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(Chapel is a British Mandelista.)

Facebook Status Update
By Duncan Chapel

Four points on Ukraine, flowing from one key point: What's happening is that the dominant ideas in Ukraine are those of nationalism, and that the struggle there is channeled and transformed by it.

First, the description of Maidan and the governing as pro-EU, and pro-EU as bring pro-NATO, is simplistic. The main parties, the Ukrainian oligarchs and also the new president, are trying to struggle the divide between the EU and Russia: they want access to _both_ markets. They are not simply EU (and, of course, Right Sector is anti-EU) It's because of Putin that the comparador strategy isn't tenable. Putin wants the other CIS countries to be semi-colonies. The masses support the accession agreement for different reasons: they have experienced, in the 19th and 20th centuries, that Russian underdeveloped Ukraine. They see that they are already most of the way along the painful route to entry into a free trade zone with Europe which could be powerfully progressive, not only economically but in enforcing civil liberties. The idea of "Europe" is a glimpse over the borders to their West, and it looks good. So, the masses and the ruling elites are in the same movement for different reasons, which is why the strategy of permanent revolution is so powerful in Ukraine.

Fascists are not the battering ram that is introducing neo-liberalism into Ukraine. The nationalist movements east and west are under the leadership of bourgeois oligarchs. Putin and the Russian oligarchs implemented IMF shock therapy, and separation from Ukraine will not protect them from neo-liberalism. The leadership, as we can see in Donestk, is eclectic but procapitalist.

The description of what has happened as a coup by a rump is problematic. We have an elected president; an elected parliament, and a cabinet elected by parliament. If this was a coup d'etat, how is it that the political parties and parliament not only remain in place, but also retain power through the state? A coup d'etat involves a _minority_ action, while this was a majority action by the Ukrainian parliament which, of course, has the right to impeach the president. A majority is not a rump. Of course the impeachment procedure in Ukrainian law requires, after the removal of the president, a trial. He is not submitting himself to a trial, but that in itself does not make a coup.

The movement in the East is disoriented. The Kharkov rally leaflet, with its swastika Star of David symbol (the new president is of Jewish decent), shows the wide range of motivations. There are Russian fascist groups in that movement, and the fear of fascism is clearly fictitious, as is the fear of the suppression of language rights. What is real is the fear of neo-liberalism. Sadly Borot'ba, and even more so their tailists like Workers' Power, struggle to admit that the danger of neoliberalism comes from the class that leads both movements, and that there are organised fascists inside both movements. Nationalism is channelling the real fear of neoliberalism into a movement which, by dividing the working class along linguistic rather than national lines, is turning the masses into tools of the oligarchs.
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