list of demands 
suggests that the movement could, by mobilizing against the right-wing coup, 
up carrying out the Trotskyist transitional program, which is supposed to lead 
workers' power.

It can't get out of these contradictions, because it is unwilling to give a 
estimation of the balance of class forces at this time. It has an  unrealistic 
description of how far the internal class struggle has gone in Venezuela. It 
describe the existing trends in the opposition (other than a certain 
description of 
the  right-wing), and it doesn't talk concretely about the situation with the 
left-wing opposition and left-wing critics. It also doesn't realistically 
evaluate what 
could be done economically in Venezuela at this time.  Instead it simply 
all sorts of demands, without any estimation of how far the masses could take 
such demands or carry out such organization at this time or of what socialists 
should do given the disorientation and weakness in the workers' movement. It 
doesn't separate demands into the immediate and the more long-term. At one 
point, it talks of the "absence of a working-class alternative" in Venezuela, 
elsewhere it describes a movement that is already at an extremely high level.

This failure to describe the concrete situation in the class struggle is 
seen repeatedlly in Trotskyist appeals. It's based on Trotskyism having reduced 
tactics to a single pattern to be applied to all situations, on pain of 
deviating into 
"stage-ism", which is supposed to inevitably be Stalinist reformism.

Some notable excerpts:

"6... With severe shortages, the astronomical devaluations of the bolivar and 
hyperinflation, and starvation wages that have sunk down to $5 a month, 
living standards have fallen dramatically. The full brunt of this crisis is 
being most 
brutally felt by women workers and the poor masses. Another element of this 
policy saw Maduro move to violate collective bargaining agreements in both the 
public and private sectors, which alongside this genuine massacre of historic 
wages and rights, provides capital with one of the cheapest sources of labor in 
the world. Massive layoffs in private companies have also been endorsed and 
sectors of big business exempted from paying taxes. The government´s 
repressive response to workers´ struggles has included the imprisonment of 
leaders and the use of vigilante groups to intimidate them. This whole scenario 
has allowed the right to win a new mass social base, capitalizing on the 

Re: [Marxism] Venezuela: despite the crisis, Chavez's legacy endures (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-23 Thread jgreen--- via Marxism
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On 23 Mar 2019 at 16:35, michael a. lebowitz wrote:

"Re Fred Fuentes' Green Left Weekly article, ... As it happens, Fred lived in 
Venezuela for a number of years  [eg., worked with me at Centro Internacional 
Miranda], had many links with working class organisations, worked with Marea 
Socialista and with trade  union leaders like Stalin Perez.  He has had 
continuing contacts with militants ..., has organised periodic tours from 
and had a list of trade union and commune militants he was planning to contact 
this time. I haven't heard who he succeeded in seeing and interviewing when 
there ...  but I'm guessing it wasn't the 'party for socialism and  freedom' 
was so opposed to Chavez that it joined in a fron with  the CTV. the CIA labour 
fed) or the 'Critical Chavistas' who (including  gonzalo Gomez, Aporrea editor) 
met with Guaido, the CIA handpuppet, in early february."

So Lebowitz thinks it likely that the author of an article about Venezuela, who 
"many links with working class organizations" and trade union leaders, wouldn't 
bother talking to Venezuelans who oppose Maduro, not even "critical Chavistas". 
He thinks this is entirely justified, because all critics are supposedly 
agents or have met with them; why, the critical Chavistas actually "met with 
Guaido, the CIA handpuppet". 

Other people might think that someone claiming to tell the truth about what's 
going on in Venezuela would talk to critics and opponents of the regime, as 
as supporters. See what all the different trends say.  But not Lebowitz, who 
defends the article by supposing that  Fuentes wouldn't get his hands dirty by 
talking to the opposition, not even one-time comrades, not even long-time 
socialists, not even critics from within the Chavista ranks. 

Lebowitz justifies this attitude by smearing them all as imperialist agents. 
This is 
the same Lebowitz who talks about about how Venezuela is a model of socialism 
for the 21st century and lauds its democracy as an alternative to the "real 
socialism" of the Soviet model. ("What Is Socialism for the Twenty-First 
/).  But for Lebowitz, democracy doesn't extend to those who oppose Maduro. Not 
even to past comrades.

Lebowitz's viewpoint is an accurate reflection of the stand of the Maduro 
government, which is seeking to hold on to power at all costs, whether it has a 
majority or not. Democracy? The only criterion of the democracy, for the 
apologists of Maduro, is whether Maduro and the Chavistas cling to power. And 
Fuentes wants to keep his good name with the GLW and the regime, it's probably 
best for him that Lebowitz continues to assure the world that he wouldn't think 
talking to the critical Chavistas or the opposition.

