[Marxism] Army Officer Says His Mother’s Deportation Is ‘Completely Inhumane’

2020-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 5, 2020
Army Officer Says His Mother’s Deportation Is ‘Completely Inhumane’
By Derrick Bryson Taylor

It has been an emotional start to the new year for Rocio Rebollar Gomez 
and her family.

On Thursday, after 31 years in the United States, a country where she 
had built a life and raised three children, including a son now in the 
United States Army, Ms. Gomez was deported to Tijuana, Mexico, where she 
had little family left.

That son, Second Lt. Gibram Cruz, 30, who has been in the Army for five 
years and rushed to be with her the day after Christmas, said he was 
“shocked” at the way his mother was treated and called the actions by 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement “completely inhumane.”

Ms. Gomez, 51, was previously scheduled to self deport and that plan was 
known to ICE, the family’s lawyer, Tessa Cabrera, said on Friday.

Instead, as the family went to an ICE office to discuss her case, Ms. 
Gomez was taken across the border to Tijuana without a chance to say 
goodbye, Ms. Cabrera said.

Officials “snuck her out through the back” and in less than 30 minutes 
she was in Mexico, Lieutenant Cruz said.

In the months leading up to her deportation, Ms. Gomez, who, according 
to her family, ran a small business selling health and natural products 
and drove for Uber, had attempted to stay in the United States legally, 
including deferred action under the discretionary option for military 
families through Citizen and Immigration Services, Ms. Cabrera said.

The family also worked to bring attention to the case by conducting 
interviews with the news media. They held a news conference on Thursday 
and made signs showing support for Ms. Gomez the night before.

“Our hope was that our eyes wouldn’t be the only ones witnessing this,” 
Ms. Cabrera said of the attention. “I think Rocio held onto hope and 
faith until the very last moment.”

Ms. Gomez was removed from the country in 1995, 2005 and 2009, Ms. 
Cabrera said.

Mary G. Houtmann, a spokeswoman for ICE, said on Friday that Ms. Gomez’s 
2009 removal was the result of a 2008 order by an immigration judge and 
that she illegally re-entered the country after that.

In March 2018, Ms. Gomez was apprehended by ICE, Ms. Houtmann said, and 
was processed to be removed again but was granted a stay by Enforcement 
and Removal Operations officers while her appeals and requests to remain 
in the United States were being reviewed.

Lieutenant Cruz, who is based in Texas and works in military 
intelligence, acknowledged that his mother had illegally entered the 
country but called her removal “completely unnecessary.”

“Her as a responsible mother did what any mother in her situation would 
do and came back to care for her children by any means,” he said. “A 
country that was founded on immigrants should be welcoming to my mother, 
who her whole life has been an outstanding citizen.”

Ms. Gomez also has two daughters, ages 34 and 23.

Families sacrifice a lot when members of the military serve their 
country, Lieutenant Cruz said.

“We never asked for any handouts,” he said. “We have always provided and 
succeeded by ourselves. We simply asked ICE to exercise some discretion 
and let her continue being a contributing member of her society.”

Ms. Houtmann said Ms. Gomez was informed last month that all avenues for 
her to remain in the country had been exhausted and she was given until 
Jan. 2 to depart.

Karla McKissick, one of Ms. Gomez’s daughters, expressed concerns about 
her mother’s future in Mexico. Her mother’s brother, while living in 
Acapulco, Mexico, was abducted and held for ransom, she said. The family 
presumes he is dead and have never found his body.

Ms. Gomez is staying with her half sister, someone she has not seen in 
at least 10 years, Ms. McKissick said.

“Her sister has a tiny house and she’s going to be staying on the 
couch,” she said. “We’re helping her financially to do the most that we 

Shortly after Ms. Gomez’s removal to Tijuana, Ms. McKissick crossed the 
border to bring her supplies.

“According to our attorney, we’re out of options,” she said. The family 
also hopes that a change in administration or a change in laws might 
help their mother’s case. “But as of right now, all we can do is hold 
our breath,” she said.

