[Marxism] What did the latest Near-War between the U.S. and Iran Reveal?

2020-01-10 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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What did the latest Near-War between the U.S. and Iran Reveal?

Some Notes on the Inner Contradictions of the US Policy in the Middle East

By Michael Pröbsting, 11 January 2020


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[Marxism] Solidarity Against Despair | Meagan Day | Jacobin

2020-01-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] More than 100, 000 mobilise across Australia in response to bushfires and climate change

2020-01-10 Thread Omar Hassan via Marxism
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More than 100,000 people mobilised across Australia today, in huge
demonstrations called by Uni Students for Climate Justice.

Hopefully this sets a new benchmark for responding to extreme environmental
events. These incidents, and the way they are mismanaged by corrupt
capitalist states, are not tragedies or natural disasters, they're the
blowback after decades of exploitative, unsustainable corporate-driven
development. And we're not putting up with it any more.


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2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Earth | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A case can be made that Nikolaus Geyrhalter is the most important living 
documentary filmmaker. As well, a case can be made that his latest film 
“Earth” (Erde) that opened today at the Anthology Film Archives in New 
York is his most important. As the film begins with a panoramic shot of 
the San Fernando Valley in California, the following words scroll across 
the screen: “Every day 60 million tons of surface soil are moved by 
rivers, wind and other forces of nature. Humans move 156 million tons of 
rock and soil per day, making humankind the most decisive geological 
factor of our time.” With this as a preface, Geyrhalter then takes us on 
a world tour of major excavation sites with closeups on the machinery 
and the women and men who operate them. On his last stop, he makes in 
Fort McMaster in Canada, he departs from his itinerary because the tar 
sands oil extraction bosses did not allow him to film there. However, in 
a perfect denouement to a film made to arouse public opinion against 
unbridled capitalist development, he escorts two Dene Indians whose land 
has been despoiled by fracking.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2020/01/10/earth/
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Re: [Marxism] Capitalism needs racism: A response to the NYT 1619 Project | Joel Wendland-Liu | People's World

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/10/20 11:51 AM, Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism wrote:


This was very good.
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[Marxism] Capitalism needs racism: A response to the NYT 1619 Project | Joel Wendland-Liu | People's World

2020-01-10 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] 3 Class Series - Life of Fidel Castro/Marxism

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [pen-l] Project 1619 and its detractors | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-01-10 Thread DW via Marxism
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Louis, I hate when a missed polemical opportunity goes to waste. You wrote
in your piece on Counter Punch: "In his history of American Trotskyism

, Wolforth wrote off what most people on the left regarded as a promising
development..." I would of inserted, since the aim of the essay is in large
part an necessary swipe at the wsws types, that this position against Black
Nationalism written by Wolforth, WAS the ideological basis for his
supporters to attack Project 1916, the wsws, the direct decedent of
Wolforth's own organization.

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[Marxism] Contradictions of Post-Soviet Ukraine and Failure of Ukraine’s New Left

2020-01-10 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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I wonder when the good folks at LeftEast will be treating us to an article
entitled "Contradictions of Post-Soviet Russia and the Failure of Russia's
New Left." Never, that's when.
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[Marxism] At the Heart of France’s Long Strikes, a Fight Between the Haves and the Have-Nots

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 10, 2020
At the Heart of France’s Long Strikes, a Fight Between the Haves and the 

By Adam Nossiter

PARIS — A bright red tapestry featuring the Cuban revolutionary Che 
Guevara over the words “Onward toward victory!” exhorts strikers not to 
give up, in the union’s dingy local headquarters. Outside, the local’s 
boss shouted through a megaphone at the Gare de Lyon train station: “The 
rich should never forget: There will always be the sweat of the poor on 
their money!”

The transportation strike against the French government’s pension 
overhaul plan is already the longest in the country’s history. As it 
entered its sixth week on Thursday, thousands of protesters again took 
to the streets all over France.

Who stands to gain and lose in the pensions overhaul demanded by 
President Emmanuel Macron is debated every day. Nobody agrees on the 

But beyond them is a much larger conflict over class, privilege and 
money amplified by 200 years of French history. Those deep underlying 
issues are helping sustain a marathon movement that is testing the 
patience of the French, hurting their economy and again exposing the 
class fault-lines in Mr. Macron’s would-be reformist presidency.

