[Marxism] Review of *Jazz and Justice: Racism and the Political Economy of the Music*, by Gerald Horn | Gregory N. Heires | Portside

2019-09-26 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] “It’s Management Bedlam”: Madness at Fox News as Trump Faces Impeachment | Vanity Fair

2019-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Climate

2019-09-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Today, in my dentist’s office, I was looking at Readers Digest.  I was struck 
to see articles acknowledging the seriousness of climate change.
Below see a communication from a BC, Canada, school board.
ken h

Dear Parents and Guardians: These past few months, conversations about the 
global climate crisis have been occurring more often in the classroom, at all 
levels of government and in mainstream media. Tomorrow, there are rallies 
expected around the world. Already, students in B.C., some here in Nanaimo, 
have staged climate strikes to raise awareness about this very important issue. 
As a district, we applaud and encourage all students in this type of social 
action, as it helps build confidence to speak on matters most important to 
them. They are our future leaders. We are witnessing a growing intolerance by 
our youth pertaining to the inaction of corporations and governments in making 
significant changes in policies and business practices. Led primarily by Greta 
Thunberg, a 16-year-old from Sweden, climate advocates across the world point 
to scientific evidence that climate change is real and should be taken 
seriously. I am happy to share that the district has taken steps to address 
this issue. Last night, the Board of Education approved a Strategic Plan in 
which one of its goals is to be a leader in environmental stewardship and 
sustainability. The Board also updated its administrative procedure on 
environmental initiatives to focus on the stewardship of the land. Your child 
may feel the need to participate in one of tomorrow’s various climate strikes 
across the region which will be held during or after school hours. We invite 
you to have these important conversations with your child. I write this letter 
to assure you that your child will be supported in an excused absence, provided 
we have your expressed permission for them to miss school. 
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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Assessing the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit

2019-09-26 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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More hot air from the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit

(from the Sept. 24th Detroit/Seattle Workers' Voice list)

The UN's 2019 Climate Action Summit took place on Monday, September 23, in 
the midst of the week-long youth climate strike. It was addressed by the 
activist Greta Thunberg, but this didn't make any difference to the 
politicians. The 
UN Summit was firmly dedicated to protecting profits, not ensuring the world's 

The UN has been holding climate conferences since 1995. This year there will 
see the 25th UN Climate Change conference (COP 25) in Chile in December, as 
well as the present Climate Action Summit in New York. And yet, according to UN 
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres himself, "on our current path, we face at 
least 3-degrees Celsius of global heating by the end of the century" 
UN "estimates the world would need to increase its efforts between three- and 
five-fold to contain climate change to the levels dictated by science -- a 1.5° 
rise at most" (Ibid.) Shouldn't Guterres have asked whether the UN, 
the bourgeois ruling classes around the word, bears some responsibility for 

No, he didn't. Instead the UN is determined to stay the course. The very same 
press release that contains these dire figures declares that "The Summit is 
designed to showcase government, business, and civil society efforts", and that 
these show the "concrete ways in which countries can better adapt to climate 
change and cut emissions". Geez, can one showcase the process that has gotten 
us to the brink of disaster and at the same time believe that progress along 
same lines will lead to saving the earth? An article in the *New York Times* 
it up as follows, the Summit "was meant to highlight concrete promises by 
presidents, prime ministers and corporate executives to wean the global economy 
from fossil fuels..." But, the article continues, China "made no new promises, 
US "said nothing at all", and "a host of countries made only incremental 

Indeed, the Summit was silent or mumbled on one current problem after another:

* It met while the Amazon forest burned, and it turned its back on the problem.

* It met while the Arctic is burning, and turned its back on the problem. Yet 
fires, and the resulting faster melting of the permafrost, not only threaten a 
increase in greenhouse gas emissions, but could lead to the destruction of the 
atmospheric ozone layer, a catastrophe which, until now, had been thought to 
have been avoided by international action under the Montreal Protocol.

* It didn't deal with the problem of countries that are backing out of any 
commitment to environmental action, such as the Trump administration in the US 
or the Bolsonaro administration in Brazil.

* Despite this year's report from the IPCC, the UN's scientific body on climate 
change, it had nothing too serious to say about the need for major changes in 

* It mainly dealt with global warming in isolation from other looming 
issues. One looked in vain for any serious discussion of the problem of the 
contamination of the world by plastics, pesticides, fracking waste, and other 
chemicals. Or for any serious discussion of the threat facing the ocean.

* It didn't even establish any way to keep track of and verify the progress 
fulfilling the many promises that were showcased at the summit. That's aside 
the fact that many of the promises, even if fulfilled, would result in action 
that was 
10 or 20 years too late.

