[Marxism] Trotskyist Euphemisms

2020-03-04 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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While I admit the accuracy of some of these characterizations, I would qualify 
them as well.
When I joined the Young Socialists I did so with a sense of urgency about what 
was happening in the world, the Vietnam war being important in this regard.
I had been drawn to the New Left, but my contact with them did not offer me an 
activist group that I could join.

I think that something that contributed to our fierce attachment to our ideas 
was our sense of isolation.  We were a small group in a broader society that 
was either hostile or (more often) indifferent.
“Educationals" were sometimes simply a rehearsal of our ideas without much 
reflection, but sometimes much more stimulating.
Educationals, as we called them, were a 20 or 30 minute presentation of some 
aspect of our ideas, including discussion from the floor.

Quoting from a longer piece I wrote elsewhere.
“... I overcame my hesitation and joined the Young Socialists in January of 
1967. Another factor made my joining somewhat hesitant. I feared that the 
organization would put an intellectual straitjacket on me. This was a 
reasonable fear in that some left organizations do promote intellectual 
conformity. But his was not what I found in the Young Socialists. I found the 
intellectual life quite engaging. And I'm not the first person to find that a 
study of Marxism opened up a whole new world.
Just one example. About 1968 the International Socialist Review published an 
article by Rosa Luxembourg on Russian poetry, Luxembourg on Korelenko. If you 
can find this piece, I'm happy to recommend it."


ken h

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Re: [Marxism] Trotskyist Euphemisms

2020-03-04 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Interestingly enough, I've actively worked against this type of group think
and not only were folks who thought of themselves as the vanguard put off
by trying to rid a formation of groupthink,but those new to
activist/organizing seem to search for it, much like religious
enlightenment. Left fundamental works on the same principles based on
cognitive bias as right fundamentalism.
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[Marxism] Trotskyist Euphemisms

2020-03-04 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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Thank Aaron for posting this which seems to reflect my experiences and awareness

Group Think as "religious thinking" -

identifies much about sectarian left thinking - on wanting to belong with those 
who share similar values and concerns
but individual thought is actively suppressed - and resisting any new 
awareness.  When I was in the U. S. SWP youth group the YSA,
I did not agree with that party's homophobia or its support of homophobic 
figures in other lands.  But I kept quiet on this, wanting
"to belong" to what I viewed as the most dedicated group of people who had (for 
the most part but homophobia) the best politics.

However, practice was different in actual form than what was expressed 
verbally.  "Democratic Centralism" was less democratic and
respectful of others and far more centralist top down.  And this in a time when 
no real condirions warranted this - but to have only
the faithful loyal to the leader(s).

I was attracted to the ideas of Marxism and against exploitation and injustice. 
  I remain identified with Marxism -
despite the followers who could have been in other religious based cult groups 
with their "group think and faith".

Those who "were trained" and provided ONLY one narrow history to support their 
views and actions and ignore all other
left groups as to their successes and experiences.   And yes limitations such 
as the Stalinists who also were wiiling to adapt to
"group think" and religious thinking.  And I have noticed this in many 
anarchist circles as well.

None of us asked to be born and we each navigate this world (many with hostile 
surroundings) and insecurity and inexperience
and lacking awareness, trusting others to know it all or better, are often what 
makes up the new recruits and those staying are
more confortable with being connected to a "party of believers".  Zinoviev 
preferred "religious thinking", while myself I have
appreciated thinking - and why I oppose capitalism.


So after reading George Orwell's 1946 essay 'Politics and the English Language' 
I was inspired to look at some of the euphemisms that I have encountered in my 
own time in the IMT:

Education:You meet up with a more senior ‘comrade’ or set of comrades as part 
of either aone-on-one or reading group. This comrade is very familiar with the 
“line” andwell-read on Marxist theory. There is an hour or so of discussion, in 
which youare intellectually browbeaten into accepting the correctness of the 
organisation’sposition. For those brave souls who challenge the official 
narrative, you willbe accused of formalism, subjectivism and not understanding 
dialectics. Youwill then be warned that if you continue down this path, you 
will abandonMarxism and socialism altogether and become a liberal. It is a form 
ofbullying. It is not altogether different from how a Christian would react if 
afellow church member questioned the teachings. ‘Walk by faith, not by sight. 
Ifyou continue down this path, you’ll become an atheist, and hellfire awaits 
you.’ In other words, 'education' is simply another terms for brainwashing.

Social: Underthe guise of a party, you find yourself surrounded by people who 
think the samethings. You are bombarded with endless talk about ‘dialectics’, 
‘contacts’, ‘papers’,‘subs’, and all the rest of it. These are your ‘friends’, 
and you are all partof the vanguard, the Elect that is going to save the 
working-class fromcapitalist hell. You consider these people to be the 
smartest, bravest and mostheroic people on the face of the planet. They seem so 
sure of themselves. Howcan you doubt what they are saying for even a minute? 
Also, almost everyonegets drunk, and drunkenness further inhibits your ability 
to think criticallyabout anything that is being said.

