[Marxism] WSJ: Inside America’s Chaotic Retreat from Syria (On the "Saigon Moment")

2019-10-18 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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As comrades can see, it has not been only the RCIT or me who associate 
the current events with a "Saigon Moment" but also the Wall Street Journal.


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[Marxism] Mixed class nature of the historic climate strikes

2019-10-18 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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The class nature of the historic climate strikes

(Excerpted from the Detroit/Seattle Workers' Voice list, October 17, 2019.
Full text at http://www.communistvoice.org/DSWV-191017.html.)

--A mass outpouring
--Supported by a section of the bourgeoisie
--Listen to the scientists!
--What should the attitude of the radical left be to the climate strikes?

 by Joseph Green

--A mass outpouring--

Since November last year there have been repeated demonstrations around the 
world demanding action to deal with global warming. This has included three 
waves of youth and school climate strikes this year, in March, May, and 
September. Monster demonstrations of several hundred thousand people took 
place in several cities. Some countries had over a million people take part in 
proliferation of demonstrations in many cities. A number of countries saw 
substantial demonstrations of tens of thousands of people, while modest 
demonstrations took place around the world. Some type of action is said to have 
taken place in over 150 countries, with several millions of people involved on 
world basis. ,,,

The demonstrations condemned the do-nothing policy of the various 
governments. Even when the politicians claim to be doing something and sign 
various environmental accords, it is not sufficient and the problem gets worse. 
The demonstrators stressed that the past generation had left it to the children 
do something.

No doubt different groups that participated in the event had their own 
and demands. But on the whole, the movement avoided political differences by 
avoiding politics. It was based on condemning the lack of environmental action 
and demanding that the science be taken seriously, rather than mobilizing for a 
particular program of action. This allowed broad unity, but it also left open 
question of what should be done aside from these protests. The non-politicism 
was also manifested in that, while the demonstrators no doubt hated the policy 
Trump and other notable environment pirates, there was a limit to what appeared 
on placards. In Detroit, it was slogans like "Fight for our Future", "Unite 
the Science", "There is no Planet B", and "Climate Emergency" that expressed 
the overall spirit, although some placards like "System Change, not Climate 
Change" were present. Despite some radical slogans, the overall impression was 
an attempt to prod the powers that be, not carry out radical change.

 These protests brought many new protesters into the streets. The actions have 
encouraged people; they have not yet run their course; and the extent of these 
actions will not be forgotten. At the same time, there was a limited outlook in 
protests. This expressed a certain stage of the overall movement, in which the 
activists are welcomed even by many of the politicians and businesspeople who 
are their target. This will change over time, as the radical nature of the 
needed to protect the environment becomes clearer, and serious 
environmentalists come into greater and greater conflict with the liberal 
bourgeoisie as well as the climate denialists.

--Supported by a section of the bourgeoisie--

For now, while it is the masses who came out in huge numbers, they were 
welcomed by a section of the bourgeoisie. Part of the bourgeoisie is climate 
denialist and is letting the earth burn while it counts its profits, but 
there's also a 
section of the bourgeoisie who are corporate or establishment 
whose half-hearted steps are also leading to disaster. The UN has its yearly 
climate conferences and its scientific body on climate change, the IPCC; first 
Kyoto Protocol and then the Paris Agreement expressed a certain international 
agreement; various cities are taking environmental measures, etc.; the IMF and 
the World Bank favor the carbon tax, albeit at the same time as they finance 
fossil fuel plants; Al Gore writes books about the dangers of climate disaster, 
while at the same time backing market measures that are bound to fail; etc.

Speaking for the youth climate strikers, Greta Thunberg denounced the various 
governments and bureaucrats for the failure of what they have done; yet she was 
repeatedly invited to various government bodies to repeat this denunciation. 
spoke, not just at demonstrations, but "at UN climate conferences, at the 
European Union, at TEDxStockholm, at the Vatican, at the British Parliament. 
She was even invited to go up that famous mountain in Switzerland to address 
the rich and mighty at the annual World Economic Summit in Davos." *(1)*

At these meetings, Thunberg steadfas

[Marxism] Stop the Normalization of Concentration Camps - CounterPunch.org

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Ashley Smith, the best of the ex-ISOers.

