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BEIJING — For three decades, Jiang Lin kept quiet about the carnage she had
seen on the night when the Chinese Army rolled through Beijing to crush
student protests in Tiananmen Square
But the memories tormented her — of soldiers firing into crowds in the
dark, bodie30 years after Tiananmen, a Chinese military insider warns –
Never Forgets slumped in pools of blood and the thud of clubs when troops
bludgeoned her to the ground near the square.

Ms. Jiang was a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army back then, with
a firsthand view of both the massacre and a failed attempt by senior
commanders to dissuade China’s leaders from using military force to crush
the pro-democracy protests. Afterward, as the authorities sent protesters
to prison and wiped out memories of the killing, she said nothing, but her
conscience ate at her.

Now, in the run-up to the 30th anniversary of the June 4, 1989, crackdown,
Ms. Jiang, 66, has decided for the first time to tell her story. She said
she felt compelled to call for a public reckoning because generations of
Chinese Communist Party leaders, including President Xi Jinping
<http://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/xi-jinping?module=inline>, have
expressed no remorse for the violence. Ms. Jiang left China this week.

“The pain has eaten at me for 30 years,” she said in an interview in
Beijing. “Everyone who took part must speak up about what they know
happened. That’s our duty to the dead, the survivors and the children of
the future.”

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