[Marxism] Taylor's Testimony Confirms Ukraine Quid Pro Quo - The Atlantic

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In an astonishing 15-page prepared statement, Taylor laid out a detailed 
chronology, which fits closely with what is already known about the 
Ukraine scandal, but fills in valuable new details. Far from some 
disgruntled Obama-administration holdover, Taylor was dispatched to Kiev 
in June by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after Ambassador Marie 
Yovanovitch was fired, reportedly at Rudy Giuliani’s behest. Taylor 
learned that Giuliani was in effect running a shadow foreign policy in 
Ukraine. In mid-July, Taylor realized that security assistance to 
Ukraine was being held up, though not the reasons for the delay. Taylor 
also came to understand that aides to newly elected President Volodymyr 
Zelensky felt that their country was at risk of being used as a pawn in 
the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

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[Marxism] Chile: A million People Take to the Streets

2019-10-22 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed (ANF)

2019-10-22 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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This is a better text of the agreement

For example, it clarifies Point 3, which reads:
3. In this framework, the established status quo in the current Operation
Peace Spring area covering Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn with a depth of 32 km
will be preserved.
In other words, the only place Turkey gets its troops in 30 km is the 100
km stretch between Tel Abyad and Ras al-Ayn, a mostly non-Kurdish zone,
except Ras al-Ayn itself which Turkey has succeeded in ethnically
cleansing. This part is thus identical to the Pence-Erdogan agreement of
last week. In both cases, Turkey's absurd demand for the 30 km to extend
the whole border east of the Euphrates never even got a hearing.

Both statements agree that the 30 km along all the rest of the border (ie,
covering all the Kurdish population centres and much more) will be
controlled by Assad regime and Russia, and they will expel the SDF. That's
no defeat for Turkey, because Erdogan has been saying all along that Turkey
is happy as long as Assad takes the border, he just doesn't want the SDF

Both also note that following the explulsion of the SDF from the 30 km by
Assad/Russia, a 10km border zone will be patrolled jointly by Turkey and
Russia (ie, Russia representing the Assad regime). This statement however
notes that this part excludes (heavily Kurdish) Qamishli city.

This is a total victory for Assad and Erdogan, both controlled by master of
ceremonies, Russia's Vladimir Putin.

Chris writes that "First Trump gave the green light for the Turkish
invasion of northeastern Syria.  Now Putin says SDF-YPG forces are to be
"withdrawn and disarmed".Thus US imperialism and Russian imperialism have
combined with theTurkish state to suppress the Rojava revolution."

It is certainly true that the US and Russia have had much more in common in
Syria, not just now but for many years, than they have differences.
Incidentally, so much ink has been spilt on Trump betraying the SDF (ie,
the implication being that the US should be keeping troops, bases and
warplanes in Syria) that very few noticed that Putin gave a much more
explicit green light to Erdogan (at least Trump wrote a letter telling him
not to be a "tough guy". Putin didn't). And Russian imperialism as a whole
has been completely on board, whereas some 95% of spokespeople of the US
ruling class were furious with Trump. They knew that destroying US
credibility would only have the efect of handing the entire northeast Syria
file to Putin, which is what happened.

Putin knew perfectly well what he was doing. Turkey would invade a
restricted, mostly Arab-populated,  zone, forcing the SDF into agreement
with Assad to allow Assadist and Russian troops all over the rest of the
border, an agreement, Trump also supported, setting the stage for Assad to
control all the territory that yesterday was run by the SDF, and thereby
divide Rojava between them.

Before the Turkish invasion, the US and Turkey had already agreed to a
"security mechanism" along the border, to be patrolled by Turkish and US
troops, where there would be no SDF. The SDF had already agreed to a 5km
zone along most of it, and to 9-14 km between Tel Abyad and Ras al-Ayn.
Erdogan ionvaded ebcause ehw anted more. He got a little more, but Assad
and Putin got vastly more. the US got nothing. The difference between the
US-Turkish mechanism before the invasion, and the Russian-Turkish agreement

1. Before: US-Turkish patrols to a depth of 5km along most of the border;
now Russian-Turkish patrols to a depth of 10km along most border (ie Russia
reprsents assad regime on border)

2. Before: US-Turkish patrols to a depth of 9-14 km between Tel Abyad and
Ras al-Ayn; now Turkish occupation to 30 km for this section only.

3. Before, everywhere south of the 5km zone controlled by SDF; now, 30 km
zo0ne south of border controlled by Assad-Russia, no SDF.

As expected, total victory for Putin and Assad in Syria, with Erdogan
providing the shock troops. As expected, never even a remote possibility of
"confrontations" between Assadist and Turkish forces.

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[Marxism] Anonymous author of Trump ‘resistance’ op-ed to publish a tell-all book

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed (ANF)

2019-10-22 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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First Trump gave the green light for the Turkish invasion of northeastern 
Syria.  Now Putin says SDF-YPG forces are to be "withdrawn and disarmed".

