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 on Samstag, 9. Januar 2016 at 04:08, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

>  workers' struggles, especially by Amazon workers, 

  Einde O'Callahan mentioned the ongoing struggles of the Amazon workers in 
Germany, led by he trade union "Verdi". Verdi stands for "VEReinigte 
DIenstleistungsgewerkschaft", or united service union. Sometimes written as 
"Gewerkschaft Ver.di", with a dot in it. 
  Verdi wants Amazon to pay their workers at the rates of retail commerces, but 
Amazon insists that they are a logistics company, and therefore are entitled to 
pay the lower wages of that branch. 

   Verdi  conducts the struggle in a self-defeating way. They organise strikes 
in only one or at most two of the at least four Amazon distributing centers in 
Germany, and only for one or at most two days, and only demanding that Amazon 
sits down to negotiate. But Amazon is only laughing at them. Their distribution 
logistic allows them to direct delivery commands to any other warehouse, and so 
the workers there have to to the picking in the long alleys of the warehouse. 

  By continuing this ineffective way, Verdi is destroying their own 

  The only way is to organize a strike in ALL distribution centers, and keep it 
going until Amazon signs the framework contract of the Retail industry. And 
coordinating this with the unions in neighbouring countries organizing Amazon 
workers there, in order  to boycott all deliveries to Germany from those 

  Coupled with a wide public campaign for solidarity, and linking this workers 
struggle with the campaign against TTIP, the secret "Transatlantic Trade and 
Investment Partnership". 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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