The bitter class-themed rhetoric at the Gare de Lyon in Paris is not an 
accident. The current fight has roots, real and perceived, in much 
earlier ones — first the overthrow of centuries of upper-class 
privileges during the French Revolution, and then decades of bitter 
conflict between capital and labor in the 19th century, from which 
emerged the pension system that Mr. Macron wants to scrap.

The language of those older fights echoes deeply in the current one, 
hardening positions on both sides, and especially on the union side.

The French are growing weary. Train transportation is at the heart of 
French life in a way it is in few other countries. Reduced train service 
has cut the provinces off from Paris, where the subway’s virtual absence 
has cost millions in lost sales and striking cultural workers have 
forced dozens of theater and opera cancellations.

Support for the strike, which was initially high among French people 
anxious over their retirement, is edging down. Mr. Macron is counting on 
a further decline even as he cedes some ground — to the police, to 
ballet dancers at the opera, to the military — in the face of unrest in 
the streets and unease in much of the population over his plans.

The president wants to replace the current system of 42 pension regimes, 
most of which are tailored to match individual professions, with a 
single points-based scheme that will be the same for everybody.

But it is these individual regimes — fought for tooth-and-nail over the 
years by the different working groups, and jealously guarded as 
embodying rights, not privileges — that are at issue.

Mr. Macron wants to do away with them; the workers are demanding that he 
throw out his whole overhaul.

Behind the marathon rail and subway shutdown is a simple French 
confrontation, older even than the revolution of 1789: haves versus 
have-nots, rich against poor, the protected against the exposed.

It is a face-off that exists in the minds of the strikers as much as it 
does in fact, but it is no less real. Perception has become reality, 
egged on by history and the rhetoric of the strike leaders.

“It’s two ideas of social protection, two different notions of the 
social project, that are in conflict,” Philippe Martinez, the leader of 
the hard-line General Confederation of Workers union (known by its 
French initials, C.G.T.), said as he emerged from another fruitless 
meeting at the prime minister’s office just before Christmas.

“It’s a choice of society that’s at the heart of this reform,” Mr. 
Martinez said again on French television this week.

That language, criticized as excessive by some analysts, has nonetheless 
penetrated the thinking of thousands of strikers, especially in the 
C.G.T., the fiercely anti-Macron union at the heart of the strike.

For decades the union was closely tied to the French Communist Party. 
Mr. Martinez is a former party member; the union’s deputy who heads the 
rail workers’ branch has a bust of Lenin in his office.

“It’s very difficult for us to find common ground with this government,” 
said Bérenger Cernon, the union’s local head at the Gare de Lyon 
station. “On their side it’s about, ‘You make out for yourself.’ With 
us, it’s all about solidarity: liberty, equality, fraternity.”

“They think, ‘We’ve succeeded, so everybody else can also,’” he added. 
“But individual success has never allowed society to advance. I

[Marxism] Preliminary  thoughts on reviving a U.S. antiwar movement - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Sat. Jan. 11 National Online Teach-in: No War With Iran!

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/10/20 5:04 AM, ChrisJV via Marxism wrote:

Could you explain the maneuvering here? Im guessing it has to do with the make 
up of the list of speakers? Is it the appearance of being an inclusive 
'coalition,' while keeping it PSL dominated enough to keep the line?

Basically, ANSWER is trying to reproduce the "coalition" they led during 
the wars in Yugoslavia. It is narrowly restricted to people whose views 
overlap with their own peculiar "anti-imperialist" politics. A genuine 
coalition is necessary, one that would include trade union officials, 
clergy, liberal politicians, etc. With the crisis easing up (for the 
time being), the impetus for such a coalition will likely not 
materialize. With 60,000 members and its connections to A. O-C, et al, 
the DSA would be ideally suited to spearhead such a formation but 
unfortunately they are so steeped in electoralism and so inexperienced 
politically, they wouldn't know where to start.

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[Marxism] Fracking and the Metaphysics of Indian-Hating

2020-01-10 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] 3 new articles on the political (auto)biography of a generation

2020-01-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Eastern Europe: revisiting the ambiguous revolutions of 1989 | Lefteast


Ukraine and the (Dis)integrating Empire of Capital


Contradictions of Post-Soviet Ukraine and Failure of Ukraine’s New Left


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Sat. Jan. 11 National Online Teach-in: No War With Iran!

2020-01-10 Thread ChrisJV via Marxism
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Could you explain the maneuvering here? Im guessing it has to do with the make 
up of the list of speakers? Is it the appearance of being an inclusive 
'coalition,' while keeping it PSL dominated enough to keep the line?
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