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New from Linux Beach:

     Blue Monday: Will Russian bombs become Syria's new silent killers?

*BREAKING NOW!* *NBC News* is reported <http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/russians-moving-artillery-ground-forces-hama-syria-n438801> 1:38pm et *Russians Moving Artillery, Ground Forces to Hama, Syria* This is going far beyond air strikes!

Of course, Russian bombs are incredibility noisy when they explode in Syria. The question is: Will they be heard in the United States? I was surprised when *CBS This Morning* made no mention of Syria or new Russian actions there. I was hoping for reports of any new attacks overnight and I know there had been attacks over the weekend this weekday news show had never mentioned, so I expected at least a short report. *Democracy Now *this morning opened with <http://www.democracynow.org/2015/10/5/headlines#1052> the US strike against the Kunduz Hospital that killed 22 and followed it up with two stories about this and other US war crimes in Afghanistan, but it mentioned no new Russian air attacks in Syria. It did say an air strike killed a family of 5 and a rescue worker in /"northern Syria,"/ which ain't too specific, and it was even less specific about who was responsible for this war crime, saying only /"It is unclear who carried out the airstrike."/ Like the CBS show, Democracy Now had the weekend's news to summarize in its Monday brief.

So these early US reports left me hopeful that Syrians had been spared another day of playing Putin's new game of Russian roulette. But after I checked my twitter feeds and Syrian sources, I found that had not been the case and this raised fears that what is, more than ever, looking likely to become the first holocaust of the 21st century, will be carried out with the same media blackout as before even after Patrick Cockburn's /"heavy hitter"/ <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2015/10/patrick-cockburn-lets-welcome-russian.html> has joined the killing spree.

I find this very troubling and ominous. Generally, the US bourgeois media can be depended upon to give wide publicity to the bad acts of a major rival. Sometimes they will even make up false stories as part of their propaganda effort, but when there is real news to report that will put say, Russia, in a bad light, generally they will jump all over it. Generally. When they don't, it is usually because they have some other ulterior motive, and if they forgo the opportunity to report that Russia is slaughter civilians in Syria it may mean that they are giving silent consent to the Russian efforts. I find this a very ominous development, both for Syrians and the world.

So it would appear that once again, the task falls to bloggers like me to try and keep you inform about events the bourgeois and /"Left"/ media would rather keep hidden from you.This is what I've pulled together this morning:

*More...* <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2015/10/manic-monday-will-russian-bombs-become.html>

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