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On June 24, some 250 socialists, overwhelmingly young, gathered in the
offices of the nurses’ union in Oakland CA. They gathered to elect new
officers and delegates from the East Bay chapter of Democratic Socialists
of America (DSA). From a group that claimed about 6,000 members just one
year ago, and from meetings of about 30 in this area, DSA has mushroomed to
over 20,000 members nationally, and a turnout of over 100 at meetings in
the East Bay is routine.

Clearly, something is happening, DSA is being transformed as thousands of
mainly young former Sanders supporters, turned on to struggle and to
socialism, are swelling the ranks of DSA.

This transformation of DSA mirrors the transformation that has been wrought
in the lives of millions across the United States – from the unemployed
coal miners in

*One of Oakland’s many, many tent cities.*
*Working class people are being driven out of Oakland. If this continues,
Oakland will lose its working class base.*

Appalachia to the college graduates working low wage wait-person’s and
barista jobs in Oakland (where average rent for a one bedroom apartment is
$2,424/month while median income is $4,413/month, making rent unaffordable
for over half the population). This transformation, however, also means
that the program and policies of DSA should be reevaluated.

*Socialist Planning or “Market Mechanisms”?*Presently, DSA calls for
<http://www.dsausa.org/about_dsa> a brand of socialism based on “democratic
planning and market mechanisms.” What, though, does this mean? Does it mean
something like what they have in Sweden and other Western European
countries? If so, people should be aware that in every single one of these
countries the social benefits are being reduced. In Britain, for example,
one publicly owned industry after another has been privatized and even the
National Health Service (socialized medicine) is under attack. The fact is
that we can no more mix a planned economy with “market mechanisms” than we
can mix two different and competing lion prides. Something has to give, and
surely the last ten years have proven the disaster of these “market

It is understandable how somebody might have had illusions in these “market
mechanisms” 25 years ago, but today they have been exposed for what they
are: A disaster for the human species and, in fact, for all life on this

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"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
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