[Marxism] Black and Latino "identity politics" are working class politics

2019-04-04 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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This is another post that relates to debates in the DSA and goes against 
the tradition that I and a lot of the people on this list used to share. 
I don't post these here to provoke people or to act as a troll, but 
because I think it is important to discuss out these issues especially 
with those that have had the same political background as I do and thus 
share a good number of positions, ways we look at the world, etc.


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Re: [Marxism] DSA’s Left and Right Both Miss the Point: We Need to Build the Left and the Working-Class Together

2019-04-04 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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I think this article on the DSA's "fierce internal debate," like the New 
Republic piece on the DSA's "Race Problem" that preceded and seems to 
have provoked it, have a very serious problem, namely, how do you 
explain an organization that has grown from somewhere in the 
neighborhood of 6,000 members three years ago to one with almost 60,000 

The answer is that today's DSA is the product and an outgrowth of a much 
broader new socialist movement that is emerging in the United States. It 
is not the only expression. The first sign of this new explicitly 
socialist generation (beyond Occupy Wall Street's rough but 
class-conscious "we are the 99%")  were precisely the Philly Socialists, 
in the summer of 2012, to which the comrade who wrote the 
regenerationmag.org article belongs.

So I think it is more accurate to say that the DSA *has been grown* by 
outside forces than the more neutral "it grew" and to say that it 
*recruited* tens of thousands of members by its own activity and efforts 
is false. I've written about this on my blog several times, most 
recently in the post "The question facing the Democratic Socialists of 
America: What Are We?" https://bit.ly/2FNZZu0M

In Atlanta, we have around 800 members, 90% new, a lot of the pre-2016 
members in their 70s and glad to hand over the reins to a new 
generation, among whom at most a handful have organizing experience. And 
we are far from building relationships with and actively engaging even a 
fifth of our members ... and remember these are overwhelmingly people 
who reached out and joined through their own initiative.

Talking about a "fierce debate" in the DSA with left wings and right 
wings, entryists and horizontalists, can be misleading because there 
aren't even any forums for this debate, just postings and proclamations 
in various online spaces, some of which are never even mentioned on the 
group's national discussion boards, which involve probably less than 1% 
of the membership and a few percent of the activists.

The national leadership, which is dominated by people from a caucus that 
used to be called "momentum" simply does not lead. As far as I can tell 
it makes no attempt to involve much of anyone beyond itself and a tiny 
circle in its decisions nor to convince much of anyone once they have 
been made.  This provoked a tremendous cluster-fuck around the Bernie 
endorsement because it was married to an approach to the presidential 
campaign that many in the DSA consider sectarian and was never discussed 
at all beyond 10 or 15 folks in the upper reaches of the organization.

That strategy is here: https://bit.ly/2IdfjTM. A pretty savage critique 
from the San Francisco chapter is https://bit.ly/2F8l8Pg, combining both 
a critique of a national endorsement before our convention as well as of 
the campaign plan. My own critique, strictly of the politics of the 
National Political Committee's approach, is here: 
https://bit.ly/2YRpNyb. As is typical of the NPC and its members, 
there's been no political argument for its approach mostly an insistence 
that it is necessary under campaign laws and further explanations of 

How could such a grouping wind up dominating the only national 
leadership body? The pre-2016 DSA had never had disputes or caucuses, 
being a staid social-democratic organization.  The 2017 DSA was 
transformed by an influx of new people and at its convention small 
organized factions played an outsized role.

Momentum re-organized as the Spring Caucus in January and blew up in 
March, splitting into its main components, one based in the East Bay 
DSA, the other in Philly. Its official documents presented it as 
relentlessly workerist, economist, and class reductionist, so much so 
that by contrast groups like Progressive Labor and International 
Socialists from the 1960s and 1970s almost seem like staunch defenders 
of Malcolm X.

