Re: [Marxism] Invitation to attend virtual lecture on Lenin at 150 this Wednesday, April 22nd.

2020-04-22 Thread Kaiwen Dong via Marxism
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Thanks to all from the Marxism mailing list who attended, I hope you had a
good time!

For those who couldn't join us and are interested, here's the audio
recording of the event:

(Sadly the video did not work.)

Warmest regards,
The Platypus Affiliated Society organizes reading groups, public fora,
research, and journalism focused on problems and tasks inherited from the
"Old" (1920s-30s), "New" (1960s-70s) and post-political (1980s-90s) Left,
for the possibilities of emancipatory politics today.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 10:27 PM Kaiwen Dong  wrote:

> Dear Marxism Mailing list,
> My name is Kaiwen, and I am a student studying math and a member of the
> Platypus Affiliated Society. If you are free *today* i.e. *Wednesday,
> April 22nd*, I would like to invite you to attend a virtual lecture over
> Zoom that will be given by Chris Cutrone (who teaches at the School of the
> Art Institute of Chicago) on Lenin at 150 at *11 AM Pacific/12 PM
> Mountain/1 PM Central/2 PM Eastern/6 PM GMT*.
> Zoom link here:
> On the occasion of his 150th birthday, Platypus poses the question: What
> is Lenin's legacy today?
> Reference will be made to Ralph Miliband's critical essay on Lenin's 100th
> birthday in 1970 on Lenin's State and Revolution, republished in Jacobin
> magazine in 2018:
> Facebook event page here:
> We hope to see some of those on the Marxism Mailing list there! Hope you
> all are safe and well during these uncertain times.
> Warmest regards,
> Kaiwen
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Re: [Marxism] Anti-Capitalist Politics in the time of Covid-19: An Essay by David Harvey

2020-04-22 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 4:18 PM Ralph Johansen via Marxism
> I don't think this has been posted here yet.

concluding sentences:
...On the economic front responses have been conditioned by the manner
of exodus from the crash of 2007-8. This entailed an ultra loose
monetary policy coupled with bailing out the banks supplemented by a
dramatic increase in productive consumption by a massive expansion of
infrastructural investment in China. The latter cannot be repeated on
the scale required. The bail-out packages set up in 2008 focused on
the banks but also entailed the de facto nationalization of General
Motors. It is perhaps significant that in the face of worker
discontents and collapsing market demand, the three big Detroit
auto-companies are closing down at least temporarily. If China cannot
repeat its 2007-8 role, then the burden of exiting from the current
economic crisis now shifts to the United States and here is the
ultimate irony: the only policies that will work, both economically
and politically, are far more socialistic than anything that Bernie
Sanders might propose and these rescue programs will have to be
initiated under the aegis of Donald Trump, presumably under the mask
of Making America Great Again. All those Repubicans who so viscerally
opposed the 2008 bail-out will have to eat crow or defy Donald Trump.
The latter, if he is wise, will cancel the elections on an emergency
basis and declare the origin of an Imperial presidency to save capital
and the world from riot and revolution.

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[Marxism] Lenin Would Have Been a Beast on Twitter | Left Voice

2020-04-22 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] 150 Years Ago

2020-04-22 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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April 22, 2020 is the sesquicentennial of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich
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[Marxism] Michael Moore's New Film

2020-04-22 Thread DW via Marxism
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The film shows the fraud of the faux-clean renewable energy industry (you
know, the 'clean energy' producers like GE and other big fossil fuel
companies that are riding the coat tails of renewable energy mandates). It
will definitely get some folks upset. About time.

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[Marxism] Anti-Capitalist Politics in the time of Covid-19: An Essay by David Harvey

2020-04-22 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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I don't think this has been posted here yet. 

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[Marxism] Fundraiser for Christian Smalls by Astley Davy : Support Chris Smalls who was fired by AMAZON

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] NY Times: A doctor says he was removed from his federal post after pressing for rigorous vetting of treatments embraced by Trump.

2020-04-22 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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I just finished reading this, and I'm feeling that if the Democrats
nominate Homer Simpson for President, socialists should support him. (I
acknowledge that such an outcome would be a significant improvement over
the likely nominee.)

The doctor who led the federal agency involved in developing a coronavirus
vaccine said on Wednesday that he was removed from his post after he
pressed for a rigorous vetting of a coronavirus treatment embraced by
President Trump. The doctor said that science, not “politics and cronyism”
must lead the way.

Dr. Rick Bright was abruptly dismissed this week as the director of the
Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and
Development Authority, or BARDA, and as the deputy assistant secretary for
preparedness and response.