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[Marxism] Country music

2019-10-18 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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There is certainly country music and country music.

There is the ultra-commercialised pap and there is real country music,
which is often magnificent.

About ten years ago, the largest chunk of music I was buying was country
music.  (These days I still buy a fair whack of country, but a lot of what
I buy is from north-west Africa, especially Tuareg rock (aka desert blues
aka desert rock) but also other stuff from Mali, Senegal and other places
in West Africa.

About 20 years ago a mate of mine gave me an album of country music from
the 1920s and 1930s and I was struck by how a bunch of the songs were as
much blues as country.  And I don't mean they were country-blues, I mean
you literally couldn't tell whether the performer was black and performing
blues or white and performing country.

The Carters were excellent, especially the women.  Bill Monroe is bloody
good and I found his biography fascinating.  Devoutly religious but he
lived in a relationship without the 'benefit' of marriage.  He also had a
black musician his band at the height of Jim Crow and when they were
touring they would drive around looking for a decent place for the guy to

There are so many really good country artists from "the old days", who
combined generally conservative (formal) social views with some sort of
rough class consciousness.  And today there is a substantial alt-country
scene, with heaps of progressive country artists.  Even devoutly religious
folk like Julie Miller and Buddy Miller tend to be socially progressive.
And then there are a host of alt.country people who aren't religious at
all, like Lucinda Williams.

I guess my favourite country music is bluegrass, the High Lonesome sound is
just beautiful.

And, of course, we have the likes of Emmylou, Steve Earle and a whole heap
of others.

Hell, although the TV music-drama 'Nashville' could be schmaltzy, it had
some great music in it.  And the themes it deal with (like the
homosexuality of one of the main characters) showed just much has changed
in the country music mainstream even.

People who hate country music are really narrow-minded, and often very
ignorant about both the history of country music and where a lot of it is
at today.

True country music is like a poor white version of the blues, another form
of music I love very much.
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[Marxism] Donald Trump’s sanity is not the question. The real issue is how he got into office - The Guardian

2019-10-18 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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“The great man of the age,” wrote Friedrich Hegel – using “great” to 
mean powerful rather than wonderful – “is the one who can put into words 
the will of his age, tell his age what its will is, and accomplish it. 
What he does is the heart and essence of his age; he actualises his age.”


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[Marxism] Donald Trump’s sanity is not the question. The real issue is how he got into office | Gary Younge | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Edit Post ‹ Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist — WordPress

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/18/19 5:35 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

full: https://louisproyect.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=19508

Sorry. This is the proper link:

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[Marxism] Edit Post ‹ Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist — WordPress

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Last month Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a boycott 
against Israel’s channel 12 for producing the HBO mini-series “Our 
Boys.” He described it as anti-Semitic and slandering Israel 
internationally. This month I watched “Our Boys” and can recommend it 
not only as a docudrama but as a brutally honest retelling of how the 
Israeli cops apprehended 3 West Bank settlers that murdered a 16-year 
old Palestinian boy. They were seeking to avenge Hamas’s killing of 3 
teen-aged boys who were settlers like them. What makes the show so 
authentic was the division of labor between Israeli and Palestinian 
film-makers who were determined to get the story right. The Israelis 
wrote the script for the Jewish characters. They were either cops or 
part of the West Bank settlement that bred the racism that allowed 3 men 
to beat a defenseless teen with a wrench until barely conscious. They 
finished him off by pouring gasoline down his throat and then setting 
fire to him.