But there is also the North Star caucus (no relation to the late Peter 
Camejo), which is the continuation of the Harrington outlook that 
dominated the DSA until recently. There is a libertarian quasi-anarchist 
caucus, and there had been a more r-r-r-evolutionary than thou Communist 
Caucus, but I'm not sure it still exists. There is a thing called 
"Build" which is not a caucus, it says, but promotes a political 
approach and will certainly have some of its leading people as 
candidates for the incoming leadership.

One of the most prominent caucuses, called Refoundation, dissolved last 
year, and recently a new caucus emerged called Socialist Majority (full 
disclosure: I am a member and one of the signers of its initial 
statement). It defen

[Marxism] Gracchus Babeuf: From Jacobin to Communist - COSMONAUT

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Alliance of Middle East Socialists calls for transnational humanist socialist network

2019-04-04 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Dear Friends:

"Critical developments around the globe compel the creation of a new type
of transnational socialist and anti-authoritarian solidarity network.

"Objectively, we are facing the growth of authoritarian capitalist
governments, an increasing economic and military competition between the
U.S. and China, and the ominous consequences of climate breakdown. In
addition, we confront insurgent white-supremacist and other racist
ethno-nationalist movements which, similar to ISIS in their extremist
views, are willing to employ mass-violence against Muslims, Jews, and other
marginalized people.

"Subjectively, a new generation of youth is getting interested in socialism
because capitalism’s inhumanity and exploitation does not offer it a better
future. The Me Too movement challenging sexual abuse is growing among women
around the globe and targeting the abuse of women in government, all fields
of work, and the family. The Black Lives Matter movement which emerged in
the U.S. in response to state-sanctioned police murder and abuse of Black
people has struck a chord internationally. There is no lack of popular
protests and strikes around the world, from Sudan, Algeria, Iran and
Palestine to Europe, and from China and India to Latin America, Haiti, and
the U.S. However, some of these struggles are  being crushed by various
authoritarian and imperialist forces, and others face the danger of
rightwing populism.

"In response to these struggles, the international Left has been

See link for full article. I hope others will add their names.
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] DSA gains in Chicago

2019-04-04 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 6:52 AM Anthony Boynton via Marxism
> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/apr/03/americas-socialist-surge-chicago
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[Marxism] Is Howie Hawkins Going to Make the Green Party Get Its Shit Together for 2020?

2019-04-04 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Review of Allen Young's "Left, Gay & Green: A Writer’s Life."

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture
Volume 11, 2018
A New Dawn for the New Left: Liberation News Service, Montague Farm, and 
the Long Sixties

By John McMillian,

For many years – when I was in college, graduate school, and even for 
some time after that – I used to envy those Baby Boomers who had 
immersed themselves in the American left during the 1960s and 1970s. 
They had been righteous in their support of civil rights, outraged about 
the Vietnam War, and they got to enjoy the era’s great music, as well as 
various exciting cultural events, like Woodstock and the Moon landing. I 
always figured it must have been exciting to come of age during such 
dramatic and compelling times. The Portuguese have a fine word for that 
kind of melancholy longing I’m describing: saudade.

In recent years, however, that feeling has largely dissipated. I’m no 
longer sure I’d have enjoyed the Sixties. Part of the reason may be that 
I’ve been studying that era for about twenty years (so maybe I’ve 
finally maxed out on the topic). Meanwhile, my thoughts about the 
desirability of almost any kind of “revolution” have changed. (I now 
think it’s usually best when social change unfolds gradually.) 
Furthermore, it turns out that we are currently living through an 
uncommonly tumultuous time, and I don’t find it too enjoyable. I’m 
apprehensive about the future, and the social justice left that prevails 
on American campuses nowadays frequently offends me.

It is in some ways surprising, then, that I have such a fond 
appreciation for Allen Young’s memoir, Left, Gay & Green: A Writer’s 
Life. (The title alludes to the fact that Young was a red diaper baby, 
and then a journalist who was active in the New Left, gay rights, and 
environmental movements.)