Instead, he was given a narrower job at the National Institutes of Health.
“I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the
government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address
the Covid-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and
not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit,”
he said in a statement to The Times’s Maggie Haberman.

“I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science — not
politics or cronyism — has to lead the way,” he said.

The White House declined to comment. A spokeswoman for Alex Azar, the
health and human services secretary, did not immediately respond to an
email seeking comment. The medical publication Stat reported on Tuesday
that Dr. Bright had clashed with Bob Kadlec, the assistant health secretary
for preparedness and response.

Dr. Bright, who noted that his entire career had been spent in vaccine
development both in and outside of government, has led BARDA since 2016.

In the statement, he said: “My professional background has prepared me for
a moment like this — to confront and defeat a deadly virus that threatens
Americans and people around the globe. To this point, I have led the
government’s efforts to invest in the best science available to combat the
Covid-19 pandemic.

“Unfortunately, this resulted in clashes with H.H.S. political leadership,
including criticism for my proactive efforts to invest early into vaccines
and supplies critical to saving American lives. I also resisted efforts to
fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political
connections,” he said.

Dr. Bright, who is a career official and not a political appointee, pointed
specifically to the initial efforts to make chloroquine and
hydroxychloroquine widely available before it was scientifically tested for
efficacy with the coronavirus.

“Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad
use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration
as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit,” he said.

“While I am prepared to look at all options and to think ‘outside the box’
for effective treatments, I rightly resisted efforts to provide an unproven
drug on demand to the American public,” Dr. Bright said, describing what
ultimately happened: “I insisted that these drugs be provided only to
hospitalized patients with confirmed Covid-19 while under the supervision
of a physician.

“These drugs have potentially serious risks associated with them, including
increased mortality observed in some recent studies in patients with

“Sidelining me in the middle of this pandemic and placing politics and
cronyism ahead of science puts lives at risk and stunts national efforts to
safely and effectively address this urgent public health crisis,” Dr.
Bright said.

“I will request that the inspector general of the Department of Health and
Human Services investigate the manner in which this administration has
politicized the work of BARDA and has pressured me and other conscientious
scientists to fund companies with political connections and efforts that
lack scientific merit,” he said. “Rushing blindly towards unproven drugs
can be disastrous and result in countless more deaths. Science, in service
to the health and safety of the American people, must always trump

Dr. Bright has hired the lawyers Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, who have a
whistle-blower practice and are known in part for representing Christine
Blasey Ford, who, during the nomination process of Justice Brett Kavanaugh
to the Supreme Court, accused him of engaging in sexual misconduct decades
earlier, a claim he denied.

In a statement, the lawyers called Dr. Bright’s change in position
“retaliation plain and simple,” and said that they planned to ask the
Office of Special Counsel to seek a

[Marxism] The World Order Is Broken. The Coronavirus Proves It. | The New Republic

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Rich countries have pushed economic policies that set poor countries up 
to fail.

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[Marxism] Lucinda Williams Is Raw, Riled Up and Ready to Speak Her Mind

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, April 22, 2020
Lucinda Williams Is Raw, Riled Up and Ready to Speak Her Mind
By Jewly Hight

NASHVILLE — In more than four decades of making music, Lucinda Williams 
has learned to roll with sizable disruptions. Seated in front of a 
laptop for an early April video interview in a conspicuously empty room, 
she quickly dispensed with her latest two challenges: a March tornado 
that left its mark on her roof, and the self-quarantine that’s kept her 
and her husband and manager, Tom Overby, inside the sparsely furnished 
house they moved into shortly before the storm.

“Now when we get food delivered from Uber Eats, I have to send a message 
to the driver and say, ‘It’s kind of hard to see because we lost our 
front porch light,’” she said nonchalantly.

Williams’s specific variety of renown, on the other hand, is intact. At 
67, she’s long been held up as an archetype in a lineage of rocking, 
literary Americana songwriters. The roots scene reveres its elders, but 
rather than settle into life as a dignified link to the past, she 
prefers to remain a bit more restless, letting age and experience 
toughen rather than temper how she expresses herself.

Written and recorded before she could know what crises this year would 
hold, Williams’s 14th studio album, “Good Souls Better Angels,” due 
Friday, contains her most apocalyptic visions to date. It’s the work of 
an idealist horrified by the monstrous power that bullies wield in the 
world, and its impact is heightened by its delivery system: The album is 
dominated by fuzztone electric guitars, propulsive blues progressions 
and direct lyrics delivered in Joan Jett sneers and Patti Smith chants. 
“You can’t rule me,” she announces plainly on the opening track.