It was left to director/screenwriter Tawfik Abu-Wael to bring the 
Palestinians to life. To his great credit, he has made the parents of 
the martyred son Mohammed Abu Khdeir two of the more fully realized 
Palestinian characters in any film I have seen. As the father Hussein 
Abu Khdeir, Johnny Arbid portrays a man being torn by two opposing 
forces, even to the point of splitting him in half psychologically. On 
one side is the Palestinian community that is mainly interested in his 
son being exploited as a martyr to benefit the movement. On the other is 
the Israeli police that needs his cooperation to help them make the 
arrest and prosecution of 3 settlers acceptable to most Israelis. His 
presence at the trial is key, even if it means defying the Palestinian 
political leadership. They denounce the trial in advance as being a 
farce that would allow the 3 to go free. His wife Suha Abu Khdeir (Ruba 
Blal) can accept his decision to cooperate with the police but is still 
distrustful enough to consider not showing up for the trial. Their 
drama, including the horrors of discovering what happened to their son, 
helps to draw you into the story.

full: https://louisproyect.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=19508
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[Marxism] Turkey, hands off Rojava! (Green Left Weekly)

2019-10-18 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] What Is Žižek For? | Current Affairs

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Introducing Socialist Resurgence US

2019-10-18 Thread David Walsh via Marxism
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Detail of “Death of the Party”, Painting by Mike Alewitz Socialist Resurgence 
(SR) is a new national organizatio...



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[Marxism] GOP Group Uses Trump's Own Words On Corruption Against Him In Searing Fox News Ad | HuffPost

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Brief Reflection on Trump?s

2019-10-18 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I read the article in the Right wing Federalist that was posted to this
list. I don’t know if the person who posted the article found it convincing
but I sure didn’t. Every day of the hearings new scandals are revealed or
more about old ones. Just yesterday, the testimony of Sondland added to
this. These proceedings are headed towards criminal charges against
Giuliani, who Trump is likely to throw under the bus. When he does that,
don’t you think Giuliani will return the favor?

As for Pelosi not holding a vote at this stage: Sure she may be protecting
some Democrats, but that is largely exaggerated. The Federalist is wrong
about the tide; it is swinging even more in favor. The latest poll shows a
majority not only in favor of impeachment but also in favor of
conviction/removal. I think the main reason Pelosi is running it as she is
has more to do with the time factor - that time is short and the
Republicans would use a vote at this stage to delay.

I think the article is one part wishful thinking and one part an attempt to
demoralize the supporters of impeachment.
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Re: Brief Reflection on Trump?s Impeachment By Roberto Savio

2019-10-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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"Mainstream" American politics is always about what defines that
"mainstream."  The pundits and professional politicians tend to treat this
as a contest over the same set of voters.  It isn't.

To take a particularly dramatic example of this, the difference between the
Democratic landslide of 1964  and what the media dishonestly called an
"electoral landslide" for the Republicans in 1980 came down to who voted.
Studies that broke down the statistics indicated that the demographics
broke the same way in both elections, but that those groups favorable to
the Democrats didn't vote in 1980 in the numbers they had in 1964, while
groups inclined to the Republicans turned out in much larger proportions.
Some of the sharper (and more progressive Democrats) understand that the
road to victory leads through mobilizing those voters who are
understandably disengaged from this inbred quasi-masonic 18th century game.

For us, of course, the question is to have to bring the necessary social
and political weight to bear where it counts . . .. in the streets and in
the workplaces . . . and in the numbers to make it matter.

Just imagine what could have been happening over the last year if we had
the political savvy, independent sense, and organization to have brought
several hundred thousand demonstrators to Washington during the great tax
"reform"--or during those Kavenaugh hearings.  Or if we could have brought
to the capital a fraction of the legions of citizens disgusted with the
administration and the Democratic sluggishness in calling it to account.
The major features of Trump's agenda could have been checked--or, if they
had been, would have been generating mass, political disaffection and

And we'd have would have contributed sorely needed examples of how
sustained independent mass action can turn politics on its head--the most
important practical lessons that could have been passed on to young

Isn't it a pity it didn't happen?

Mark L.
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[Marxism] Trump as the “Anti-War” President: on Misinformation in American Political Discourse - CounterPunch.org

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] NYT movie critic A.O. Scott profiled by Craig Lambert | Harvard Magazine

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A profile of one of my fans.