What the Summit was focu

[Marxism] Training Teenagers for Guerrilla Warfare in the Wealthy Suburbs? Welcome to 1969

2019-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 26, 2019
Training Teenagers for Guerrilla Warfare in the Wealthy Suburbs? Welcome 
to 1969

By Rick Perlstein

In the last year of the 1960s, a political poster began showing up on 
dorm room walls. It showed a hand holding up two fingers in a peace 
symbol, captioned “1966.” Below that, in a second image captioned 
“1967,” the index finger was lowered, middle finger up. “1968” was 
symbolized with a raised fist. The final image depicted an index finger 
extended horizontally, with the thumb pointed upward like the hammer of 
a pistol. That was 1969 — a year when a taste for political violence had 
even spread to high schools in high-income New York suburbs.

By then, formerly pacifist antiwar activists had begun drilling with M1 
rifles — part of what the newly formed Weathermen called “bringing the 
war home.” The cutting edge of the civil rights movement was 
game-planning military sorties as much as marches. And even a review in 
The New York Times praised a book titled “Look Out, Whitey! Black 
Power’s Gon’ Get Your Mama!” as an account that “arcs over the rotting 
outposts of the Republic like a mortar shell shedding its sulphurous 
glare, and lands plump in the heartland to detonate the conclusion that 
‘it is clear that America as it now exists must be destroyed.’”

The spring of 1969 had brought a wave of student takeovers of university 
buildings. The most dramatic ended when members of Cornell University’s 
Afro-American Society exited the student union building armed with 
rifles supplied to them by members of Students for a Democratic Society 
— one with a bandoleer of shotgun shells across his chest. Then, 
hundreds of students eagerly fell into line behind the militants as they 
led a procession through the center of campus.

The coming 1969-70 school year was anticipated with fear and trembling. 
It was one of the reasons Woodstock was greeted so rapturously that 
August — and not just by the young people Abbie Hoffman immediately 
christened “Woodstock Nation”: It hadn’t descended into “Lord of the 
Flies,” as many people had fully expected. Instead, “Bethel produced a 
feeling of friendship, camaraderie, and — an overused phrase — a sense 
of love among those present,” as Time magazine put it.

A suggestion of how well-placed that paranoia was could be found in an 
astonishing item of the front page of The Times, the morning of 
Woodstock’s first day, Aug. 15. “Guerrilla War Tactics Taught at 
Scarsdale High,” it was headlined. It described an elective course from 
the elite suburban high school’s summer session, which awarded a half 
credit toward graduation. It was accompanied by a photograph captioned, 
“Stephen Kling, teacher, waves toy gun and holds ‘grenade.’ With him are 
male students and girl portraying a peasant.”

Mr. Kling explained, “Revolution and guerrilla warfare are happening all 
over the world, and I think students in Scarsdale should know about it.” 
He had also taught the course the previous year — when field day took 
place not in the woods along the Bronx River Parkway but in Scarsdale 
itself, whose “takeover” the students strategized by studying the 
vulnerabilities of its public buildings and infrastructure. (“We found 
the village would be very easy to sabotage.”) One pupil received an A 
for a paper in which she discussed adding LSD to the water supply.

The superintendent of schools was quoted as finding nothing to object to 
in the class. Another administrator, a bit more defensive, said 
Scarsdale High encouraged offerings that were “relevant to today’s 
world.” He continued, “We have lots of unorthodox courses in our 
curriculum. Why, we have courses in black-white relations, science 
fiction and mythology.”

Mr. Kling, for his part, insisted his course had no ideological agenda, 
adding, “I don’t believe that a public school should organize students 
for action.”

It is reasonable to surmise, however, some of his pupils saw it as more 
than just a social studies lesson. One underground high school newspaper 
published in New York City that year was called The Street Fighter. An 
essay in another, collected in a volume called “How Old Will You Be in 
1984?: Expressions of Student Outrage from the High School Free Press,” 
proposed a strategy for shutting down schools by destroying all paper 
forms: “The success of a coup d’état is dependent upon the amount of 
confusion that can be created in the establishment during the actual 
takeover.” A student interviewed for another book, “The High School 
Revolutionaries,” promised, “The pigs’ schools will be destroyed unless 
they serve the people.”

That spring had seen an 

[Marxism] Whistle-blowers complaint about Trump coercing Zelensky

2019-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Historiography Wars: The French Revolution - COSMONAUT

2019-09-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Historiographical debates around the French Revolution are ultimately 
political debates, not just debates about the facts. Donald Parkinson 
argues for revitalizing the tradition of the social historians against 
the new revisionist orthodoxy.

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[Marxism] Dialogue in Venezuela is a missed opportunity for Democrats (Leonardo Flores, Counterpunch)

2019-09-26 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Cuba, OFAC, Fines and Extraterritoriality (Nelson Valdes, Counterpunch)

2019-09-26 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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How US imperialism forces companies in other countries to implement the US 
policy of economic blockade against Cuba.

Similar methods are used to enforce blockades against Venezuela and Iran.

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