Williams explained that she was sold on “the garage rock sound, you know 
bass, guitar, drums.” She added, “It just sounded good without other 

Early on, Williams made moves that performers often reserve for 
reflective periods later in their careers. On her acoustic 1979 debut, 
“Ramblin’,” recorded in her mid-20s, she faithfully rendered the 
hillbilly, Delta blues and gospel standards she’d absorbed in her youth. 
Her subsequent albums were sprinkled with vignettes that conveyed 
melancholy attachment to the people and places of her past.

Her efforts culminated in the 1998 breakthrough, “Car Wheels on a Gravel 
Road,” an immaculately vivid album made through a strenuous process of 
trial and error involving numerous studios, producers and players. The 
LP was canonized as a contemporary roots classic, even as press coverage 
made its creator out to be intractable.

“I feel like if she was a man, it would have been portrayed so 
differently,” said Katie Crutchfield, who records as Waxahatchee. “She’s 
like a role model to me. Hearing that story, it gives me this confidence 
that if I’m ever in that situation where I’m making a record and it 
doesn’t feel right, then I can switch gears and not worry about all the 
outside pressures.”

Williams’s fans were so invested in the notion that her creativity 
required perpetual pining and pain that the mid-2000s announcement that 
she and Overby had gotten engaged was met with concern. “I started 
getting asked questions, these inane questions, like, ‘Are you still 
going to be able to write songs?’” she said.

Williams had artistic inclinations that she hadn’t yet cultivated. She’d 
always been able to summon force — see her 1988 track “Changed the 
Locks,” in which she sang, in searing fashion, about willing her 
surroundings to transform themselves to conceal her from an ex. But the 
ferocity she began to artfully summon in her 50s and 60s felt edgier 
than the scrappiness typically associated with country-rock.

Overby pointed out in a separate conversation that, at a 2016 show, 
Thurston Moore strapped on his guitar and joined Williams for a 
performance of her sprawling, raw track “Unsuffer Me.” Williams and 
Overby produced Jesse Malin’s shaggy roots-rock album “Sunset Kids,” 
which was released last year. And when Cary Ann Hearst, half of the duo 
Shovels & Rope and herself one of the grittier singers on the Americana 
circuit, opened a string of European dates for Williams, she took in the 
headlining set each night. “I’ve never seen a grown-ass woman rock that 
hard,” she said. “Particularly a woman performer who is not 20.”

The politics that Williams leans into on her new album didn’t evolve 
overnight. She was thrown out of her New Orleans high school for 
distributing Students for a Democratic Society anti-racism leaflets and 
refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance to protest the Vietnam War. Her

[Marxism] Donald Trump’s enablers at Stanford University | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Some of America’s most prestigious universities were created and named 
after robber barons. Carnegie-Mellon was founded by Andrew Carnegie in 
1900, just 11 years after the steel magnate gave the green light to 
Pinkerton for an armed assault on the strikers in Homestead. Then there 
is Duke University, named in honor of James Duke, the tobacco boss who 
left millions in an early grave from cancer, heart disease and 
emphysema. Equally prestigious is Stanford University that got its name 
from Leland Stanford, a railroad tycoon.


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[Marxism] Michael Moore's New Film

2020-04-22 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Moore is the producer of a new film that it bound to upset some people on the 
left. He takes on the Green Energy interests — solar, wind, biofuel. The film 
can be watched online here for free for the next 30 days.

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[Marxism] Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

2020-04-22 Thread Richard Modiano via Marxism
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 The economic effects are now spiraling out of control both within China
and beyond. The disruptions working through the value chains of
corporations and in certain sectors turnd out to be more systemic and
substantial than was originally thought. The long-term effect may be to
shorten or diversify the supply chains while moving towards less labour
intensive forms of production (with enormous implications for employment)
and greater reliance on artificial intelligent production systems. The
disruption of production chains entails laying off or furloughing workers,
which diminishes final demand, while the demand for raw materials
diminishes productive consumption. These impacts on the demand side would
in their own right have produced at least a mild recession. ~ David Harvey
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[Marxism] Twitter: Reinstate and Verify Howie Hawkins 2020 Account | Howie Hawkins for President

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Death Cults, Wildcats, and Liberal Civility | Afflict The Comfortable (The Mind of Bob Buzzanco)

2020-04-22 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Let's call them what they are:

DEATH DEMONSTRATORS --- they are demonstrating in favor of death .

