[Marxism] Global Popular Uprisings: Beijing Calls West to Jointly Defend “the Rule of Law”

2019-10-29 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Global Popular Uprisings: Beijing Calls West to Jointly Defend “the Rule 
of Law”

Central organ of the ruling Stalinist party reiterates the regime’s 
counter-revolutionary position

By Michael Pröbsting, 30 October 2019


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] Again on child poverty

2019-10-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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When the poor finally explode in frustration and seize what they want,
police deal to it. With clubs, if needed, with guns. Looting riots are rare
in New Zealand, most recent was in 1932. Unemployed Aucklanders, provoked
by police bashing their speaker, smashed shop windows and stole. In the
ensuing repression hundreds were hurt or arrested.

In ‘normal’ times deprived people are mostly controlled by other means,
like words. Political spin is something authority has invested in, because
it works. Used skillfully, words can deflect and defuse people’s anger.
Pressing social problems can seem more manageable with an appropriate label.

One of today’s most effective labels is Child Poverty.

Just uttered by itself, Child Poverty sounds . . .

full at: https://rdln.wordpress.com/2019/10/29/again-on-child-poverty/
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[Marxism] Jill Lepore’s Liberal Gospel | The Nation

2019-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Another good article from the latest Nation.

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] August Nimtz: History, Geography and Contingency in the Making of a Black Communist. – MINNEAPOLIS INTERVIEW PROJECT

2019-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Great mini-memoir by ex-SWPer and Marx/Lenin scholar August Nimtz.


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[Marxism] Broadway

2019-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Just started reading Samuel Stein's "Capital City" as background for an 
article on the political economy of homelessness for Counterpunch. 
Really interesting book filled with tidbits like how Broadway became an 
exception to the grid pattern of NYC's avenues and streets. Turns out 
that it was originally a Munsee path that predated the colonist project.

From Wikipedia:

Broadway was originally the Wickquasgeck trail, carved into the brush of 
Manhattan by its Native American inhabitants.[notes 2][1] This trail 
originally snaked through swamps and rocks along the length of Manhattan 
Island.[notes 3]

Upon the arrival of the Dutch, the trail was widened[2] and soon became 
the main road through the island from Nieuw Amsterdam at the southern 
tip. The Dutch explorer and entrepreneur David Pietersz. de Vries gives 
the first mention of it in his journal for the year 1642 ("the 
Wickquasgeck Road over which the Indians passed daily"). The Dutch 
called it the Heeren Wegh or Heeren Straat, meaning "Gentlemen's Way" or 
"Gentlemen's Street" – echoing the name of a similar street in Amsterdam 
– or "High Street" or "the Highway"; it was re-named "Broadway" after 
the British took over the city, because of its unusual width.

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[Marxism] Whose Side Is Clarence Thomas On? | The Nation

2019-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I've been plagiarized.)

Robin mostly accepts at face value Thomas’s portrayal of himself as a 
race man deeply invested in black America. After all, Thomas quotes 
approvingly from Douglass. He talks admiringly of the black folk who 
persevered under the brutal reign of Jim Crow. He notes the continuing 
prevalence of anti-black racism, and he concerns himself with the racial 
consequences of disputed policies. But this is mostly pretense. When 
Thomas cites Douglass, he does so not to perpetuate that great man’s 
challenge to white supremacy but to burnish his own brand, signaling to 
black Americans that, beneath his reactionary politics, he has not 
forgotten where he came from and signaling to white Americans that he is 
no ordinary right-wing Republican but something more valuable: a black 
right-wing Republican with code-switching capabilities.

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[Marxism] support for an independent workers movement in Venezuela

2019-10-29 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"We, the undersigned labor and socialist activists, hereby express our
support for a genuinely free and independent workers’ movement in
Venezuela. We are concerned about the persecution of independent labor
activists by the Maduro government. In doing so, we have nothing in common
with US imperialism nor of its representative, Guaidó. They too completely
oppose the rights and interests of workers. The US government has applied
oil sanctions this year that worsen the already terrible economic hardships
which the working class has to endure.

"In particular, we would like to call your attention to the persecution of
workers such as Rodney Álvarez and Jose Bodas and others who are opposed to
U.S. imperialism but are also being repressed by the Maduro regime."