Thus US imperialism and Russian imperialism have combined with the
Turkish state to suppress the Rojava revolution.

The US made an alliance with the SDF as a result of panic following the capture 
of Mosul by ISIS.  It was always going to be temporary.

But many in the US ruling class think Trump ended the alliance prematurely.  
They are not convinced that ISIS is sufficiently under control.  They worry 
that ISIS may revive in Iraq and cause increasing problems in  other Middle 
Eastern countries.  It may also organise or inspire more terrorist attacks in 
Europe and the US.

Trump seems unconcerned by this possibility.  He wants to patch up the alliance 
between the US and Turkey.

Trump, despite his erratic words, acts to defend the interests of US 
imperialism as he sees them.  He has intensified the US blockades of Cuba and 
Venezuela.  Hence it is not surprising that he wants to crush the Rojava 

Chris Slee

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[Marxism] Podcast on Lebanese protests

2019-10-22 Thread Omar Hassan via Marxism
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Really useful stuff.

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[Marxism] Book recommendations

2019-10-22 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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If you're looking for some good reads on Trump's background, the best book
I know if still is "House of Trump House of Putin" by Craig Unger. This
gets into some of the historical background of both these rulers.

Right now I'm reading "Treason & Betrayal" by Kenneth McCallion. He was a
federal prosecutor in NYC who was involved in some of the investigations
involving the mob and, therefore, also Trump. He was recently interviewed
by Chris Cuomo on CNN, where he raised the issue of Trump's money
laundering - one of the only times I've heard it raised on national TV.
McCallion writes from the point of view of the interests of the US
capitalist class. From that point of view, he puts forward the position
that Trump is a Russian "agent". As with Unger, he provides the details as
far as investors in Trump's realty projects to back this up.

McCallion's book is slightly more up-to-date and is easier reading, but
Unger's gives better and more in-depth historical background. You don't
have to agree with their politics to get the information. They both provide
documented facts, and both books are useful reading. I recommend both.

In view of the fact that almost every single left or socialist journal and
left or socialist group has largely ignored this aspect of the Trump-Putin
connection, it's up to us as individuals to start pushing it. It's the only
way to really understand that relationship. Facts matter!

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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[Marxism] Hella calendar

2019-10-22 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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John's calendar ought to focus a little on Latin America other than the
well-worn tragedy of Venezuela. For starters, there are the situations in
Chile, Peru, and Colombia. Who knows what is about to happen in Bolivia.



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[Marxism] Lebanon’s ‘October Revolution’ must go on! | openDemocracy

2019-10-22 Thread MM via Marxism
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Lebanon’s ‘October Revolution’ must go on!
Lebanon has a golden opportunity for the formation of an alternative, we should 
not let the ruling class reproduce itself again.
Rima Majed
20 October 2019

The ‘streets’ of Lebanon have exploded in massive protests since October 17th. 
Following months of austerity and dire economic conditions, a shortage of US 
dollars that caused a serious threat of devaluation of the Lebanese currency 
resulting in a potential crisis of gasoline and bread, the continuing power and 
water outages, and a catastrophic week with wildfires ravaging the country and 
exposing the ruling class, the government met on Thursday and agreed to impose 
new taxes on the people, including a tax on Whatsapp calls! While the uprising 
is not merely caused by the Whatsapp tax specifically, the newly agreed upon 
taxes (later reversed following street pressure) were perceived by most 
Lebanese as a ‘vulgar’ reflection of the government’s total neglect of people’s 
hardship and its priority to protect the interests of the ruling upper class at 
the expense of the majority of the population.

Not completely unexpected, mass protests have ravaged the country. While 
Lebanon has witnessed in its recent history similar massive “street explosions” 
against the ruling class (such as in 2015), the Lebanese ‘October Revolution’ 
of 2019 marks an important turning point in the history of contentious politics 
in the post-civil war era. After almost three decades of neoliberal policies 
that resulted in the deepening of class divides, people have taken to the 
streets this time to clearly denounce the ruling class that stands as the 
guardian of neoliberalism (and its own class interests), beyond sectarian 
divides that are usually an effective tactic deployed by the leaders to divide 
the streets. This time, the revolution started with the poorer classes of 
unemployed or underemployed - usually the backbone and constituencies of the 
hegemonic sectarian parties through complex networks of clientelism – turning 
against their ‘patrons’.

