[Marxism] Free Syria: For the Immediate Release of Ahmad Rahhal and Mohammed Jadaan!

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[Marxism] Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protections

2019-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 12, 2019
Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protections
By Coral Davenport and Lisa Friedman

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday announced the repeal 
of a major Obama-era clean water regulation that had placed limits on 
polluting chemicals that could be used near streams, wetlands and other 
bodies of water.

The rollback of the 2015 measure, known as the Waters of the United 
States rule, adds to a lengthy list of environmental rules that the 
administration has worked to weaken or undo over the past two and a half 
years. Those efforts have focused heavily on eliminating restrictions on 
fossil fuel pollution, including coal-fired power plants, automobile 
tailpipes, and oil and gas leaks, but have also touched on asbestos and 

The repeal of the water rule, which is expected to take effect in a 
matter of weeks, has implications far beyond the pollution that will now 
be allowed to flow freely into streams and wetlands from farms, mines 
and factories. With Thursday’s announcement, the Environmental 
Protection Agency is aiming to establish a stricter legal definition of 
“waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act, a precedent 
that could make it difficult for future administrations to take actions 
to protect waterways.

Patrick Parenteau, a professor of environmental law at the Vermont Law 
School, said that, for conservative states and leaders who hold the view 
that the Clean Water Act has been burdensome for farmers and industry, 
“this is an opportunity to really drive a stake through the heart of 
federal water protection.

Weakening the rule had been a central campaign pledge for President 
Trump, who characterized it as federal overreach that impinged on the 
rights of farmers, rural landowners and real estate developers to use 
their properties as they see fit. Mr. Trump signed an executive order in 
the early days of his administration directing federal agencies to begin 
the work of repealing and replacing it.

“Today’s final rule puts an end to an egregious power-grab,” Andrew 
Wheeler, the administrator of the E.P.A., said Thursday in a news 
conference to announce the repeal.

Mr. Wheeler said the rollback would mean “farmers, property owners and 
businesses will spend less time and money determining whether they need 
a federal permit and more time building infrastructure.”

Agricultural groups, an important political constituency for Mr. Trump, 
praised the repeal. Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau 
Federation, said the water rule had sparked outrage from thousands of 
farmers and ranchers across the country and led to the largest effort to 
kill a regulation in his organization’s history.

“When you take private property rights from a man who’s worked all his 
life,” Mr. Duvall said, “that is very intrusive to him and it’s 
something he just can’t stand for.”

But environmentalists assailed the move. “With many of our cities and 
towns living with unsafe drinking water, now is not the time to cut back 
on clean water enforcement,” said Laura Rubin, director of the Healing 
Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition.

The Obama rule, developed under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water 
Act, was designed to limit pollution in about 60 percent of the nation’s 
bodies of water, protecting sources of drinking water for about 
one-third of the United States. It extended existing federal authority 
to limit pollution in large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake Bay and 
Puget Sound, to smaller bodies that drain into them, such as 
tributaries, streams and wetlands.

Under the rule, farmers using land near streams and wetlands were 
restricted from doing certain kinds of plowing and from planting certain 
crops, and would have been required to obtain E.P.A. permits in order to 
use chemical pesticides and fertilizers that could have run off into 
those bodies of water. Those restrictions will now be lifted.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers, 
which had worked together to write the original Obama rule, are expected 
to issue a new, looser replacement rule by the end of this year. It is 
expected that the new rule, still being developed, will retain federal 
protections for larger bodies of water, the rivers that drain into them 
and wetlands that are directly adjacent to those bodies of water.

But it will quite likely strip away protections of so-called ephemeral 
streams, in which water runs only during or after rainfalls, and of 
wetlands that are not adjacent to major bodies of water or connected to 
such bodies of water by a surface channel of water.

[Marxism] Tomgram: Michael Klare, A Formula for Catastrophe in the Arctic | TomDispatch

2019-09-12 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Four Storms of the Apocalypse: Katrina, Sandy, Maria and Dorian. - CounterPunch.org

2019-09-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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