Comrade: Amember of the vanguard organisation. This label is reserved strictly 
for othertrue believers. No one within the broader left is considered one. They 
are alleither pseudo-Marxists, or left-reformists, or liberals. Therefore, it 
ispossible to have ‘ex-comrades’ who weren’t cut out to be part of the 
vanguardand have dropped out. These people are heretics, forever condemned, 
never to betalked of or heard from again.

Contact:Someone who is a potential recruit. Anyone who has come into the orbit 
of theorganisation – someone who has bought a paper, attended a meeting or had 
anextended chat with a comrade – is eligible. They are ‘followed up’ 
ruthlesslyand bombarded with requests for a meeting. At that meeting, politics 
will beraised and the discussion will he

[Marxism] Trotskyist Euphemisms

2020-03-04 Thread Aaron Kyereh-Mireku via Marxism
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So after reading George Orwell's 1946 essay 'Politics and the English Language' 
I was inspired to look at some of the euphemisms that I have encountered in my 
own time in the IMT:

Education:You meet up with a more senior ‘comrade’ or set of comrades as part 
of either aone-on-one or reading group. This comrade is very familiar with the 
“line” andwell-read on Marxist theory. There is an hour or so of discussion, in 
which youare intellectually browbeaten into accepting the correctness of the 
organisation’sposition. For those brave souls who challenge the official 
narrative, you willbe accused of formalism, subjectivism and not understanding 
dialectics. Youwill then be warned that if you continue down this path, you 
will abandonMarxism and socialism altogether and become a liberal. It is a form 
ofbullying. It is not altogether different from how a Christian would react if 
afellow church member questioned the teachings. ‘Walk by faith, not by sight. 
Ifyou continue down this path, you’ll become an atheist, and hellfire awaits 
you.’ In other words, 'education' is simply another terms for brainwashing.

Social: Underthe guise of a party, you find yourself surrounded by people who 
think the samethings. You are bombarded with endless talk about ‘dialectics’, 
‘contacts’, ‘papers’,‘subs’, and all the rest of it. These are your ‘friends’, 
and you are all partof the vanguard, the Elect that is going to save the 
working-class fromcapitalist hell. You consider these people to be the 
smartest, bravest and mostheroic people on the face of the planet. They seem so 
sure of themselves. Howcan you doubt what they are saying for even a minute? 
Also, almost everyonegets drunk, and drunkenness further inhibits your ability 
to think criticallyabout anything that is being said.

Comrade: Amember of the vanguard organisation. This label is reserved strictly 
for othertrue believers. No one within the broader left is considered one. They 
are alleither pseudo-Marxists, or left-reformists, or liberals. Therefore, it 
ispossible to have ‘ex-comrades’ who weren’t cut out to be part of the 
vanguardand have dropped out. These people are heretics, forever condemned, 
never to betalked of or heard from again.

Contact:Someone who is a potential recruit. Anyone who has come into the orbit 
of theorganisation – someone who has bought a paper, attended a meeting or had 
anextended chat with a comrade – is eligible. They are ‘followed up’ 
ruthlesslyand bombarded with requests for a meeting. At that meeting, politics 
will beraised and the discussion will help illuminate whether this person is a 
goodfit or not. If it goes well, more meetings will be arranged until that 
personagrees to join. Recruits usually have a rudimentary knowledge of 
politics. Assuch, they are insecure and will defer to the apparent omniscience 
of the othercomrades. I am an exception, as I joined with a high ‘political 
level’ alreadyand was used to thinking for myself. That is not to say I have 
entirely escapedthe groupthink mentality, but I have been able to detach myself 
from it attimes. The best way of recruiting them is to lie about what we are 
expecting interms of commitment. Once they are in, and have had their 
‘political level’ builtup (i.e. been brainwashed) more can be demanded.

Branch: Thebasic unit of organisation, based on geography. The branch meetings 
occur everyweek. At the start will be a ‘lead-off’ (akin to the preacher’s 
sermon inchurch), given by a comrade on a particular topic from a Marxist 
perspective.Comrades are expected to wholeheartedly and uncritically agree with 
everythingthat is said. Awkward questions or dissent are not welcome and are 
viewed as ‘disruptive’and likely to ‘miseducate the cadres’. Heresy should be 
kept to oneself, and onlycommunicated with a few ‘senior’ comrades or 
full-timers. The point of thelead-off is to explain the ‘line’, not to 
encourage debate and discussion. Asany comrade will tell you, the organisation 
is not a debating club, it is a cadreorganisation that will one day lead the 
working-class to the seizure of powerand the abolition of capitalism. What is 
needed is unthinking acceptance of the‘correct’ ideas and obedience. Once this 
is out of the way, more boring issuesof organisation are dealt with such as 
finance, upcoming events, etc. Thesemeetings last for two hours.

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