Thousands of ‘motorcycle riders’ mobilized on Thursday evening, following the 
government’s decision to impose new taxes, to block roads with blazing tyres 
and paralyze movement in the capital Beirut. The road blockades quickly spread 
to other regions and people started to gather in squares and roads across the 
country in a show of anger that clearly targeted all the rulers – for the first 
time, without any exception. The initial mobilizations that took the shape of a 
riot have – maybe surprisingly for some – gathered hundreds of thousands around 
them. While the protests of 2015 were led by a group of civil society 
organizations mainly representing the middle classes and rejecting most signs 
of riot or civil disobedience under the banner of protecting the protests from 
“infiltrators”, the recent protests have started specifically with those 
usually (and wrongly in most cases) considered to be the “infiltrators” 

Not only is the tactic of protest different from previous movements in terms of 
road blockades and civil disobedience, but the scope of the protest is also 
much wider with regions such as the Beqaa, Tripoli, Nabatiyeh, Tyre and Zouk 
mobilizing in huge numbers, and the lexicon of the chants is clearly different 
with curse words and swearing at politicians forming the bulk of the slogans! 
The resonance of such “osé” chants with the wide majority of protesters in the 
squares, many of whom would have rejected and denounced such slogans a few 
years ago, speaks of an extreme level of anger that can challenge authority and 
morality at once (even amongst the middle classes!). These differences in the 
current movement compared to previous ones are not  details, they reflect 
deeper social transformations that have reached an extreme and that have been 
reflected in the radicalization of the movement. The mobilizations of the past 
few days have shown the start of the emergence of a new class-based alliance 
between the unemployed, underemployed, working classes and middle classes 
against the ruling oligarchy. This is a breakthrough.

Despite attempts by the regime to play the usual card of talking about 
“infiltrators” and the presence of “fifth columns” (which in most cases is no 
other than the regime itself), it is impressive how little resonance this 
discourse has had on protesters so far. This is not to say that such a 
discourse has been completely eliminated and such scenarios have been ruled 
out, but rather to highlight the importance of the newly emerging class-based 
awareness that is focused on targeting the ru

[Marxism] Are We Nearing a New “68 Moment”?

2019-10-22 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Are We Nearing a New “68 Moment”?

A massive upsurge of global class struggle in the midst of a dramatic 
shift in the world situation

by Michael Pröbsting, 22 October 2019




The relevance of the democratic question

Violence and pacifism

Spontaneity and raw mass consciousness

The role of backward ideologies

United Front Tactic

Is this a new 1968?

Petty-Bourgeois pessimism makes political preparation impossible

The Great Arab Revolution: a humiliating lesson for demoralized 
reformists and centrists

The urgent necessity of a revolutionary party – national and international

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] “Break the Grip of the Two-Party System: Labor

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Anything with Lambertiste Alan Benjamin's name on it will never get off 
the ground.

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Re: [Marxism] rising tide?

2019-10-22 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Oct 21, 2019, at 9:27 PM, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> Anti-Government Protests Sweep the Globe
> DemocracyNow! headlines, Oct. 21
> https://www.democracynow.org/2019/10/21/headlines 

Meanwhile, RT publishes this vile piece of trash complaining about how 
difficult it is to be a law-and-order government when protesters take to the 


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Re: [Marxism] Superhero films are 'cynical exercise' to make profits for corporations – Ken Loach | Film | The Guardian

2019-10-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Whew, thankfully they didn't censure gangster movies as they are surely not
a commodity! I personally don't find superhero movies interesting, but
censure a genre? Sounds a lot like folks "horrified" at the violence of
Arthur Penn's* Bonnie and Clyde* (1967)

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 5:59 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> Director joins Martin Scorsese and Frances Ford Coppola in censuring
> industry, calling superhero movies commodities ‘like hamburgers’
> https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/oct/22/superhero-films-are-cynical-exercise-to-make-profits-for-corporations-ken-loach
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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[Marxism] Superhero films are 'cynical exercise' to make profits for corporations – Ken Loach | Film | The Guardian

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Director joins Martin Scorsese and Frances Ford Coppola in censuring 
industry, calling superhero movies commodities ‘like hamburgers’

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[Marxism] Rapidly expanding nuclear arsenals in Pakistan and India portend regional and global catastrophe | Science Advances

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Ocean acidification can cause mass extinctions, fossils reveal | Environment | The Guardian

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Ocean acidification can cause the mass extinction of marine life, fossil 
evidence from 66m years ago has revealed.

A key impact of today’s climate crisis is that seas are again getting 
more acidic, as they absorb carbon emissions from the burning of coal, 
oil and gas. Scientists said the latest research is a warning that 
humanity is risking potential “ecological collapse” in the oceans, which 
produce half the oxygen we breathe.

The researchers analysed small seashells in sediment laid down shortly 
after a giant meteorite hit the Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs and 
three-quarters of marine species. Chemical analysis of the shells showed 
a sharp drop in the pH of the ocean in the century to the millennium 
after the strike.

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[Marxism] Women At Ernst and Young

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Corporate debt, fiscal stimulus and the next recession | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Bretton Woods Institutions’ Neoliberal Over-Reach Leaves Global Governance in the Gutter - CounterPunch.org

2019-10-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Patrick Bond.

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