Let me say upfront that I have known Young, from a distance, for many 
years. Back in the mid-2000s, when I was researching my book, Smoking 
Typewriters: The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative 
Media in America, I visited the Allen Young Papers at the Wisconsin 
State Historical Society, and I interviewed Young over the telephone. 
Since then, we have occasionally exchanged cordial emails. We have only 
met once, however, and that was just for a few moments, by pure chance, 
many years ago. (He was walking out of Columbia University’s 
Fayerweather Hall, and I was walking in.) Put another way, if it had 
turned out that I had significant criticisms of Left, Gay & Green, I 
would not have been particularly hesitant to say so.

But mostly I have compliments. Young calls his book an “autobiography,” 
rather than a “memoir,” because it encompasses his entire life, rather 
than just the years when he was most intensively engaged in leftwing 
activism. His amiable, conversational prose style makes for quick 
reading, but Left, Gay & Green resists easy summary. It is not a 
didactic autobiography, meant to impart a lesson, or develop a theme. 
And although it is a longish book (480 pages) each of its twenty-four 
chapters is subdivided into short, discrete sections. Frequently, Young 
will pause his narrative in order to share various musings, ponder 
conundrums, or poke gently at people’s foibles and eccentricities – sort 
of like a hip Andy Rooney. Some readers may find these digressions 
excessive, but I found them delightful. Young also occasionally includes 
excerpts from his writings long ago, which he analyzes from his 
perspective today.

Young grew up on a Jewish farm in the Catskill Mountains. For years, his 
main daily chore was to collect eggs from his family’s chickens, clean 
them, and pack them for shipping. His parents were secretly members of 
the American Communist Party, which of course put the family at risk 
during the Red Scare. Unlike some communists who resided in big cities, 
however, Young’s parents were not bohemians. They were hard-working, 
straight-laced, and stoic. That posed a problem for Young, because he 
knew from an early age that he was gay. He lived in “the closet” – and 
repeatedly tried dating women, while also having secret liaisons with 
men – from his adolescence until about age twenty-five.

Young was thrilled to matriculate at Columbia University in 1958, and at 
the time, he was certain he was leaving rural life behind for good. 
Academically and socially, he thrived, and eventually he became the 
Daily Spectator’s editor-in-chief. Meanwhile, he began demonstrating his 
enviable knack for meeting or befriending various successful, 
well-known, or otherwise interesting people. One of the lifelong friends 
he made at Columbia was the great historian Eric Foner; another is 

[Marxism] Washington Babylon Podcast Episode 7: Ben Affleck's Celebrity Charity and Dr. Shawgi Tell on Rochester Public Schools

2019-04-04 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] You Can’t Have Democracy When You Put the Truth in Prison: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2019).

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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You will open this newsletter and read it just a few days before Luiz 
Inácio Lula da Silva will wake up in the Federal police headquarters in 
Curitiba (Brazil) on 7 April, the one-year anniversary of his 
incarceration. You will go ahead with your day, perhaps reading bits and 
pieces of this newsletter or saving it to read later. Lula will likely 
eat what he ate on his first day in prison: bread and butter with his 
coffee. He will know that across the planet there will be demonstrations 
in his name. ‘Lula Livre’ (Free Lula) the people will cry out. You’re 
not alone, they will say, você não está sozinho. It will give him hope.

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[Marxism] Notes on the Dissolution of the ISO | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] DSA gains in Chicago

2019-04-04 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Debunking the Capitalist Cowboy | Boston Review

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Capitalism, like the United States itself, has a mythology, and for five 
decades one of its central characters has been the nineteenth-century 
maverick cigarette entrepreneur, James B. Duke. Duke’s risk-taking 
investment in the newfangled machine-made cigarette, so the story goes, 
displaced the pricey, hand-rolled variety offered by his stodgy 
competitors. This, in turn, won Duke control of the national, and soon 
global, cigarette market. Repeated ad nauseam in business and history 
journals, high school and university curricula, popular magazines, and 
websites, the story has taught that disruptive innovation drives 
capitalist progress.