THey think because they're white and middle class and not over 70 they
won't get the disease ---so they are actually demonstrating for MORE DEATHS
for the "others" .

No more "nice folks" in debate - these are death worshippers 

My brother sent an LTE to his local paper using that language --- we should
be bombarding local papers with similar messages --
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[Marxism] bellingcat - The Open Source Hunt for Syria's Favourite Sarin Bomb - bellingcat

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: MMT, Chartalism, and Keynesianism

2020-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Time to retire this thread.

Comrade "MM" unsubbed last night and I doubt that anybody else here has 
the slightest interest in pushing post-Keynesian economics. Once upon a 
time you'd get that sort of thing on PEN-L but it has become moribund.

Will end on what someone inclined to take MMT much more seriously than 
me has said:

Finally, its acolytes can be pretty 'rabid' in an almost cult-like way. 
It's disconcerting because, if you criticize MMT, a whole swarm of what 
almost seem like MMT groupies comes and attacks you. New Keynesians say 
they hate engaging with MMT economists, even though they share a 
Keynesian kinship, because the economists' online followers are often 
aggressive and mean-spirited.

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[Marxism] Fwd: MMT, Chartalism, and Keynesianism

2020-04-22 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Forwarded Message --
From: Nathan Tankus 
Subject: Fwd: [Marxism] MMT, Chartalism, and Keynesianism
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 22:34:03 -0400

Hi Jim, 

long time. My reply on Marxmail didn't make it on list. any chance you could 
forward it along? 

Thank you
-- Forwarded message -
From: Nathan Tankus 
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] MMT, Chartalism, and Keynesianism

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to drop by and say that

"As I began reading Yves Smith's blog and spending some time with her and 
Nathan, it occurred to me at some point that they had zero interest in the 
global South or what is sometimes called "development economics"."

Is wildly offensive and completely made up. I look forward to an apology.

I gave a talk at the University of Manchester on the topic 2 years ago entitled 
"Monetary Sovereigns, Monetary Subjects and Monetary Vassals: A Spectrum 
Approach to Monetary Sovereignty and Our Dollar World"

My organization organizes the MMT conferences, which last year had a keynote on 
Imperialism in Africa (especially Francophone Africa) by  "Programme and 
Research Officer at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Office for West Africa" 
Professor Ndongo Samba Sylla. 

For what it's worth, In my presentation on the Green New Deal at that 
conference I attacked conditioning access to swap lines on "capital openness" 
and suggested that using swap lines to support green new deals in foreign 
countries was a tool of a left wing foreign policy if leftists ever gained 
power here (obviously this was a reference to Bernie)

Following up on that I published an Op Ed at the same time explicitly attacking 
Warren for her nationalistic Green New Deal proposals and proposing that all 
associated GND technology be copyrighted in such a way that they could be 
accessed globally at no monetary cost, with the only limitation being that 
others couldn't modify the intellectual property and sell it to others for 

"We can already see this risk unfolding in real time, as politicians like Sen. 
Elizabeth Warren drive the equity stake approach into explicitly nationalistic 
territory. While Warren is better on the Green New Deal than many candidates, 
her GND proposals articulate the need for US firms to "be the leaders and the 
owners" of the "$23 trillion market coming for green products." If her vision 
were to come true, US-based multinationals would continue to hoard intellectual 
property and keep species-saving research to themselves.

We contend that decarbonization technology is too important to humanity to hide 
it behind US patents and trade secrets. To confront the crisis equitably and 
efficiently, we should publicly fund technological development and share the 
research with the world free. The GND should usher in a global ecological 
commons, not more profit-centric competitions over "scarce resources."

My organization is also of course close to Fadhel Kaboub and fully support his 
work (here's one of my organization's podcasts with him, hosted at Monthly 

I also personally organized a session on Monetary Sovereignty and International 
Law, the first such panel I'm aware of.

Just in the past couple weeks I've written about swap lines

and made a proposal for the C6 to give the IMF swap lines in order to 
facilitate distributing as many SDRs as needed to every IMF member (which of 
course is something that people would need to demand, it would never happen on 
its own, despite being adopted in a letter signed by former world leaders

I also have multiple papers in this area that have yet to come out. 

Sorry for the information dump but you can see based on what I've been working 
on for years why that claim is not only not true but laughably contrary to 
reality. You can claim I'm far too focused on policy, but no one can reasonably 
claim that I don't care about the global south or am not lase

[Marxism] Venezuela faces covid-19 (interview with Maduro)

2020-04-22 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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