Read full statement with more information here:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] Sandinista

2019-10-29 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Stalin and Mao both started off as real revolutionaries --- getting power
corrupted both terribly --- (think Stalin was worse! --- despite winning WW

Very few behave as honorably as Nelson Mandela -- we might even count
George Washington as a "good guy" -- he refused to become a "king" and
accept a THIRD term 

That's why the anarchists are probably right!
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[Marxism] Sandinista

2019-10-29 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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The sad present of Daniel Ortega can be seen in the first link below.
Especially sad because the Sandinistas inspired hope 40 years ago, as in
the second link.


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[Marxism] Indian-Occupied Kashmir: European Right-Wing Extremists Go to Modi’s Rescue

2019-10-29 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Indian-Occupied Kashmir: European Right-Wing Extremists Go to Modi’s Rescue

by Michael Pröbsting, 29 October 2019


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Open Letter In Support Of Trans Labour Members

2019-10-29 Thread DW via Marxism
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John, just on the issue of "ME, a man" commenting on this. I'm asked to
comment on it all the time. Secondly, far more importantly the majority of
such businesses, where I am, are women owned or couples owned. This could
not happen without initiating it or their buy in. If there was opposition
by women to non-gender wash rooms, we would of heard it by now. Not a peep.
I live in a highly feminist city, gay city, and transcity: San Francisco.
Thirdly, they are and never were 'safe spaces'. This sort of nonsense (IMO)
about bathrooms being safes paces because men are not "allowed" in do in
fact make it quite UN-safe because it allows women to have half as many
people there to stop an assault (as you acknowledged they take place there
anyway, law or now law). The fact is that there are thousands of rapes
committed in "women only spaces" because rapists violate the law and don't
care about it (did you know that many places have no laws concerning this
whatsoever? That this is based on cultural customs and not legal statute?).
We would of course have to disagree with this about assaults being more
likely in gender neutral bathrooms. This issue has, btw, zero to do with
excluding transwomen from such spaces as they are, for all intents and
purposes, women (fortunately the dystopian idea of genetic checks haven't
made it feasible to exclude transwomen. Now such access just has to be
legitimized in law).

An example I stumbled across in Mexico City about 10 years ago was that
there are women only cars on the Mexico City subway. I was shocked (simply
because it was so unexpected by me and my friend I was traveling with). We
were stopped by an armed (with an assault rifle) women cop who told us only
women "beyond this point". It seems this was instituted on the demand of
women who organized for this because of the epidemic of groping by men on
the subway over years. Women have the choice of using this or the main set
of integrated cars. This was totally supportable. Again, however, the issue
of transwomen (who look like women and is key to this particular issue) are
of course able to use this car since no one, the women on the car, the cops
guarding it, and the potential molesters can't tell who is trans and who is
not). But those on this list, some, would argue that transwomen shouldn't
use such facility as in the Mexican subway system because "genetically they
are men and that is what counts". And this goes to the heart of this

I defend women only spaces when in fact they are a function of women (cis
or trans) organizing to do so. This includes of course transwomen who ARE
transwomen and not just men who say they want to transition. This last
issue is a huge one and goes to the self-identity issue that has caused so
much fanfare and hatred.

BTW...I attended the ISO Socialism Conference, the one in 2017 that had
over 2,000 attending and they made all rest/wash rooms gender neutral.
There were no problems reported. Of course a socialist conference such as
that obviously is not at all representative of society at large.

What I see, *politically* the hot potato is not what you and I are politely
discussing. Rather, it is over the issue of "self-ID". This is what is
hugely complicated and often transcends the basic civil rights issues, or
perhaps "subsumes it" as a better expression. I would like to see more
information on this (this has to do with things like transathletes, locker
rooms and other issues where it is *only* the self-identificiation that
makes someone transgender and how to handle this in society. It is this
issue above all else that has caused the heat, "de platforming" and so on.

