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I was at the "Love Lives Here" rally in Whitefish a few weeks ago, which
was, in effect, the cutting edge of the organizing the interviewee above
refers to. It was a tame affair with families and children from around
Montana and speakers mostly representing Whitefish's small businesses,
which are heavily dependent on tourism and wealthy part-time residents (the
rally's slogan: "shop for solidarity!").

Two-thirds of the way through the rally, I turned and was surprised to see
a man standing casually behind me with a "Militia of Montana Ghost Warrior"
vest and a holstered (but not secured) Colt .45 on his belt. He observed
the whole thing quietly and left just before it ended.

The white nationalists are not cowed.

> Thirdly, Montana is an open-carry state. Consequently, when antifascist
> forces started talking about armed direct action, it created a real
> sense of panic. As I repeatedly explained to them in long-distance
> midnight calls, these antifascists had not laid any groundwork in
> introducing, much less explaining themselves or their tactics. I could
> easily envision a confrontation between armed Nazis on one side and
> armed non-local anarchists on the other. Obviously, that would have been
> an unbelievable disaster in every respect.
> I thought any three of these scenarios would have been profoundly
> demoralizing and would have represented a significant setback for both
> the Whitefish community and for all of us trying to build a strong
> resistance to all that Trump enables and represents.
> full:
> https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/01/alt-right-whitefish-monta
> na-antifascist-richard-spencer-protest/
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