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[Marxism] Impractical Living – Steve Salaita

2019-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The narratives that led to Trump’s popularity among a segment of the 
population are obscene and violent.  I understand that the office 
requires obscenity and violence.  I’m reacting to what a vote signifies 
in this environment.  White Trump supporters terrify me.  (Those who 
imagine the Democrats to be a safe alternative instill a special kind of 
trepidation.)  Whiteness produced untold terror well before Donald Trump 
existed, but he embodies a brand of nativism that summons the ugliest 
epochs of US history.  People of color are made to relive the ugliness 
in each profession of national pride.  I returned to America from Beirut 
to find a change of form but not of function.  Those who imagine 
themselves privy to genetic and cultural superiority are simply more 
emboldened to announce their predilections.

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[Marxism] Climate Tipping Points

2019-03-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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*Anthropocene tipping points*

“During the late Anthropocene³, accelerating since about 1960, the rise of
radiative forcing due mainly to increasing greenhouse gas concentration
above >457 ppm CO₂-equivalent, accounts for a rise of mean global
temperatures by 0.98°C since 1880 *(NASA (2018) *A further rise by more
than >0.5°C is masked by aerosols, mainly sulphur dioxide and sulfuric
acid *(Hansen
et al., 2011)*.

The temperature rise is potentially further enhanced by amplifying
feedbacks from land and oceans, including infrared absorption by water
surfaces following sea ice melting, reduction of CO₂ concentration in
warming water, release of methane and fires. However, climate change
trajectories are likely to be highly irregular as a result of stadial ocean
cooling events affected by flow of ice melt. Whereas similar temperature
fluctuations including stadial events have occurred during past
interglacial periods *(Cortese et al. 2007; figure 1)*, with a further rise
in atmospheric greenhouse gases the intensity and frequency of extreme
weather events would enter uncharted territory unlike any recorded during
the Pleistocene, potentially rendering large parts of the continents
uninhabitable *(Wallace-Wells, 2019)*.“
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[Marxism] Pegida Rally in Toronto shut down

2019-03-23 Thread Craig Butosi via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Venezuela: despite the crisis, Chavez's legacy endures (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-23 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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Re Fred Fuentes' Green Left Weekly article, John Reimann wrote

'I am guessing that the reporter didn't just go to Venezuela on their own
but that they were shown around, so the question is: "Who is it that showed
them around?" That little detail is left out, but I would bet it wasn't the
socialist opposition, for instance the Party for Socialism and Freedom
there. In fact, I would bet it was people associated with the PSUV, that is
to say, Maduro supporters.'

    As it happens, Fred lived in Venezuela for a number of years [eg., 
worked with me at Centro Internacional Miranda], had many links with 
working class organisations, worked with Marea Socialista and with trade 
union leaders like Stalin Perez. He had no need to be 'shown around' as 
he has had continuing contacts with militants, has organised periodic 
tours from Australia and had a list of trade union and commune militants 
he was planning to contact this time. I haven't heard who he succeeded 
in seeing and interviewing when there [and really look forward to more 
articles in GLW] but I'm guessing it wasn't the 'party for socialism and 
freedom' [which was so opposed to Chavez that it joined in a front with 
the CTV. the CIA labour fed] or the 'Critical Chavistas' who [including 
Gonzalo Gomez, Aporrea editor] met with Guaido, the CIA handpuppet, in 
early february. BTW, anyone who knows anything about PSUV knows there is 
a big difference between its leadership and the base.


Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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[Marxism] CrimethInc. : Life in “Mueller Time” : The Politics of Waiting and the Spectacle of Investigation

2019-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Venezuela: despite the crisis, Chavez's legacy endures (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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First of all, as far as the relative "cheapness" of goods in Caracas: The
way it's put tends to deceive since people will remember better that the
goods are "cheap" than the qualifying comment. Completely aside from that,
the practical meaning is this: These goods are cheap in dollars but sky
high in bolivares.  Fuentes writes: "It is common to find street hawkers
with debit and credit card machines, and many happy to accept US dollars to
overcome this problem." The clear implication is that goods are easily
affordable, and that is true... for those who have access to US dollars!
But this "little detail" isn't mentioned by the author, so he leaves a
false impression. Who has access to dollars is the bolibourgeoisie, another
"little detail" not mentioned by Fuentes. In other words, the
bolibourgeoisie isn't seriously hurt by the collapse in the value of the
bolivar but the masses of Venezuelans are.