David W.
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[Marxism] NY Times: Democrats' Secret Plan to Kill Third Parties in New York

2019-10-29 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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(This article focuses on third parties that frequently endorse major party
candidates, but the Democrats' plan would also affect genuinely independent
third parties, and make it for difficult for the Green Party to maintain
its position on the New York ballot. The primary target of the proposal is
the Working Families Party, which generally supports Democrats, but is to
the left of Governor Cuomo.)

By Vivian Wang
Oct. 29, 2019

The chairman of the New York State Democratic Party is pushing a proposal
that would essentially neuter almost all third parties, crippling one of
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s biggest political nemeses but also potentially
helping conservatives.

The proposal from the chairman, Jay Jacobs, would quintuple the number of
votes that a political party needs to guarantee a spot on the ballot in the
next election. A party currently needs 50,000 votes for its candidate for
governor to secure a spot for the next four years.

Mr. Jacobs, in a private email to a group of state commissioners reviewing
parts of New York election law, proposed raising the number to roughly

At first glance, it might seem a strange position for any Democrat, let
alone the head of the state’s Democratic Party, to take.

Nearly every minor party has fallen short of collecting 250,000 votes,
including, and perhaps especially, the Working Families Party, a
progressive group that shares many Democratic Party ideals yet has been one
of the most reliable antagonists of Mr. Jacobs and his close ally Mr. Cuomo.

Only the Conservative Party has been able to surpass the 250,000 vote mark
in recent years. If just that party survived, a candidate could then run on
both the Conservative and Republican lines — New York election law allows
candidates to run on multiple lines — while a liberal candidate would have
no such advantage.

“Conservatives have an awful lot of support,” Mr. Jacobs said when asked
about the idea. “There’s no question that they will have an easier time
meeting these thresholds.”

“I can see that that could be problematic,” he added.

Mr. Jacobs, whom Mr. Cuomo appointed to the state commission, insisted that
his proposal was aimed at reducing voter confusion and rooting out
corruption among “sham” parties that he said trade their ballot lines for
political favors. He did not specify which parties he was referring to.

“A lot of people have been getting away with an awful lot for a long time,”
Mr. Jacobs said. “In my mind, it will be better overall if elections are
run with only really credible parties.”

For the W.F.P. and its supporters, the proposal is the latest attempt by
Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Cuomo to silence one of their most prominent political
rivals. For the past few months, Mr. Jacobs has all but declared war on
third parties, advancing multiple proposals to ban them. Mr. Cuomo, though
he has not explicitly sought to ban the W.F.P., has said that he knew Mr.
Jacobs’s stance when he chose him for the commission.

The dispute is also the most recent front in the feud between Mr. Cuomo and
an increasingly emboldened mass of left-wing activists and politicians who
have cast Mr. Cuomo and his allies as centrists bent on obstruction.

Mr. Jacobs made the proposal in an email on Oct. 16, soon after a meeting
of the commission. It was created by the Legislature in April to design a
small-donor matching system for state elections, but in the months since,
much to the angst of the W.F.P., the commission also turned to the question
of third parties.

In the email, Mr. Jacobs asked a lawyer for the group, as well as the other
eight commissioners, whether it had the power to raise the threshold for a
guaranteed ballot line.

Traditionally, the W.F.P. and other minor parties had been able to meet the
50,000-vote threshold relatively easily, in part because candidates are
allowed to run on multiple lines, known as fusion voting. Progressives can,
for example, choose to vote for the Democratic candidate on the W.F.P. line
to send a message about their political priorities without worrying about
wasting a vote.

Mr. Jacobs asked the lawyer if the commission could require parties to
achieve “an amount equal to 2 percent of all registered voters in the
state” in races for president and governor.

Two percent of New York’s 12,695,762 registered voters is 253,915 votes. In
the last election for governor, the Conservative Party collected 253,624
votes. The W.F.P., the next highest vote-getter, collected about 114,000.

Mr. Jacobs said the details of the proposal were not final. He said he had
not yet discussed it with his fellow commissioners, who must vote to
approve it.

But he reaffirmed his commitm

[Marxism] Fear on the Streets: Hezbollah and the Protests in Lebanon - CounterPunch.org

2019-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Robert Fisk wakes up to the reality of Hezbollah siding with Lebanese 
elites. Too bad he didn't grasp how it was up to the same game in Syria 
starting in 2011.

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