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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Re: Brief Reflection on Trump?s Impeachment By Roberto Savio

2019-10-18 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I was on record beginning in 2017 as being totally opposed to impeachment
--- even up till relatively recently, I urged the House to impeach BARR and
the director of HOMELAND SECURITY over the real crimes the trump
administration was committing --- I argued that the DEMS should let the
Republicans impeach Trump if they got tired of him and our side (the
coalition that includes Dems)  should focus on exposing and opposing
POLICIES of the trump administration ---

But events have over-taken my skepticism and foot dragging --- I believe
that it is essential that the left be as involved as possible in the fight
over impeachment -- and I totally disagree with Ralph's recent post arguing
that Dems will not vote to impeach because once they vote the House becomes
irrelevant --

This MIGHT be true if the Senate does not hold a "real" trial-- but if the
Senate holds a real trial where House managers get to present their case on
national TV in the Senate trial this will give the majority of people WHO
knowing all the facts REAL INFORMATION to chew on  I don't think we can
underestimate the value of giving REAL ammunition about Trump's criminality
-- self-dealing -- etc. to millions of people in this country who will be
arguing with friends, neightbors and family about the 2020 election --- If
Ralph is right that an acquittal in the Senate will allow trump to take a
"victory" lap IMAGINE the nature of the victory lap if the House fails to
impeach --- ("THE DISHONEST DEMOCRATS LED BY CRAZY NANCY couldn't even come
up with to VOTE against me even though they had a majority!" --- and trump
would be right!! ) --- at least a failure to convict in the SENATE would be
supportive of the line that DEMS are pushing that the republicans put party
before patriotism  and EITHER the purple state Republicans will have a
good chance of losing in the general if they vote with Trump OR the few
Republican votes will make it difficult for trump and his enablers to
attack the impeachment effort as purely partisan ...

This will be especially true if Trump's line of defense is the same as
Clinton's -- YES, I did it but it's no big deal --- having DENIED he did it
forever and a day, it will make his new line of defense hard to -- -well
--- defend.

OF COURSE what I am writing could be wishful thinking but this is how I've
changed my position -- just in the last couple of months ---

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 1:19 AM Bill Barclay 

> I am skeptical of this cynical analysis.  But time will tell.
> Bill Barclay
> On Thursday, October 17, 2019, 09:41:12 PM PDT, Ralph Johansen <
> mdriscol...@charter.net> wrote:
> Opinion: Don’t Be Surprised If Trump Is Never Impeached
> David Marcus - The Federalist - Thursday, October 17, 2019
> Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of
> Representatives would not move forward with a vote on impeachment any time
> soon. The statement comes as a month of pressure has built up behind
> efforts to unseat the president over a phone call with the Ukrainian
> president. While Democrats insist, contrary to precedent, that they do not
> need to hold a vote, their unwillingness to hold one may show the
> impeachment train is skidding off the tracks.
> In the giddy early days of the “impeachment investigation” over Ukraine,
> Democrats saw the polls move in their direction. But those polls have now
> stabilized and in some cases crept back against impeachment. Even at the
> peak, impeaching and removing the president was only popular among those
> who already opposed the president.
> So as the groundswell subsides, could Democrats really reverse course and
> abandon an impeachment that just last week seemed imminent? Surprisingly,
> yes, they could.
> The central thing to consider here is that impeachment is a political, not
> a legal, process. Despite their insistence that there are plenty of reasons
> to impeach Trump, Democrats have yet to do so. Why not? It seems clear that
> they do not believe they have sufficient political support in the country
> for the move. Not only do they risk infuriating Trump’s base, there are
> also many independent voters who seem to have little interest in this
> process.
> Along with this, consider that when and if the House Democrats ever
> actually hold a vote on impeachment, which could leave incumbents in purple
> seats vulnerable, the ball will move into the Senate’s court and Pelosi and
> the House will have no more control over it. That’s a very big deal,
> because from the day they took over the House the Democrats have been able
> to

[Marxism] American Farming Runs on Exploitation | The New Republic

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Capital not ideology | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Critique of new Piketty book.

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