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[Marxism] Fisking Douma | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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All of Robert Fisk’s bad habits come into play in a recent Independent 
op-ed piece titled “The Syrian conflict is awash with propaganda – 
chemical warfare bodies should not be caught up in it” that is part of 
the aggressive propaganda campaign trying to absolve Bashar al-Assad 
from the chlorine gas attack in Douma last year. Along with Fisk, two 
other British journalists have been making a huge stink over alleged 
OPCW cover-ups. One is Jonathan Steele, who works for the liberal 
Guardian newspaper and the other is Christopher Hitchens’s brother 
Peter, who works for the rightwing Mail on Sunday. Their articles on 
Douma rely heavily on two OPCW whistle-blowers, Ian Henderson and 
“Alex”, who spoke at a conference sponsored by Courage Foundation, which 
is closely tied to Wikileaks. Since Julian Assange has been a long-time 
supporter of Assad, it is no surprise that his allies are doing 
everything possible to prove that jihadis organized a “false flag” in 
Douma in order to give the USA an excuse to bomb Syria.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2020/01/05/fisking-douma-2/
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[Marxism] US encirclement endangers Cuba's economy, provokes response

2020-01-05 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Cold War Propagandist: Nicolas Nabokov, JFK, and the Shostakovich Wars - Los Angeles Review of Books

2020-01-05 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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A personal footnote for what it's worth.
During the US war against Vietnam I was in my high school's band. One day
we went on a field trip to hear a local orchestra. The conductor was with
the US military, and he appeared in full dress uniform.
On the  playlist was a piece by Shostakovitch, and the conductor introduced
it by saying that it was an important work even if the Soviet Union was a
horrendous dictatorship.
At that age I had only the most vague politics, but I remember thinking to
myself, "who the fuck are you to criticize anyone?"

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[Marxism] Cold War Propagandist: Nicolas Nabokov, JFK, and the Shostakovich Wars - Los Angeles Review of Books

2020-01-05 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Soleimani assassination spells trouble for Iraqis, Iranians and the region

2020-01-05 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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 A very good article that discusses the danger Trump's attack has put the
region in, while emphasising that Soleimani was a psychotic mass murderer
with the blood of thousands of Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians on his hands
who should not be mourned by human beings. A very strong point that this
whipping up of Trump-Khameini, US-Iran warlike confrontation inside
occupied Iraq (occupied by both) will have a tendency to sweep aside the
mass popular Iraqi uprising we have seen in recent months, directed as it
was against the Iraqi rulers, corruption, injustice and both US and Iranian
occupation forces; its momentum is getting swept aside by bullshit
nationalism and "anti-imperialism" nonsense, bolstering the image of
precisely the people like Soleimani and the other Iran-owned sectarian
thugs who had just crushed the Iraqi uprising by open slaughter of 500
peaceful protestors (and up to 1500 peaceful protestors murdered in Iranian
streets by the same thugs). Let's hope this impact is short-lived.
"This is perhaps the most tragic aspect of Trump's assassination of
Soleimaini: Despite the US justifying the killing by absurdly claiming it
will "deter further Iranian attacks", it could instead reinvigorate Iran in
Iraq, at a time when criticism of its grip was gaining momentum through the

"The Iraqi protest movement had overwhelmingly disavowed the attack on the
US embassy, making clear that the same forces attacking the US embassy were
the ones who had attacked them.

"Now the line of polarisation risks moving away from the protesters'
demands for social justice, to one determined by a renewed pro-Iran/pro-US
dichotomy. This time, however, it could lead to outright war – or, at
least, a situation where Iran strikes back not directly at the US, but at
any force deemed to be supportive of their interests.

"Though there's no doubt Tehran is rattled by the assassination of Qassem
Soleimani, it seems that once again the demands for Iraqi
self-determination are being buried under the interests of foreign powers"

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