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> On Jul 21, 2017, at 1:05 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Odd to see this in Fortune.

Nothing odd about this at all; the purpose of this piece is to distance Sanders 
from the term socialism and malign the latter—currently at record popularity 
among younger people—as “inextricably intertwined with the history of 
totalitarianism.” The stuff on banks reinforces this: they believe (or they 
want everyone else to believe) that socialism is necessarily centralized, 
top-down, monolithic, bureaucratic. 

The editors of Fortune magazine probably genuinely believe that capitalism can 
accommodate a fairly generous social democratic deal, if not now then in the 
fairly near future when the robots "really come into their own” (and if they 
don’t genuinely believe it, they believe it’s better if they pretend they do). 
Fortune also published a sympathetic piece on “universal basic income” a few 
weeks ago, and it helps make sense of this current one on Sanders and Obamacare:

Why Free Money for Everyone Is Silicon Valley’s Next Big Idea

The editors of Fortune are happy to embrace welfare-stateism within the 
spectrum of possible capitalist dispensations. Of course, it's important to be 
“realistic” about what forms that can take—and they’re more than willing to be 
the judge of what’s “realistic," whenever that becomes necessary—but whatever 
you do, for heaven’s sake, don’t think sympathetically about “socialism.” All 
hell could break loose.
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