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[Marxism] Are the Humanities History? | by Michael Massing | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Who is going to save the humanities?

On all fronts, fields like history and English, philosophy and classical 
studies, art history and comparative literature are under siege. In 
2015, the share of bachelor’s degrees awarded in the humanities was down 
nearly 10 percent from just three years earlier. Almost all disciplines 
have been affected, but none more so than history. According to the 
National Center for Education Statistics, the number of history majors 
nationwide fell from 34,642 in 2008 to 24,266 in 2017.

Last year, the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, facing declining 
enrollments, announced it was eliminating degrees in History, French, 
and German. The University of Southern Maine no longer offers degrees in 
either American and New England Studies or Modern and Classical 
Languages and Literatures, while the University of Montana has 
discontinued majors and minors in its Global Humanities and Religions 
program. Between 2013 and 2016, US colleges cut 651 foreign-language 

The primary cause of these developments is the 2008 financial crash, 
which made students—especially the 70 percent of whom are saddled with 
debt—ever more preoccupied with their job prospects. With STEM jobs 
paying so well—the median annual earnings for engineering grads is 
$82,000, compared to $52,000 for humanities grads—enrollments in that 
area have soared. From 2013 to 2017, the number of undergraduates taking 
computer science courses nationwide more than doubled. A study of 
Harvard students from 2008 to 2016 found a dramatic shift from the 
humanities to STEM. The number majoring in history went from 231 to 136; 
in English, from 236 to 144; and in art history, from sixty-three to 
thirty-six, while those studying applied math went from 101 to 279; 
electrical engineering, from none to thirty-nine; and computer science, 
from eighty-six to 363.

full: https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2019/04/02/are-the-humanities-history/
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[Marxism] Report from Rojava: What the West Owes its Best Ally Against ISIS | by Debbie Bookchin | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Panelists suspect Turkish government pressure was behind Columbia's choice to cancel event

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Algeria’s Unrest Unsettles the Saudi/UAE-led Bloc – LobeLog

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 2011, there was much optimism in the Middle East and North Africa 
(MENA) that the so-called Arab Spring revolts would make the region more 
democratic. Yet over the past eight years, the MENA region has become 
increasingly authoritarian. This year, Egypt’s head of state is 
essentially securing his presidency for life while Sudan cracks down on 
protestors, Gulf monarchies grew more autocratic, and the Arab world is 
basically accepting Syria’s regime back into the regional diplomatic 
fold. The idea that the Arab Spring is “dead” provides a sense of 
comfort to the Gulf leaders who shuddered at the earlier wave of 
revolutionary activism.

Officials in Riyadh and other Gulf capitals are determined to prevent a 
repeat of 2011. The crackdown on dissenters and oppositionists (both 
Islamist and secular) in these counter-revolutionary countries since 
2011 has been especially harsh. But the leaders of the Saudi/United Arab 
Emirates (UAE)-led bloc of “counter-revolutionary” states have done much 
more than tighten their grip at home. In the words of Marc Lynch, this 
anti-revolutionary bloc has “rewired the entire region trying to prevent 
another Arab Spring.” So, for instance, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi provided 
diplomatic, economic, and military support for Bahrain’s Al Khalifa 
rulers in 2011, bankrolled the Egyptian coup of 2013, sponsored Libya’s 
General Khalifa Haftar, and blockaded the only “pro-Arab Spring state” 
in the Gulf, Qatar.

full: https://lobelog.com/algerias-unrest-unsettles-the-saudi-uae-led-bloc/
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[Marxism] Pluralism in economics: mainstream, heterodox and Marxist | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] (15) The campaign to silence Max Blumenthal - YouTube

2019-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So a couple of bookstore readings for Max Blumenthal's new Verso book 
have been cancelled because there were complaints about his 
pro-Assadism. This, according to his pals, is the biggest attack on free 
speech since Joe McCarthy.

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