I find it hard to believe that the author was not aware of the effect on
the reader of leaving out of these key facts. Likewise, I find it peculiar
that he completely fails to mention the several million Venezuelan refugees
who have fled Venezuela.

I am guessing that the reporter didn't just go to Venezuela on their own
but that they were shown around, so the question is: "Who is it that showed
them around?" That little detail is left out, but I would bet it wasn't the
socialist opposition, for instance the Party for Socialism and Freedom
there. In fact, I would bet it was people associated with the PSUV, that is
to say, Maduro supporters. Were they told about the FAES (government
militia types) having murdered people? Were they told about how the food
supplements are given to the government supporters, not to the working
class as a whole?

A few days ago, I posted to this list an article from the Wall St. Journal
describing the desperate situation for Venezuela's poor, as well as the
repression the Maduro regime is carrying out against them. Chris Slee did
not deny the possibility that the article was accurate. So he is now left
in a difficult position, because that WSJ article and the Green Left Weekly
article cannot both be accurate. They present radically different pictures
of life in Venezuela. Given the subtle misrepresentations and the failure
to mention key facts (e.g. the millions of Venezuelan economic refugees) as
well as the descriptions from such left sources inside Venezuela as Simon
Rodriguez ( -- at the moment not working, for whatever reason),
I don't find the Green Left Weekly article credible.

One simple question

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Recording Reveals Oil Industry Execs Laughing at Trump Access - POLITICO Magazine

2019-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Statement | Oppose the Coup of Trump and Guaidó: Workers Must Lead the Fight Against Imperialist Aggression and the Misery to Which They Are Subjected

2019-03-23 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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No Imperialist Intervention in Venezuela! Declaration of the revolutionary
organizations of workers, women and youth from Latin America, Europe and
the United States that make up the Fracción Trotskista—Cuarta Internacional
(FT-CI) / Trotskyist Fraction—Fourth International (TF-FI).
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[Marxism] Christchurch: Response on Vancouver Island

2019-03-23 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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>From the front page of The Times Colonist, the largest paper on Vancouver 
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Re: [Marxism] Fuck The Vessel | Kate Wagner

2019-03-23 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Mar 23, 2019, at 8:21 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> THE VESSEL IS REALLY A PERFECT NAME for the sixteen-story monument nestled in 
> the midst of the now complete “neighborhood” (read: real estate scheme) of 
> Hudson Yards, New York City. Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, one of 
> architecture’s premier grifters, a man who should be banned internationally 
> from using the term “parti,” the Vessel is composed of 154 flights of stairs, 
> 2,500 steps, and 80 landings. Apparently the architect drew inspiration from 
> an early experience with, to nobody’s surprise, an old staircase. The depth 
> of architectural thinking at work here makes a kiddie-pool seem oceanic.

On the plus side, it’s going to be mighty satisfying to watch that giant 
inverted prolapse get torn down some day.
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[Marxism] Everything we know about the Boeing 737 Max 8 crashes — Quartz

2019-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fuck The Vessel | Kate Wagner

2019-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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THE VESSEL IS REALLY A PERFECT NAME for the sixteen-story monument 
nestled in the midst of the now complete “neighborhood” (read: real 
estate scheme) of Hudson Yards, New York City. Designed by Thomas 
Heatherwick, one of architecture’s premier grifters, a man who should be 
banned internationally from using the term “parti,” the Vessel is 
composed of 154 flights of stairs, 2,500 steps, and 80 landings. 
Apparently the architect drew inspiration from an early experience with, 
to nobody’s surprise, an old staircase. The depth of architectural 
thinking at work here makes a kiddie-pool seem oceanic.

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[Marxism] Donald Cox: Tale of a Panther

2019-03-23 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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Re: [Marxism] Yes, a Planned Economy Can Actually Work

2019-03-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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> 5. In my 1998 article on IT and socialist self-management I have a section
> on potential uses in the sphere of social reproduction ("care work" etc.).
> The struggles since then in this sphere - strikes and organizing by nurses,
> teachers, childcare workers etc. - have all included staffing demands, i.e.
> worker to patient/student/elder etc. ratios. At some point those ratios
> will be flashpoints in national and global struggles as society-wide
> calculations and the demands shaped by them come forward.
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Re: [Marxism] Yes, a Planned Economy Can Actually Work

2019-03-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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1. Great stuff, Dave
2. The book has a great chapter on Neurath Lange Leontief and others cited
by Jim.
3. The chapter on Chile does a wonderful job of describing the use of its
embryonic network IN STRUGGLE.
4. The objective socialization represented by Walmart Amazon et al is
described thoroughly both in its current incarnation and inspiringly in
terms of the potential for worker expropriation and control.
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