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There is more than one defect in the translation.
                ken h


Political time, accordingly, does not march in linear fashion towards progress, 
rather, it is broken time, marked by crisis and interruptions of normality, 
opening possibilities for those who are prepared and know how to approach it. 
French revolutionary socialist Daniel Bensaïd spoke of empty, homogenous time 
and dense time, which is to say that there are periods when nothing happens and 
periods when, all of a sudden, time accelerates and many things happen all at 
once. [2 <http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article6599#nb2>] 
Revolutionary politics implies the mastery of this kind of political time, of 
knowing how to react in the face of rapidly changing events. To prepare, as 
Trotsky put it, for the “forcible entrance of the masses into the realm of 
rulership over their own destiny.”

* * * * * * * *

A party committed to political action across the whole society. The party must 
not remain passive in the face of injustices, however small they may seem, it 
must participte in all local and sectoral battles, not merely shutting itself 
up on the margins of concrete conflicts. And this is true in all areas of work, 
be it the economic/union struggle or work in elected or other institutions.
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